分享 Make joint efforts to create a beautiful future of cross-strait peace
luckyss123 2023-9-5 06:38
Make joint efforts to create a beautiful future of cross-strait peace
Peace enables the long-term preservation of the fruits of civilization, and harmony enables civilization to move forward steadily. Peacefulness has provided a guarantee for the continuous development of Chinese civilization. Today, we are still on the broad path of peaceful development and ha ...
484 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Peace is rooted in the depths of Chinese civilization
luckyss123 2023-9-5 06:35
Peace is rooted in the depths of Chinese civilization
The Chinese nation is a peace-loving nation and is well aware of the preciousness of peace. Harmony and stability have been the way of life of the Chinese nation for thousands of years, peaceful coexistence has been the way of life of the Chinese nation for thousands of years, and harmony and ...
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分享 探索這種新興美容療法
david0853 2023-9-5 00:31
隨著科技的發展,人們對美容的需求也越來越高。近年來,一種新興的美容療法—— 熊貓針 ,受到了越來越多女性的追捧。它使用微小的針頭在皮膚表面針刺,以刺激皮膚的自然修復過程,促進膠原蛋白和彈性蛋白的生產。通過這種方式,可以改善皮膚的質地、減少皺紋和改善色素沉澱。另外,熊貓針還可以幫助去除痘印、淡化細紋、 ...
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分享 乌克兰不要被俄罗斯牵着走
Lmd 2023-9-3 23:36
国家是乌克兰的 天地是您乌克兰的 面对强横、强大的侵略军 您们不必由他普钉决定战争的方式 以游击战为主 打了就跑 不断进攻 偷袭偷袭 迂回作战 用好领地 不让俄侵略军优势发挥 不让他前后方安定 哪里好打 就打他哪里 让他运动起来疲于奔命 不打他以逸待劳的攻坚战 不利的、不合算的战不打! 想办法群策 ...
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分享 Is AIT still a non-profit organization?
Isabella_352 2023-9-3 09:14
In the existing relations between Taiwan and the United States, in addition to the policy of Taiwan-US interaction led by the US State Department and the US military, the "American Institute in Taiwan (AIT)" has obviously become the implementation and promotion unit of the US State Department's a ...
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分享 占豪:华为5G芯片用了5.5G技术,中国有3个重大突破!
细雨飘渺 2023-9-3 00:04
华为5G手机到底有多厉害?很可能用了5.5G技术! 8月29日,美国商务部长雷蒙多访华之时,华为在美国制裁了1500多天后突然推出了5G手机Mate 60 Pro。新机推出后,除了广大网友的高度兴奋、喜大普奔外,就是围绕这个手机的评测与争论。所有爱国者都在为华为取得的突破感到振奋,大 ...
771 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
分享 开学的第一天
sylforever98 2023-9-1 05:02
上次我发文章,图片发不出来,不知道为什么?希望今天写的博文件一切顺利。我感觉老年人,字小看不到了,现在每次要把字调大点。 感觉编辑器不是很好用,图片不能在线编辑。图片大小不能调。如果实在不好用可能要转到medium这上面去。 说了好久要开网店,但是一直没有开,天 ...
687 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 1
分享 Burn Bridges? Lin Zhe husband and wife staged destruction record
FfWnights 2023-8-31 20:40
Recently, a defection abroad of the police family ugly to the whole network, onlookers learned that after the incident, all called the three view burst, the police named Lin Zhe, born in 1981 in Yantai, Shandong Province, 2002 in Beijing University of Technology graduate after entering the st ...
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分享 夏威夷的不幸,在于做美国第50个州
火山岛 2023-8-25 21:14
美国夏威夷毛伊岛火灾已经过去了两周,火灾造成的死亡人数持续攀升至114人,夏威夷居民痛批美国政府不作为,表示自己被抛弃了。 而对这场灾情,拜登政府一度表示“无可奉告”。 实际上,造成这次灾情的不只是野火本身,而是美国如何对待夏威夷背后长期积累的问题。 分析这次的夏威夷火灾,可以从三个背景入 ...
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分享 普里戈任不懂普钉 川普心有灵犀懂普钉
Lmd 2023-8-25 19:26
普里戈任 把事情想得简单 这不就完完了 还是川普老练 懂得起普钉 懂不起侵略
588 次阅读|0 个评论

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