分享 Autel MaxiIM IM508 vs Xtool X100 PAD3 Comparison Review
utihakou 2021-11-11 21:47
This article is a comparison review of Autel IM508 and Xtool X100 PAD3 . Both are standard versions. Autel IM508 with XP200 and Xtool PAD3 with KC100 . You can get either for the same price around a thousand dollars. I just tell you what ...
1109 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 2021 Eobdtool.co.uk “11.11” Global Shopping Festival Sales is Coming!!!
utihakou 2021-11-9 22:57
Professionals watch here! Eobdtool.co.uk double-eleven promotion is on! From Nov. 9th-18th, do come and get professional and quality tools with great discounts. To check all items on sale, please go to: https://www.eobdtool.co.uk/producttags/11.11-sales.html He ...
872 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 厚颜无耻应当到此为止!
tkx618 2021-11-5 10:44
厚颜无耻应当到此为止! —— 朱某被控寻衅滋事罪一案之一审辩护词 尊敬的审判长、合议庭成员: 本律师今天辩护词的标题是: “ 厚颜无耻应当到此为止! ” 。 首先请允许本律师对辩护词的标题稍作说明。本律师的辩护词为什么取标题为: “ 厚颜无耻应当到此为止! ” 呢? ...
1197 次阅读|0 个评论
utihakou 2021-11-4 21:53
Here eobdtool is going to bring you the difference between two odometer correction tools – OBDSTAR ODO Master and GODIAG GD801 ODO Master . Comparison Chart: Item Name OBDSTAR ODO Master GODIAG GD801 ODO Master Image Price(U ...
792 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 百度文库胡经国知识店铺件知识商品欢迎浏览下载!
kingkuohu 2021-11-3 05:13
830 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Ktag Clone Peugeot 206/207 HDI BOSCH ECU EDC16C3 on Bench
utihakou 2021-11-2 21:39
Our KTAG V7.020 can easily decrypt and read the password and it automatically unlocks the Tricore sectors so it can read and write both FLASH and EEPROM. If you are looking for a bench tool mainly for ECU programming(car/truck/motorcycle...) and that supports DENSO, GPT, NEC ...
1094 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Xhorse 8A Adapter Do All Key Lost Programming for Toyota Corolla 2015
utihakou 2021-11-1 21:43
Hello everyone, today we are going to bring you another demonstration of Toyota Corolla Altis AKL programming, it can use Xhorse 8A adapter , it can be used with VVDI2 / VVDI Key Tool Max + MINI OBD Tool. Notice: Each day you can use this function 5 times at most. After l ...
933 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 新思维 变异 种瓜不得瓜
ivysunday 2021-11-1 06:19
雪峰   “种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆”这是佛学和伦理学法理学的主要依据和观点。   上帝之道是自然之道,从自然之道而言,毫无疑问,是“种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆”。所以,我不否认此事实和逻辑。   但是,当人背离了上帝之道时,会发现,种瓜不得瓜,种豆难得豆。   我们可以思索,有些时候,当你 ...
439 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 GM TCM & Transfer Case Programming/Coding with SPS & TIS
utihakou 2021-10-31 21:48
Here is the tutorial on TCM Transfer Case coding/programming for Chevrolet Suburban 2015 by MaxiFlash JVCI and Autel IM608 with SPS and software Global TIS. Difference between Programming and Coding: 1)Flash Programming Install a new blank module in your veh ...
907 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 良心 良心缺失的标志
ivysunday 2021-10-31 10:16
雪峰   良心,顾名思义,就是一颗善良的心。   人之异于禽兽者,则人有良心,人无良心,与禽兽无异。   良心的真正含义是:上帝植根于人生命结构中具有先天分别是非善恶的一种无形自律道德法庭。   良心是人具有的自然属性。良心就像人的眼睛,与人的地位、名声、财产、形貌、年龄、性别 ...
441 次阅读|0 个评论

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