分享 WHO:2021年世界艾滋病日公告
iacmsp 2021-12-3 13:12
WHO :2021年世界艾滋病日公告 ——挺身而出,勇敢地终结艾滋病,终结不平等和流行病 ——原载世界卫生组织(WHO)官网2021年12月1日—— 12月1日是 世界艾滋病 日 (World AIDS Day)。 为号召全 世界 人民行动起来,团结一致共同对抗 艾滋病 ...
802 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 How to Test and Check Mileage on BMW (by Launch X431 Tool)?
utihakou 2021-12-2 21:41
This article will show you how Launch X431 V 8 inch runs on BMW in terms of mileage. The methods and tools are not limited to X431 scanning tools but are also applicable to other scanning tools. Model: F-series M30 2012 Tool: Launch X431 V Km on ECM ...
943 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Techstream Connect J2534 Code Toyota Pre-collision System & Glass Position
utihakou 2021-11-30 22:00
When a car has an accident, we have headlight system failure, lane departure warning failure, front camera unavailability and pre-collision system failure. Today we have a Toyota Sienna 2020, and we’re going to fix this. We'll scan the fault codes first and code pre-collision system by ...
2515 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 真理往往是在少数人手中.最新考证“二里头”真像.末尾有破解增补 ...
巴山蜀水 2021-11-28 23:21
真理往往是在少数人手中.最新考证“二里头”真像.末尾有破解增补 ...
真理往往是在少数人手中——最新考证“二里头”真像(末尾有增补) 鄙人的大洪水摧毁远古华夏初创文明,终于有北京大学权威教授夏正楷的科学测定地质层考证印证了( 夏正楷教授简介:北京大学城市与环境学系教授、中国第四纪委员会常务理事、第四纪教育委员会主任、教 ...
1379 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Method: Mercedes-Benz Hidden Function Cluster Fuel Display
utihakou 2021-11-28 21:25
This article will show you how to activate the hidden function of Mercedes-Benz on Vediamo-the remaining fuel per liter in the fuel tank displayed on the dashboard. Better use diagnostic tools that support DOIP to connect your car to PC. ( VXDIAG VCX SE , SD C4 Plus , MB P ...
1373 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 欢迎光临胡经国图书馆
kingkuohu 2021-11-27 23:51
1404 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Autel VS. Launch VS. Thinkcar Budget Scan Tool
utihakou 2021-11-25 21:34
This article will compare 2 intermediate and 2 low-level budget scanning tools. We will cover intermediate tools (approximately USD 1,000) : Autel MaxiIM IM508 Launch X431 DIAGUN Lower-level tools(around 100$): Autel AutoLink AL539B Thinkcar ThinkDiag 1. Autel MaxiI ...
3152 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 《量子真相与哲学探略》由中国文化出版社出版
amyh 2021-11-25 04:40
《量子真相与哲学探略》——是作者继《之我精神导论》之后,由心理哲学向科技哲学求索的一次转型之旅。一次偶然的机会,作者阅读了一些关于量子的报道,深感这个世界是如此之神奇。似科技花园里一朵出入无常、稍纵即逝的奇葩,量子世界——小可至无穷小、大可到无限大,它的领域是当今科技最灿烂的前沿,而解 ...
1771 次阅读|4 个评论 热度 3
分享 OBDSTAR X300 PRO4 vs Xtool X100 PAD3 Comparison Review
utihakou 2021-11-23 22:45
Today I bring you the evaluation of OBDSTAR X300 PRO4 and Xtool X100 PAD3. Generally, they have similar price of less than 1,000$, and they can do key programming for 80-85% budget cars. (Not good for Benz, BMW...)You may need it after you've worked on initial programming with like ...
754 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 品质决定用途
ivysunday 2021-11-23 06:26
雪峰   有这么几种木料:紫檀木、橡木、松木、檀香木、柏木、杨木、桦木、柳木、杉木、现在,要我们用木料盖房子、做家具、铺地板、做棺材、切菜面板、天花板、门窗,我们选择哪些木料?   做家具首选紫檀木或橡木,盖房子用的梁柱首选松木,做棺材当然要选檀香木,铺地板选桦木,切菜面板当选柳木, ...
356 次阅读|0 个评论

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