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双语版·中国画的本质探 下篇

热度 1已有 1509 次阅读2017-5-31 00:31 |个人分类:顾绍骅艺术观点与作品|系统分类:艺术分享到微信

双语版·中国画的本质探    下篇

Chinese English   comparison The essence of Chinese painting seek  Part two

唐·司空图《诗品·雄浑》所说“返虚入浑(指诗作空灵,入于浑然之境。)”,意即返虚方能入浑。这个“浑(“全部、满是”之意也)”,而是更高级的无所不包极端复杂之浑。“实”就在眼前一览无余,最大也是有边际的,最满也是有限度的。只有返虚入浑,方能无边际,其大无外,其小无内。如李煜词句:“问君能有几多愁?恰是一江春水向东流。”他不实答,却一下使你面对滔滔东流的大江。如果只是一实,还能有那样丰富的含义,那样阔大的境界吗?诗情画意是时空的融合,因此,“没有最好,只有更好”令欣赏者没有统一“标准”,并且,在创作与欣赏中需要有一定的中国传统文化素养。虽然,少了西画那样的“清晰、一览无余”却存有东方审美特有的含蓄、朦胧,甚至有些模糊、迷离……;这也有了“神秘感”,增强了“想象空间”,犹如:“隔纱观美景、月下看美人——越看越喜欢”,在理解“诗情”后,更能了解“其中味”。这是西方绘画所望尘莫及的。欣赏中国画当以:“两情若是长久时 又岂在朝朝暮暮”( 释文:只要两情至死不渝,又何必贪求卿卿我我的朝欢暮乐呢。)的心态“慢慢品味”;而不是当下漂亮的“中国画”只有技法,不见文化,如同无根花、无源水,和当下青年人的“闪婚”一样,来得快,去得也快。


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Tang Sikong Tu "Poetry·Forceful Said Returning to the world of pristine nature(referring to the ethereal poems, returning to the world of pristine nature into vigorous territory.)" Return to Can void enter the Heaven and earth turbid (the). This "muddy" (full, full of "meaning"), but more advanced all inclusive extremely complex muddy. "Real" in front of a glance, the largest and most marginal, full is limited. Only Returning to world of pristine nature, the square can not be marginal, its great no outside, its small inside. As Li Yu said: "Best Blues Guitars? A river spring water towards the rolling of east." He did not answer, but let you face the surging East river. If only one, can have so rich meaning, so broad realm? Poetic Chinese painting is the integration of space and time, therefore, "there is no best, only better" so that the viewer has no unified standard, and, in the creation and appreciation of the need to have some of the qualities of traditional culture China. Although less Western painting as "a clear, Take in everything in a glance implicit," there is a unique Oriental aesthetic obscure, and even some vague, Blurred...... This also; with "Mystique", enhance the imagination, like: "Pass through mosquito net see Beautiful scenery, under the moonlight See beauty, more and more love", in the understanding of "poetry", a better understanding of "one flavor". This is the western painting as far behind. Enjoy China painting: "Durable love keekps the without living together day and night." (text: as long as two love will never change until death, why lust affectionate gay all day.) The mentality of "taste"; instead of "China present beautiful painting techniques only, no culture, like Rootless flower, Passive water, and the young people's" Flash marriage ", come and go.

笔者认为:中国画的发展必须依照“中国方式”——集中国传统文化底蕴(诗、书、画)为一体的观点——“诗情画意”是中国画的灵魂和中国画发展方向!中国画是中国传统文化的厚积薄发!历来有诗 、书 、画同源之说 ,三者的最高境界是 “诗情画意”;都是写心 、写思想 、抒发感情的。自唐代以来,以王维为首的中国文人介入绘画。诗和画的兼收并蓄构成一种高超的艺术境界。苏东坡评价王维的诗画:“味摩诘之诗,诗中有画;观摩诘之画,画中有诗”。 “画中有诗”,一方面是指画作的含蕴深刻,意象幽深,画中不单单是物象的客观再现,而是画家主观意境的挥写,诗书画印的完美结合,己成为民族血脉,这需要向真正有民族责任感和民族文化危机感的人谈论,绘画得力于文化的内涵,他的艺术魅力就被大大的扩充了。中国画的根本是借物抒情、托物言志,画上题诗,阐述画意,抒发情感,画龙点睛,使诗情增添画意,珠联璧合,相得益彰。笔者认为:“诗(词)的文学语言内含深、寓意广、言简意赅,能使欣赏者浮想联翩、遐思无限。并且这两种形式可相辅相存、相互转换。即通过读画而理解、体味产生意境,将读画产生的意境,用言简意赅的文学语言——诗(词)记录下来。”在《古松观止·第一部分》的《明·蓝瑛的松岩观瀑图轴》词条编辑中写道:“高山飞泉,云烟升腾;古松承浴,杂树共欢;焦、浓、淡墨神采飞扬,远、中、近景层次分明;一高士,入神地仰观那“飞流直下三千尺”的瀑水,不禁手舞足蹈起来,嘴里咏诵:“南山之瀑水兮,激石滈瀑似雷惊,人相对兮不闻语声。翻涡跳沫兮苍苔湿,藓老且厚,春草为之不生。”“登庐山,观瀑布,海风吹不断,江月照还空,余爱此两句;”或“桑柘周围,菅茅低架,且喜水亲山近。”-------呵呵,人迷此景,流连忘返;是多么和谐的景象啊!”


