青春期积极性行为量表(PSAS)的发展 The Development of the Positive Sexuality in Adolescence Scale (PSAS) ——原载《性研究杂志》2022年,1月13日在线发表—— The Journal of Sex Research, Published online: Jan 13, 2022 【摘要】 ...
Recently, some customers gave feedback that they cannot find the relevant instruction and Pinout for their ECUs by PCMTuner Magic Car Tool (as shown in the figure 1). Some can work via OBD, but some cannot use via bench and boot. The ECU connection is correct, but still fail to ...
Topic: Is it possible to clone BMW MEVD17.2.5 DME N13 Engine by CG FC200 ECU Programmer ? eobdtool.co.uk engineer has tested and confirmed it 100% working by FC200. Here is the related video: STEP 1: Read and backup original ECU data Open CG FC200 software In the main interfac ...
We have about 8 thousand PCMTUNER users in short 2 months. We also get some user feedback about the pcmtuner activation and Smart Dongle quality problem. Here share the related common problems and solutions. PCMTuner activation Problem: It needs to offer email addr ...
It has been confirmed that OBDSTART X300 DP Plus with P003 Adapter Kit can successfully read CONTINENTAL PCR2.1 IMMO DATA (CS, PINCODE, MAC VALUE). OBDSTAR P003 Adapter: P003 Kit can be used with OBDSTAR IMMO series tablets (X300 DP/Key Master DP, X300 Pro4 /K ...
The injector cleaner works to clean and prevent the injector pinholes from burning residue. It also keeps the fuel system clean when used regularly. The immediate impact is that the car's performance increases as the combustion process are done more optimally. The average cost of a fuel injector cl ...