分享 Simple And straightforward Cybersecurity Ways
leavethe 2020-3-2 04:19
Simple And straightforward Cybersecurity Ways
A person with the first measures corporations might take toward a successful cybersecurity tactic and system system should be to understand its threats, prioritize them, document them and talk them. Understanding these challenges contains deciding the company’s danger appetite (i.e., simply h ...
2130 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 VIDENT iAuto700 Scan tool Language, Vehicle Coverage, Software Update, FAQs
utihakou 2020-3-2 01:58
VIDENT iAuto700 is a comprehensive system scan tool for cars , featured with all system diagnosis including engine, transmission, ABS, Airbag, instrument, steering wheel, etc., and the most commonly required service features oil light se rvice reset, EPB and Battery conf ...
664 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 VIDENT iAuto700 Scan tool Language, Vehicle Coverage, Software Update, FAQs
utihakou 2020-3-2 01:58
VIDENT iAuto700 is a comprehensive system scan tool for cars , featured with all system diagnosis including engine, transmission, ABS, Airbag, instrument, steering wheel, etc., and the most commonly required service features oil light se rvice reset, EPB and Battery conf ...
827 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 德语词汇学 第一讲 词汇概述
tkx618 2020-3-1 23:00
德语词汇学 第一讲 词汇概述 英国语言学家威尔金斯( D.Wilkins )说过: “ 没有语法,人们可以表达的事物寥寥无几;而没有词汇,人们则无法表达任何事物。 ” 由此可见词汇学的重要性。 教学内容 学时 重点 ...
1998 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 What on earth is The primary difference In between A Shared And Devoted IP Deal
leavethe 2020-2-29 14:00
What on earth is The primary difference In between A Shared And Devoted IP Deal
All equipment linked to a community, these kinds of as smartphones, cameras, laptops, and tablets, are assigned a unique numerical label identified as a web protocol (IP) handle. This not simply enables them to get determined online - and within just your community - but also helps make intera ...
2287 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 意识 结构 能量
ivysunday 2020-2-28 08:32
意识 结构 能量--《智慧篇》七十九 雪峰      意识、结构、能量是宇宙三要素   放眼大千世界,首先引入眼帘的是物质的结构,没有结构,就没有物质。千姿万态的生命奇观,其差异主要在于结构的差异,有什么样的结构,就有什么样的生命形态。在茫茫人海中,我们能一眼看出我们要 ...
299 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 VVDI MB BGA tool program MB keys with W204 W207 W212 ELV Simulator
utihakou 2020-2-28 01:59
Xhorse VVDI MB tool is a powerful Mercedes Benz key programmer, it can calculate Benz BGA key password and add new BGA keys, supports all Benz keys after year 2011. With W204/W207/W212 ELV simulator , can program MB key OBD2. What’s W204/W207/W212 ELV simulator? ...
1598 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 CG Pro 9S12 Test Report: Adjust Mileage for 2016 BMW G Series Successfully
utihakou 2020-2-27 02:46
Confirmed! CG Pro 9S12 programmer tested 100% on 2016 BMW 740 Li G12. Good news: CG-PRO 9S12 best price: 280 euro with free shipping http://www.eobdtool.co.uk/wholesale/cg-pro-9s12-programmer-full-version.html Test report: Preparation: Car: BM ...
1662 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 坐而论道宅家里,驰骋天下看世界(2)
包海山 2020-2-26 22:32
坐而论道宅家里,驰骋天下看世界(2) 包海山 二、道学的作用 自然界和人类世界是由物质、信息、能量 等基本要素相互联系和作用而 构成的一个有机 ...
959 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 万物命运共同体论
高懿德 2020-2-25 23:22
万物命运共同体论 高懿德 (注:本人 2012 年初次提出“万物共同体”理论,后来在本人的哲学著作《物道主义形而上下学》 中有所阐释,然后又在该著作的简编版《物道主义哲学要旨》( 2018-2019 )中得到系统论述,具体内容划为“万物命运共同体”理论。本文即根据作者本人的哲学著作《物道 ...
3963 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 1

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