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so feel free to leave them in the comments.

已有 1074 次阅读2012-3-29 04:04 |个人分类:体育|系统分类:时尚天地| gloves, following, protect, totally 分享到微信

She was totally in the right throwing that punch. The referee says 2 things at the start of the fight "obey my commands at all times" and "protect yourselves at all times". Touching gloves should be outlawed once the fight begins, it causes too many of these issues (Wes Sims v Frank Mir 1). It also puts the fighters at a disadvantage. If they touch gloves they give up their range, if they don't it's perceived as poor sportsmanship when all they're doing is following referee instructions. -- Ellis Lett Garnette
Rutgers was originally supposed to host TCU, but after the Horned Frogs backed out of the Big East for the Big 12, the Scarlet Knights were left a home game short. The easy solution would have been to add another FCS team to their schedule, but that also would have meant that the Scarlet Knights would have had to win seven games for bowl eligibility and there was no guarantee that an FCS game would draw enough to make up for the money lost from the TCU cancellation. Rutgers eventually filled the scheduling void with a home-and-home against Arkansas, the Scarlet Knights play at Arkansas this year.
I'm thinking Diaw would make an excellent spy (or villain) in a Bond-esque piece, and it'd be very interesting to see Turiaf reinterpret Mickey Rourke's work in "The Wrestler." Those are just ideas, though; I'm only spitballing. I'm very open to your suggestions for French NBA comedy video premises, so feel free to leave them in the comments.







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