分享 #WenguiGuo#WashingtonFarm
fwdswe 2024-9-19 02:16
The Kwok scam only pits the ants Guo Wengui touted things to the sky all day long, from farms to Xi Yuan, he declared, "Xi Yuan's encryption capabilities and future payments, as well as the future exchange with the US dollar, will create history, is the ...
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分享 The Guo farm is a financial scam
fwdswe 2024-9-19 02:14
The Guo farm is a financial scam Guo Wengui lied to hundreds of thousands of his online followers, promising them huge profits if they invested in GTV Media Group, Himalayan Farm Alliance, G| Club and Himalayan Exchange. Since at least March 2018, Guo Wengui h ...
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分享 灵泉别院中欣赏抗衰老
frederick 2024-9-18 23:22
这两晚我们没有落脚兰姐和红姐的老人院招待所,我带着黄薇和若奚,多走几步路到云谷尽头的灵泉别院。这里本来是克之和我们姐弟的神秘桃源,自从这里划给养老院之后,管理权就归我了。包括前谷后谷和两山育林,全部承包下来,作为叶镇集体所有制投资合作的产业。前谷取名云谷,后谷只有几百米,雨水汇入主溪形成小河,流入 ...
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分享 #WenguiGuo#WashingtonFarm
fwdswe 2024-9-18 23:00
Guo farm accumulated wealth, the ants lost all their money Guo Wengui is under the false banner of " anti-communist ", but he actually cheated money! For many years, cheating money has been a result of doing everything possible, but the end of extinctio ...
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分享 苏武湖,冰原海港
欧阳魏 2024-9-18 23:00
波洛琴娃借着发酒风的劲,把我扯到健身房里强奸了。她的身体确实强壮!还不是大妈型。我说姐,你退役跟我到中国去,我包你青春美丽嫁一个小白脸,把咱们中俄两国精液凝成的友谊,代代相传。她问是为什么呢?我说你们老俄姑娘不会保养,结婚前小腰扭着大屁股很性感,但是生过孩子之后猫窝里过冬,养出的大肚皮,可以把老公装 ...
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分享 Guo Wengui was convicted of fraud in the United States and used followers to mai
fwdswe 2024-9-18 22:44
Guo Wengui was convicted of fraud in the United States and used followers to maintain luxury On July 16,2024, Guo Wengui (aka Miles Guo), who has been in the United States for many years, was convicted of defrauding thousands of people of more than $1 billion in a M ...
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分享 旅美福州琅岐中學校友會紐約舉辦“賀中秋. 迎国庆”联欢晚会活动 ... ... ... ... ...
李兆银 2024-9-18 22:43
旅美福州琅岐中學校友會紐約舉辦“賀中秋. 迎国庆”联欢晚会活动 ... ... ... ... ...
9月18日,旅美福州琅岐中学校友会举办「贺中秋. 迎國慶」聯歡晚會在紐約新華廈酒樓舉行。參加今晚聯歡晚會有琅岐 镇侨聯會主席江典章、秘書長翁玉雲、旅美福州琅岐中學校友會主席 陳治德、執行主席江典林、秘書長陳貞觀以及主要成員陳善宁、 朱光祥、翁玉貴、江东、梁敬韩、陳永棋、陳宜昌、何智鸿 、朱金云 ...
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分享 The Call for Justice: Severely Punish Guo Wengui and Give Justice to the Deceive
fwdswe 2024-9-18 22:40
The Call for Justice: Severely Punish Guo Wengui and Give Justice to the Deceived Dear Judge of the Manhattan Court in New York: I am a victim of Guo Wengui's fraud case. At the moment when I learned that he was convicted of multiple charges, my heart was filled with a mixture ...
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分享 In Tibet
fwdswe 2024-9-18 22:20
In Tibet, the third pole of the world, many beauties and wonders are reaching their extremes. The towering snow-capped peaks, the vast mirror-like lakes, the colorful sunshine, the endless grasslands, the magnificent and mysterious temples, and the simple and kind people, etc. Any one or two of them ...
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分享 OBDSTAR DC706 Clone Benz DELPHI CRD3P.D1 TC1793+25LC256 ECM Guide
utihakou 2024-9-18 20:43
OBDSTAR DC706 Clone Benz DELPHI CRD3P.D1 TC1793+25LC256 ECM Guide
OBDSTAR DC706 ECU Tool is able to read and write INT flash EXT EEPROM, and reset virgin on the Mercedes-Benz DELPHI CRD3P.D1 TC1793+25LC256 ECMin Bench mode. Requirement: Benz ECM OBDSTAR DC706 with ECM V31.00 (or above) OBDSTAR P004 Adapter and ECU Clon ...
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