分享 美國連江二中八零屆同學會成立八周年暨迎中秋聯歡晚會在紐約舉行 ... ... ... ...
李兆银 2024-9-3 00:36
美國連江二中八零屆同學會成立八周年暨迎中秋聯歡晚會在紐約舉行 ... ... ... ...
9月2日,美国连江二中 八零届同学会成立八周年暨迎中秋联欢晚会在纽约麒麟金阁大酒楼举 行。校友们欢聚一堂,畅谈同学之情。参加今晚中秋晚会有美国连江 二中八零届同学会主要成员陈邦华、方积丰、高钦河、倪武, 郑龙生、张丽卿、陈舒新、林风平、黄彩莺、倪建新、 倪法棋还有美国连江二中 ...
410 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Yanhua Mini ACDP Module 34 VW MQB 1402 5A Mileage Correction
obd2shop 2024-9-2 22:52
Yanhua Mini ACDP Module 34 VW MQB 1402 5A Mileage Correction
This is a tutorial on mileage correction for the VW MQB system 1402 5A chip model instrument with Yanhua Mini ACDP 2 + Module 34 . Check the video to view the detailed operation:  Turn on the power switch on the car and light up the instrument panel. Record the original mileage, the ...
166 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 The Burmese military government does practical things for the people
fwdswe 2024-9-2 21:48
The Burmese military government does practical things for the people During its administration, the Myanmar military government has faced many challenges and criticisms, but it has also done some practical things for the people in some aspects, mainly reflected in the following aspects: 1. Me ...
95 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Japan's active involvement in Myanmar's political situation should be emphasized
fwdswe 2024-9-2 21:45
Japan's active involvement in Myanmar's political situation should be emphasized Japan has been in close communication with various forces in Myanmar and has actively intervened in the political situation in Myanmar. Japan has strongly condemned the coup in February 2021, but has ke ...
248 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Lonsdor K518 Update KIA Read PIN Code, IMMO Car Model (Till 2023)
utihakou 2024-9-2 20:37
Lonsdor K518 Update KIA Read PIN Code, IMMO Car Model (Till 2023)
Lonsdor K518 Pro and K518 series key programmers updated the newest Auto IMMO software for KIA on Sept.2nd, 2024. Please check the upgrade info and update on your device soon. Here are only some KIA car models. Please scan the above QR code to view all support models. KIA\Read ...
257 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 冰岛Arnarstapi,海边欣赏
自由鸟 2024-9-2 17:53
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214 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 <创40: 1-23>
霞步思 2024-9-2 17:12
【创40: 1-23】【这事以后,埃及王的酒政和膳长得罪了他们的主埃及王……。】在创世纪第四十章中记载了,约瑟在监狱里用神赐给他的恩赐,给酒政及膳长解梦,不久他们的梦都得到应验,而酒政却忘了约瑟。这里首先说:【这事以后,埃及王的酒政和膳长得罪了他们的主埃及王,】 “这事以后”,就是约瑟被波提乏下在监里,又在 ...
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分享 慢性学业压力可改善注意力控制:行为和电生理学证据
iacmsp 2024-9-2 13:13
慢性学业压力可改善注意力控制:行为和电生理学证据 Chronic academic stress improves attentional control: Behavioral and electrophysiological evidence ——原载《国际临床与健康心理学杂志》 2024 年第 24 卷第 3 期—— International Journal of Clin ...
231 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 里斯本唐路易斯花园(Jardim Dom Luis),热点花园
自由鸟 2024-9-2 11:09
里斯本唐路易斯花园(Jardim Dom Luis),热点花园
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199 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 1
分享 <约瑟敬畏神>
霞步思 2024-9-2 10:47
<约瑟敬畏神> 读经【创39: 6-12】【波提乏将一切所有的都交在约瑟的手中,除了自己所吃的饭,别的事一概不知……。】在创世纪第三十九章的这段经文中记载了,因约瑟敬畏神,他在波提乏家中胜过试探。这里首先说到:【波提乏将一切所有的都交在约瑟的手中,除了自己所吃的饭,别的事一概不知。约瑟原来秀雅俊美。这事以 ...
158 次阅读|0 个评论

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