英文金句: Worry is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but it doesn’t get you anywhere. 憂慮就像一張搖椅。 它讓你晃來晃去,忙著似的,可你卻只是原地踏步。 想有突破,或是離開困境,單是在擔憂是沒用的。 要麼就積極面對,解決難題。 要麼就豁然貫通,順其自然。 不要讓憂 ...
My Superheroes name is the Red Reaper. The Red Reaper is the Grim Reaper's son. Death had a son with a mortal woman named Katrina. He wanted to have a child that could follow in his footsteps. He wanted his child to have the same curse has he does. The curse is that he must not go to heaven or hell ...