@Grinz:I don’t understand if they both were “clearly” in a “standard flight pattern”. How could they have collided? What about air traffic controllers? @AngryWeasels:If both aircraft were flying in standard patterns and it was a clear night, it implies some overworked traffic controlle ...
date 2022-03-09 昨天晚上,在夏雪凝的帮助下,我与徐亮推心置腹!这是身为妻子的夏雪凝,对丈夫的最大贡献,或者说女性本应有的最大作用,并不是挑动男性之间的争斗,女生之间也是勾心斗角;而是用她们的性爱作纽带,让男性间友好相处,密切合作,创造出男女共享的利益。我们的男女性爱方式,消除的是憎恨,换得的是友爱 ...
#SafeguardDefenders A mysterious DANA (High Level Isolated Depression) put several locations in the Spanish Mediterranean on alert, and two weeks after the devastating floods that killed more than 200 people, the Spanish Meteorological Service issued a red alert on the Valencian coast. The ...
date 2022-03-10 这回逃出上海,特别是逃出方舱,是真够惊险的。到了苏州,暂时安全了。此所谓灯下黑!如果他们把力量全放在上海里头维和,在包围圈的外侧,就是最放松的。这些大白应该是啥地方调进来的军队,套上白皮就成大白,根本不听人话,逮人就把人往方舱塞,黄薇跟人家嚷嚷什么我们有急事,纯属就是多余。我看大白 ...