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Deliver Flowers to a Foreign Country

已有 2022 次阅读2008-11-14 04:58 |个人分类:sth about working分享到微信

     Half a month ago, I never heard that flower delivery, let alone do the business by myself. Now I am a team member of China San Yue Flower and gift network, enjoying the working experience for the following reasons:

     Firstly, the work condition is good---at home. Working while listing music.

     Second the relationship between colleagues is quite harmonious; I like the feeling of working with them, especially with the boss. We do not call him boss but the Lao Da! (in Chinese called 老大), other florists do as well because his high reputation among them.

     Thirdly, I think the job is very meaningful, by helping clients, by giving others surprise and happiness. This job also need English ability, so it is a good way to practice my English, and prepare for my next TEM8 test.

Everyday each of us is busy, with answering client’s inquiry, with dealing the orders, with sending email, with calling someone. However, we do think life should be like this, busy, meaningful, happy!

    Last not but least, the flowers and gifts on our website are so pretty that I collect most of them. Beauty always makes one feel happy.

    Whether you are looking for a personal way to express your affection for loved ones away from you, or make that first impression which will make that special someone smile in years to come, China San Yue Flowers can provide just the right bouquet to get your message across.

     I believe that with our help, there are more and more people get their happiness.

     I am joyful when I imagine the beautiful smile of the recipient, aren’t you?



上一篇: 特别的11月21号
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