分享 Which one is better? GODIAG GD801 or GODIAG GD801 ODOMASTER Change Audi A6 2012
utihakou 2021-6-23 22:05
Some people have never understood whether GODIAG GD801 adjust 2012 Audi A6 mileage is better or GODIAG GD801 ODOMASTER in the Godiag series of mileage modification products. This article will answer this doubt for you Godiagshop.com engineer replied: Both G ...
515 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 真善美——人性的核心价值(三)
ivysunday 2021-6-22 06:17
——《生命禅院》的人性观 雪峰   三、艺术形态的和谐比例搭配和对称就是美   大自然(包括人)的艺术形态是上帝按照美的法则设计的,美的法则就是和谐的比例搭配和对称,从天体的配置到植物的外表,从晶体的结构到动物的形态,从色彩的浓淡到光线的明暗,无不体现着和谐的比例和对称,给人以 ...
1563 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 1
分享 Which one is more worth buying: Thinkcar Thinkdiag Autel AP200
utihakou 2021-6-21 22:09
This time I did some research on the differences between the two light diagnostic tools, launch thinkdiag and autel ap200, and found out what are the differences between them, what are the problems with the kit, and any suggestions. This is a recommendation based on customer needs ...
644 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Problem & Solution: Foxwell NT530 Calibrate SAS 2013 Dodge Grand Caravan
utihakou 2021-6-21 02:52
Customer question: I have a 2013 Dodge Grand Caravan and I want to calibrate my SAS (steering wheel sensor) with Foxwell NT530 and Chrysler software. I can read these values, but nowhere can I find out how to repair (calibrate) them. How to deal with it? Eobdtool.co.uk en ...
566 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 “募捐翻车”的舆论热议再度发酵
李树身狼头长啸 2021-6-20 00:06
仅从署名“蝴蝶花雨话教育”于昨(19日)晚22时11分发表的《复旦发布学者被害情况说明,让人越看越不明》一文来看,复旦大学因“募捐翻车”发酵而发表的《说明》,反而再次引发舆论热议。 “10多天前,复旦大学遭遇了有史以来的至暗时刻——数学科学院的书记惨遭该学院青年学者姜文华的刺杀身亡。此案件一出,舆论一片哗 ...
579 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 私有制——郑义先生的盲区
ivysunday 2021-6-19 07:28
雪峰   郑义先生的《中国生态崩溃紧急报告》拉响了中国生态即将崩溃,中国人面临生死存亡边缘的警报,生命禅院将此文收录在人类智慧经典栏目中,目的就是要使这个警钟常鸣,以警醒每一个思维还有活动能力的人的警觉,并能在力所能及的范围内来挽救中国生态,从而挽救中国、挽救人类、也挽救自己。    ...
1463 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 寻找新思想
ivysunday 2021-6-18 06:01
雪峰   我将阿富汗乌尔法特的《新思想》略加改装,供君思想。   我走遍东西南北、大街小巷,访遍中外网站、电台报刊,都找不到它的住址和踪迹。   现代化的摩天大楼拔地而起,人类制造的电讯波在天空中如网交织,论坛的数量日新月异,人类创造的新产品不断地改变着固有的传统生活方式,但新思 ...
1708 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 OBDSTAR X300 DP Plus Program TOYOTA 8A H Blade Key AKL without Disassembling
utihakou 2021-6-17 22:55
This article explains one of the latest features of OBDSTAR X300 DP Plus : Do 8A H non-intelligent transponder. All keys are lost and programmed on TOYOTA RAV4, HILUX, CROWN, KLUGER, COROLLA, CAMRY, LEVIN, PRADO, and REIZ without disassembly or replacement of anti-theft box. (Some U.S. 8A ...
1043 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 雪峰与上帝的对话
ivysunday 2021-6-16 06:13
雪峰   离开了无上正觉洲,虽然获得了释迦牟尼万乘大佛的指点,我依然心事重重,情不自禁游荡到了清凉界“门”外,不敢惊动上帝,只想在“门”外坐坐,清清思绪,未坐片刻,就听到声音从空中传来。   上帝:“门”外是浑沌元初吗?   雪峰:(我匍匐在地,答:)宇宙至尊,是我。   上帝 ...
1814 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Lonsdor K518 the newest update for TOYOTA/LEXUS/NISSAN/JLR
utihakou 2021-6-16 02:09
Lonsdor K518S / Lonsdor K518ise adds new functions for TOYOTA/LEXUS/NISSAN/JLR. It not only can add/generate 8A smart key on TOYOTA/ LEXUS but also support Nissan Kicks 2018- 2021 with chassis number P15 Pin Code calculation online. Moreover, it also can do AKL programming under alar ...
1320 次阅读|0 个评论

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