Focaccia is related to pizza, but not considered to be the same. Focaccia is quite popular in Italy and is usually seasoned with olive oil and sometimes herbs, and may be topped with onion, cheese and meat, or flavored with a number of vegetables. However, by far the most typical focacci ...
玛格丽特饼干的全称为“住在意大利史特蕾莎的玛格丽特小姐”,英文名为 Italian Hard-boiled Egg Yolk Cookies 。很久以前,有一个糕点师在做饼干时,心中默默的念着他心中情人的名字,并将自己的手印按在饼干上。这就是“住在意大利史特雷莎的玛格丽特小姐”小饼的由来。和中国的老婆饼一样,背后隐藏着一个美丽的 ...