Abstract (Reprint) Human health development cannot manage without the assurance of medicine . Acupuncture and massage are two methods that help alleviate symptoms and maintain health. Meridian (Jing-Luo) and Midnight-noon and ebb-flow doctrine (zǐ ...
One customer gave feedback about Launch X431 V as below: I used X431V Launch to do DPF cleaning function when the progress reached 9%, and it always prompted “the Diagnostic connector connection is abnormal or that the conditions are not right for a DPF clean.” I've tried it o ...
Here have collected some frequently asked questions about Launch X431 PAD 5 (PAD V) auto diagnostic tool. Hope it helps! Q: Can x431 pad v do the following functions for Benz W205? ECU programming SCN coding Gearbox or collision prevention assist or engin ...