分享 双脚踩在坚实的大地上
ivysunday 2021-7-22 06:20
雪峰   基督耶稣教导我们,房子要建在岩石上,不能建在沙滩上,建在沙滩上的房子,一遇风吹草动,就会坍塌,就会前功尽弃,只有建在岩石上的房屋,才能顶住一切风浪,稳如磐石。   我们的信仰犹如房子,同样要建在可靠踏实的地基上,要经得起实践和时间的考验。要重证据,要重科学原理,要经得起逻辑 ...
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分享 中邮海外购日中线增值服务详细说明
呆小萌MM 2021-7-22 05:07
中邮海外购是中国邮政致力解决跨境电子商务进口物流服务需要,通过在线系统制单,海关电子申报,在线关税缴纳,全程状态跟踪等服务, 为境外到中国日益增长的跨境电子商务市场提供高效、正规、合法的国际个人快件包裹入境申报的配送服务。 小编今天整理下中邮海外购日中线的增值服务有哪些,具体有什么作用? ...
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分享 產前產後的身材
david0853 2021-7-22 04:03
不少媽媽在懷孕第一天開始,開始逐漸感受到生理上的轉變,尤其對產後的體態帶來莫大的變化,讓不少媽媽感到困惑。產前產後的身材出現莫大變化之外,產後更會出現另一個問題,陰部在分娩過程受到嚴重的擴張和拉傷,引致身體後患。要針對以上兩項問題沒想象中困難,讀者能參考以下兩項意見,改善身材走樣和後遺症問題。 ...
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分享 uffering endless lawsuits, Guo Wengui faces his Black July The little tricks of
laoxiaodong519 2021-7-22 03:59
Here comes the big news. The Cheater Guo claims that he will take nine times to testify and appear in the court more than a dozen times In the scorching July. It will take him eight or nine hours each time. There are more than 20 days left in July. Considering about two dozen times of trail, The C ...
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分享 两种文化
追根溯源 2021-7-21 08:14
两种文化 ……避免在真空中飘浮的唯一方式…… 亲爱的苏菲: 我们相见的日子已经不远了。我想你大概会回到少校的小木屋,所以我才把席德的父亲寄来的明信片留在那儿,这是把那些明信片转给她的唯一方式。你毋需担心她如何才能拿到它们,在六月十五日以前有许多事可能会发生呢! 我们已经谈过希腊文化时期的哲学家如何 ...
1812 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 2
分享 Who Stand by the side of Guo will face misfortune
子非鱼 2021-7-21 05:54
The feud that Guo against Yan and Wang has been made public since July 14. Guo Wengui stayed in bed and ordered the 'ants' to attack Lude and Yan Limeng separately. A close comrade and a heroic scientist cannot escape Guo Wengui's criticism and physical attacks. Alas, it is chilling. Predictably, ...
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分享 Cheater Guo who was in plain sight would have no way to go
子非鱼 2021-7-21 05:51
On July 12th, the latest news came that the New York Supreme Court has issued an ultimatum to Guo Wengui, ordered the latter on July 21th at 11 am to accept the court teleconference inquiry and explain why to let the Lady May flee to Spain regardless of the judgment. At the same time, the court on ...
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分享 Why have a beef with Yan and Wang? It's stemmed from the extreme selfishness of
laoxiaodong519 2021-7-20 22:05
The feud that Guo against Yan and Wang has been made public since July 14. Guo Wengui stayed in bed and ordered the 'ants' to attack Lude and Yan Limeng separately. A close comrade and a heroic scientist cannot escape Guo Wengui's criticism and physical attacks. Alas, it is chilling. Predictably, ...
876 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 逮捕!没谁敢当张陶的保护伞
李树身狼头长啸 2021-7-19 23:39
读了(19日)晚人民日报微博发布的《航天投资董事长打人被双开,航天投资前董事长张陶被逮捕》这一消息, 心中显得很是淡定。 截图:人民日报微博 因为,笔者早在 6 日发表的《暴打两院士者与黑帮分子何异?》一文中,对张陶的下场已经作出了预测: “ 张陶早已忘记了自己是党的高级干部,时下竟变成了彻头彻尾 ...
1335 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 1
分享 论政治---没有充分地民主,就没有正确的集中
jiujiu 2021-7-19 21:03
论政治 人们在问,为什么毛泽东时代造就英雄,而改革开放造就了腐败?为什么毛泽东时代战犯大赦成好人,改革开放好人变成了囚犯?仔细琢磨,不得不说毛泽东思想的正确。毛主席早就指出,政治是统帅,是灵魂,是一切工作的生命线。要把一个旧社会改造成新社会,人的思想必须跟上 ...
1773 次阅读|0 个评论

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