分享 How to Installation the Injection Pump of The New Holland Engine
lucas88 2023-3-11 09:31
Installation of Injection Pump of New Holland_b115 Engine STEP 1 2023 CASE New Holland Electronic Service Tools (CNH EST v9.7Up3) Engineering Diagnostic Software Replace gasket on pump mounting flange. STEP 2 Install pump and tigh ...
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分享 女性对不同类型性高潮的体验——对快感素养的呼唤?
iacmsp 2023-3-8 16:32
女性对不同类型性高潮的体验——对快感素养的呼唤? Women’s Experiences of Different Types of Orgasms—A Call for Pleasure Literacy? ——原载《国际性健康杂志》 2023 年 3 月 1 日在线发布—— International Journal of Sexual Health Published o ...
1033 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Xhorse VVDI Key Tool Plus or VVDI2?
obd2gate 2023-3-7 04:54
Xhorse VVDI Key Tool Plus or VVDI2?
Xhorse VVDI Key Tool Plus or Xhorse VVDI2 which do you prefer? VVDI2 works better on a PC because it’s easier to save and transfer files, but it’s limited to working in the same place and doesn’t offer many. conveniences.Key tool plus supported more brands as WDI2. VVDI2 can onl ...
509 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Solution: Autel KM100 DS808K Network Busy(#1)
obd2gate 2023-3-7 04:50
Solution: Autel KM100 DS808K Network Busy(#1)
Solution: Autel KM100 DS808K Network Busy Problem1: This is with the Autel MaxiIM KM100 already connected to my WiFi hot spot. The problem is that when it’s connected, the DNS value of the WiFi hot spot needs to be changed, so that the KM100 can communicate with ...
583 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 What's the difference between Autel MK908P VS Autel MS908S Pro?
obd2gate 2023-3-6 06:13
What's the difference between Autel MK908P VS Autel MS908S Pro?
MK908P andMS908SParetwodifferentdiagnostictoolsofferedbyAutel,aleadingbrandintheautomotiveindustry. Themaindifferencesbetweenthesetwotoolsare&n ...
398 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 How to Use Launch Thinkdiag ?
obd2gate 2023-3-6 06:11
How to Use Launch Thinkdiag ?
LaunchThinkdiag isanOBD2diagnostictoolthatallowsyoutodiagnoseandtroubleshootyourvehicle’sengineandothersystems. Herearethestepstousethe&nbs ...
549 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 科技新见解(2)
简浩看世界 2023-3-6 01:53
科技新见解( 2 ) (原创 / 简浩) ( 1 ) 宇宙中的一切是一个设计预置好的巨大物理系统。宇宙的一切不是不确定、随机、混乱、概率的随意运转,宇宙的一切是一个有秩序、有规则、有组织、有条理、有意识、有规则、可预判的巨大物理运转系统。其中包括:人、动物、植物等生物圈的思想、行 ...
488 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 你的大脑可以控制你生病的程度——以及你如何康复
iacmsp 2023-3-5 17:05
你的大脑可以控制你生病的程度——以及你如何康复 Your brain could be controlling how sick you get — and how you recover 原载《自然》杂志第 614 期( 2023 年 2 月 22 日) Nature Issue 614 (February 22, 2023) 【 ...
569 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 How to Check/Adjust Caterpillar TH360B Telehandler Boom Chain Tension
lucas88 2023-3-4 09:42
How to Check/Adjust Caterpillar TH360B Telehandler Boom Chain Tension caterpillarTH360B Telehandler Boom Chain Tension -Check/Adjust SLE1-Up You must read the warnings and instructions which are contained in the safety section of this manual. Before ...
677 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 【内幕】GPA不到3.0,为什么别人入读藤校,你却只能读野鸡大学
快路留学 2023-3-3 08:21
“80%学生的申请材料没被看完就给扔了”,快路留学资深留学顾问Stephen博士讲, “美国名校留学申请不是拼分数,更多的是拼有没有独到之处, GPA低的软肋完全可以克服,只要找到让你闪光的那条路, 打造你的独特经历,最好找到名校老师来为你分析指导。” “美国新东方”快路留学:19年老品牌,独家名校保录名额 ...
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