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Cultural difference

已有 4606 次阅读2011-11-30 12:08 分享到微信

Today we moved to a new campus. The new campus was a Training Building before. As the walls were covered with Chinese sayings, I asked my supervisor if we need to take them down. I just thought that we don't need any Chinese in our classroom. And I told her that these sayings are from a famous educator Confucius. I was wondering maybe she would like to know something about it. She is fond in learning Mandarin. However, as soon as she heard the name of Confucious, she said "Yes, we must take them down. Everything about Confucius is bad." How come? The answer was that everything does not comply with the Bible is not good. Not longer after, our director teared out them all.

One the way back, we talked about our new campus. It's much biger but the location is terrible. There is a cemetery near by and it's on the back of a barren mountain. Another foreign teacher mentioned that one of the students said she don't want to move here as she is scaried of the ghost. I knew she talk about ghost because it is related with the Bible.

Most of the staff here are Christians. Even our principal is a pastor. Almost every evening we have different bible classes provided by them. I was one of them and even got baptized. However, the more I learned, the harder for me to persuade myself to believe there is an all-powerful God. It doesn't mean I have no faith. One of my Chinese colleagues keep saying that I would go to hell if I do not accept Jesus to be my savior. I really hate this man but I do not care about that.

I admire people who has real faith. They are glorious. And I respect different kinds of riligions. But I don't know why Christian is so antiforeign and narrow at this point.








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