分享 法拉盛热门职业培训-医疗助理专业热招中!考证就业一站式完成! ...
acscbi 2024-6-20 13:12
法拉盛热门职业培训-医疗助理专业热招中!考证就业一站式完成! ...
法拉盛职业培训-医疗助理专业热招中!这个岗位需求大增,工作稳定轻松! 混合式课程的设计,通常会根据课程目标和学生需求进行调整。医疗助理课程包括心电图(EKG)、抽血(Phlebotomy)、医疗账单,护理助手以及药物知识等课程,都可以通过混合式学习模式进行,其中一部分内容通过线上学习,另一部分则在实体课堂或通 ...
195 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 高铁等我把家还,我急着泡妞去也
魔都留学生 2024-6-20 10:31
大学第一个学年,即将结束。不过还需要再当三年的闵行公民。相比今年和去年毕业的学长,咱们这一届已经深感幸福了。起码咱们的大学是在学校里过的,他们的大学,是在网课里渡的。只不过呢,在这个毕业就是失业的伟大年代,反正也是无多大所谓了。将来怎么样,等毕业再说吧。 真不巧的是,大学第一个学期就挂了一课,补是 ...
304 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 山庄出了个数学天才姜萍
黄河魂的博客 2024-6-20 05:04
  哈哈,一个来自江苏的个体老板,听到他的老乡得了数学考试的好名次后,亲自来到姜萍出生的 涟水县 的 村里,将 5000 元送给姜萍的父亲。来自全国各地的记者,因为姜萍备战决赛,无法采访,也来到了这里,想通过姜萍的父亲了解她的成长经过。   说起阿里巴巴的这个全球数学竞赛,它 ...
3148 次阅读|1 个评论
分享 Caterpillar 311F LRR- JFT Crawler Excavator Engine Housing (front)-Remove
lucas88 2024-6-19 23:35
this article mainly introduces Caterpillar 311F LRR- JFT Crawler Excavator Engine Housing (front)-Remove CAT Caterpillar ET 3 Diagnostic Adapter 317-7485/478-0235 Diagnostic Tool-high quality Installation steps pay attention to Keep all the parts clean without impur ...
271 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Caterpillar 311F LRR- JFT Crawler Excavator Engine Housing (front)Remove
lucas88 2024-6-19 23:31
this article mainly introduces Caterpillar 311F LRR- JFT Crawler Excavator Engine Housing (front)Remove CAT Caterpillar ET 3 Diagnostic Adapter 317-7485/478-0235 Diagnostic Tool-high quality Removing steps A . Remove the engine oil sump. For correct steps, see Disassembly ...
227 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 How to Bleed the Air from the Brake Circuit of a Komatsu Forklift
lucas88 2024-6-19 00:29
This article explains how to bleed the air out of the brake circuit of a Komatsu forklift Komatsu CSS Net ΕPC 05.2022 • Bleeding air from brake circuits # This procedure should be carried out whenever work is performed on ...
265 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 JCB Backhoe Loader Air Conditioning Compressor Drive Belt - Adjusting
lucas88 2024-6-17 22:52
This article mainly introduces JCB Backhoe Loader Air Conditioning Compressor Drive Belt - Adjusting JCB Heavy Duty Truck Diagnostic Tool JCB Electronic Service Tool with JCB ServiceMaster42023.09 1 Park the machine on firm level ground. Raise and block the loader ar ...
163 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 心理健康和精神障碍的社会决定因素:证据、预防和建议
iacmsp 2024-6-17 15:55
心理健康和精神障碍的社会决定因素:证据、预防和建议 The social determinants of mental health and disorder: evidence, prevention and recommendations ——原载《世界精神病学》 2024 年第 23 卷第 1 期—— World Psychiatry Volume 23, Issue 1, ...
216 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 John-Deere 3029, 4039, 4045, 6059, 6068 Engines (Saran)-499999CD Disassembly
lucas88 2024-6-17 09:33
This article describes the disassembly of John-Deere 3029, 4039, 4045, 6059, 6068 Engines (Saran)-499999CD John Deere Service Advisor Electronic Data Link EDL2 Diagnostic Adapter High Quality ENGINE DISASSEMBLY SEQUENCE ...
123 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Isuzu truck Brake Lining Clearance Adjustment (2L and D2L)
lucas88 2024-6-16 09:06
s article describes how ISUZU truck Brake Lining Clearance Adjustment (2L and D2L) 04.2024 ISUZU G- IDSS TruckDiagnostic Software Download Installation Without auto-adjuster type 1. Chock the wheels not being adjusted. 2. Jack up the axle until the wheels ca ...
307 次阅读|0 个评论

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