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lovebirds: Quote from Solzhenitsyn:“We know they’re lying, they know they’re lying, they know that we know they’re lying, we also know that they know that we know they’re lying, but they still lie.”
2020-7-27 06:57 回复|
lovebirds: Today, Secretary of State Michael R Pompeo on his twitter says:"America draws strength and goodness from her founding ideas, and our foreign policy must be informed by those ideas, too."    ...
2020-7-26 06:17 回复|
lovebirds: I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free........
2020-7-25 10:23 回复|
lovebirds: 韩战纪念碑上雕刻着:“Freedom Is Not Free”。
2020-7-24 12:35 回复|
lovebirds: 美国关闭中国驻休斯顿总领馆
2020-7-23 15:32 回复|
追根溯源: 休斯顿领馆被强关:说明美国已被中国逼疯!
2020-7-23 00:14 回复|
lovebirds: Elon Musk writes on his Twitter today:"You don't have a soul, you are a soul".  
2020-7-22 18:56 回复|
lovebirds: Stand with President Trump!
2020-7-21 11:40 回复|
追根溯源: 余茂春,将永留骂名!秦桧、汪精卫相形见拙。
2020-7-21 11:16 回复|
lovebirds: 历史上的今天:1969年7月20日,美国宇航员Neil Armstrong 和  Buzz Aldrin在月球着陆,人类由此第一次踏上月球。  
2020-7-20 12:27 回复|
utihakou: 花果山十三太保知道吧?我就是老大。想当年,我手拿着两把西瓜刀,从南天门一直砍到蓬莱东路,来回砍了三天三夜,可我就是手起刀落手起刀落.....   ...
2020-7-19 23:08 回复|
lovebirds: Make America Great Again!
2020-7-19 14:48 回复|
lovebirds: "是移民,而不是美国人,必须适应。。。。。。你可以接受或是离开美国!。。。。。。如果你在这里不开心,那就离开。“
2020-7-18 15:10 回复|
lovebirds: Law and Order!
2020-7-17 18:33 回复|
lovebirds: 有报道:今年是美国人二战结束以来,最最不开心快乐的一年!
2020-7-16 15:31 回复|
asdrtv: 文明基础结构...
2020-7-16 06:24 回复|
管窃世界: 南海不是中国的?实在卑鄙无耻无赖无理无趣之无法比喻,米国政府这样说法等同放空屁,看看地理位置,难道是你米国的吗?
2020-7-15 21:50 回复|
lovebirds: God Bless USA!
2020-7-15 11:57 回复|
asdrtv: 世界在依然...
2020-7-14 20:44 回复|
lovebirds: 一月至今,全球感染新冠状病毒肺炎已确诊的病例超过1,300万,死亡人数已超过57万。在美国,已确诊的病例超过300万,已有13万人以上死亡   
2020-7-14 06:46 回复|

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