分享 如何判断电脑的硬盘类型,以及这些类型之间的关系
redclay 2022-4-2 11:45
What Type of Hard Drive Do I Have What’s the Difference? 了解自己电脑的硬盘类型,可以更好的满足需求,把握数据的安全性,而且有些 旧的硬盘 ( sell used SSD )还是具有价值,可以trade的。Mark一下。。。 The hard drive is the home for all th ...
1167 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Launch X431 V+ Pro3 Solved ISUZU C07104B Steering Angle Sensor Center Position I
utihakou 2022-4-1 21:19
Problem: When I start my ISUZU DMAX 2016, it doesn’t work normally. There are some dashboard indicators that appear. I try to use launch x431 v+ to diagnose it and solve the problem. I select ISUZU software and automatically search, it says ‘Currently this function only sup ...
1874 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Scania VCI3 SDP3 2.51.1 Free Download & Install on Win10 Pro (with activatio
utihakou 2022-3-31 21:11
The newest Scania SDP3 software is V2.51.1 (released on March 28th, 2020). It has been tested by eobdtool.co.uk engineer. Here offer the related free download link and 1 time activation service. Download and install it on Win10 for your Scania VCI3 diagnostic tool ASAP. Fr ...
2773 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 中国男同性恋和双性恋男性中的男男行为者在性行为、HIV检测和使用PrEP(暴露前预防) ...
iacmsp 2022-3-31 15:43
中国男同性恋和双性恋男性中的男男行为者在性行为、HIV检测和使用PrEP( 暴露前预防)意愿方面的差异 Differencesin Sexual Behaviors, HIV Testing, and Willingness to Use PrEP between Gay and Bisexual Men Who Have Sex with Men in China ——原载《国际性 ...
768 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 公司網絡安全
david0853 2022-3-29 00:59
不少成功的企业家都说,企业的成功取决于管理模式和业者的心态。公司的管理模式政策固然重要,但是公司的网络亦同样重要。伺服器裡面储存了公司网站内的所有数据,如公司的网络伺服器缺乏保护,则有可能遭受和黑客的恶意攻击,公司将面临惨重的损失。 那麽我们应该怎麽做才能保护好公司的伺服器呢?最好的方法就是使用 ...
581 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Yanhua ACDP Connect via Android Hotspot with/Without Scanning
utihakou 2022-3-28 21:21
In the previous post, we have shared how to connect wifi for Yanhua Mini ACDP via Android/IOS with/without scanning . Today we share another guide for connecting Mini ACDP via Android hotspot with/without scanning. PART 1: ACDP connect via Android hotspot with scanning 1. Operating ...
740 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Autel MaxiTPMS ITS600E vs. TS608 vs.MK808TS vs.TS508-WF vs. TS508
utihakou 2022-3-27 22:27
Autel MaxiTPMS ITS600E is a wireless, 5.5-inch touchscreen Android-based tablet that offers complete TPMS diagnostics and four common service functions, and can be used for U.S, Asian, European TPMS-equipped vehicles. It’s also compatible with Autel TBE200 /TBE100 Tire Tread Brake ...
536 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 新冠大流行时期的不平等
iacmsp 2022-3-27 17:24
​ 新冠大流行时期的不平等 Inequalities in the Times of a Pandemic ——原载《美国国家经济研究局》网站2022年1月—— NationalBureau of Economic Research , 2022, January 【摘要】 本文总结了对经合组织国 ...
1251 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 1
分享 Autel MaxiTPMS ITS600E (ITS600) Program MX Sensor in 4 Ways
utihakou 2022-3-24 22:12
Here share 4 MX sensor programming methods by using the newly designed Autel MaxiTPMS ITS600E (ITS600) TPMS tablet. Copy by Activation Copy by OBD Copy by Manual Input Auto Create Let’s quickly review each programming method. Firstly power on the ITS600E Tap the TPMS ...
565 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Autel Elite II Using Tips: VCI Firmware Update+ Software Delete/Download/Backup
utihakou 2022-3-23 21:36
Here are a series of instructions for using Autel MaxiSys Elite II . Main contents: Update the VCI firmware (connect the VCI to tablet with USB cable) Delete car software and Download software Backup software to external SD card Install and uninstall third-party Apps Not ...
815 次阅读|0 个评论

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