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lovebirds: 阿尔弗蕾德• 阿德勒说过:“幸运的人一生都被童年治愈,不幸的人一生都在治愈童年。”
2020-8-10 18:32 回复|
lovebirds: “I didn't back down from my promises, and I've kept every single one". the President  Trump wrote on his Twitter.
2020-8-9 15:42 回复|
lovebirds: 人生没有彩排,每天都是现场直播
2020-8-8 18:32 回复|
巴山蜀水: 文种“灭吴九术”——“尊天地、事鬼神”谈民族文化信仰的重要性 https://www.sinovision.net/home/space/do/blog/uid/316418/id/298002.html
2020-8-8 11:10 回复|
巴山蜀水: 文种“灭吴九术”——“尊天地、事鬼神”谈民族文化信仰的重要性 https://www.sinovision.net/home/space/do/blog/uid/316418/id/298002.html
2020-8-8 11:10 回复|
lovebirds: 美国使用《国际紧急权利法案(IEEPA)》正式封杀来自中国的五个网络领域,其中包括微信和TikTok。。。。。。 45天以后生效!  
2020-8-7 13:27 回复|
lovebirds: 历史上的今天:1945年8月6日,美国为了尽快迫使日本投降,在广岛和长崎上空分别投下两颗原子弹,一颗叫“小男孩”,另一颗叫“胖子”。
2020-8-6 11:26 回复|
lovebirds: Starship takes flight @SpaceX!
2020-8-5 11:37 回复|
lovebirds: 飓风“伊萨亚斯”登陆纽约。狂风骤雨。。。。。。
2020-8-4 17:36 回复|
lovebirds: "Fake news is the enemy of the people!" the President Trump writes on his twitter today.
2020-8-3 12:45 回复|
lovebirds: "Astronauts Complete first splashdown in 45 years. Very exciting!" President Trump says on his Twitter today. Welcome back to earth! Congratulation SpaceX and NASA!   
2020-8-2 18:15 回复|
lovebirds: Falcon 9 launched Crew Dragon with 2 NASA astronauts on board the spacecraft to the Space Station two months ago and returned human spaceflight to the United States today. waiting for ,,,,,,,
2020-8-1 18:54 回复|
utihakou: 我们没胆子剿匪,但是借剿匪敛财的胆子还是有的,而且很大 ...
2020-7-30 21:57 回复|
lovebirds: NASA ”毅力号“火星探测器7:50分发射成功!
2020-7-30 12:32 回复|
lovebirds: I love USA!
2020-7-29 15:44 回复|
utihakou: 佛心四大皆空,无缘消受人间富贵,阿弥陀佛....你说四大皆空,却紧闭双眼,你要是睁开眼睛看看我,我不相信你两眼空空...
2020-7-28 21:42 回复|
lovebirds: 历史上的今天:1976年7月28日3时42分53.8秒,中国唐山发生7.8级地震,造成24.2万人遇难,16万人受伤。强震相当于400颗广岛原子弹,唐山顷刻夷为平地...
2020-7-28 15:22 回复|
追根溯源: 白宫惨败:反华同盟没成 反美同盟却来了
2020-7-28 07:15 回复|
lovebirds: Quote from Solzhenitsyn:“We know they’re lying, they know they’re lying, they know that we know they’re lying, we also know that they know that we know they’re lying, but they still lie.”
2020-7-27 06:57 回复|
lovebirds: Today, Secretary of State Michael R Pompeo on his twitter says:"America draws strength and goodness from her founding ideas, and our foreign policy must be informed by those ideas, too."    ...
2020-7-26 06:17 回复|

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