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The author thinks that the development China painting must be in accordance with the "China" - in Chinese traditional culture (poetry, calligraphy and painting) as one of the "poetic Chinese painting" - is Chinese painting soul and China painting development direction! Chinese China painting is the traditional culture of Accumulate steadily! There has always been poetry, calligraphy, Chinese painting one the same source, the highest level of the three is the "poetic Chinese painting"; are writing heart, writing ideas, express feelings. Since the Tang Dynasty, the Chinese literati led by Wang Wei. The combination of poetry and painting constitutes a superb artistic realm. Su Dongpo and Wang Wei: "Pondering Wang of Wei The poem, Painting-in-poetry watch Wang Wei Chinese; Painting There, is poetry in a painting". "There is poetry in a painting", a possess Profound implication refers to the paintings of Imagery deep, and serene, painting, is not only the objective images reproduced, wrote the play, but the artist's subjective conception of poetry, calligraphy, painting and seal cutting combination, Chinese nation blood vessel in has become which the blood and Qi circulate, which need to talk about to the real Chinese nation National responsibility and Chinese nation National cultural crisis awareness, Cultural connotation due to the painting, his charm was greatly expanded. China painting is borrowing lyrics and Use the at shape of the object to express ambition, describes the painting, painting a poem, to express feelings and Bring the painted dragon to life by putting in the pupils of its eyes, Add mood of a painting Poetry, put pearls and jade together each by association with the - improves other a complement of talents and; abilities to form an advisory board [an Executive Committee, Make the old and new contrast and complement each other. The author believes that: "Poetry (CI) of the literary language contains deep, wide meaning, Concise and comprehensive, can make the appreciation of Thoughts thronged mind, Unlimited reverie. And these two forms can be Phase complementary phase, Interconversion. That is, through the appraise a painting and understanding, Understanding produces conception artistic, these, with Concise and comprehensive language of literature - Poetry (CI) recorded." In "Chinese Painting Ancient Pine Drawing to the end - the first part of the" the "Ming Dynasty Lan ying.The Pines rocks watch Waterfall Figure axis wrote," editor: "Mountain waterfalls cliffside, Mist rising Age-old pine trees in; bath The multifarious trees Common joy; In high, coke, concentrated light spirit, far away in close range, and structured; a goldsmith, seeing then that" Fast Flowing water Fly straight down three thousand feet "dance with joy waterfall, I [excitement] up, mouth said:" Nam Son The waterfall water, The waterfall drop stone like thunder shock, People face each other Do not hear the voice. The water turned over and the foam Wet moss, Moss is old and thick, that was not born." "Climb Mount Lu, view falls, The sea breeze blows continuously, Moonlight in the river Shine The empty world, I love this two;" or "Mulberry around, Kan thatch Cane vine in Low frame, and the pro mountain near water." Oh, People are fascinated by, Indulge pleasures without stop, is how Harmonious scene ah!"


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For example: Tang Bohu this poem in his "chicken" in the picture: "cock head without cutting the red crown, covered with white go in future. Life did not dare light language, called numerous households." It is quite common people for cock crow first light of morning, because of this a few words of poem, rooster became Out of the darkness, In the light of early dawn the God of light, to urge people to cry. Xu Wei in the "grape" in the poem: "half a lifetime abandoned Has become The elderly, one Stand there schoolroom Hear the roar of the wind, use brush drawing grape Nowhere to sell, Idle throw in wild Cane vine Field." If you put aside the poem, just a bunch of grapes, still What meaning? Badashanren Zhu Da, Ming Ming Department of Royal Wang Sun, after the demise of Destroy the country and perish shave one's head, feelings of grief and indignation, and become a Buddhist monk. He painted two ugly peacock, sitting on a sharp and unstable rock, there are three ugly tail of a peacock feathers. Poems: "peacock in The flowers of the two bamboo screen, Bamboo shoots Formation of generate prepared Chinese ink. How terrible to about three TheLocal officials, Seems to just entered spring Sitting in the cold have night talk (the)". Sarcasm to the master obsequence officials, even the court, two more to go. "Three ears" refers to these minions. The peacock's tail in the painting has three feather, referring to the hat behind the wearing of the three peacock on official caps, senior officials. The unstable rock, the metaphor of the Qing Dynasty is not strong. "One of the eight wonders of Yangzhou" Zheng Banqiao life love bamboo, bamboo "bamboo" he wrote in the poem: "Insist not relax Castle Peak, Bamboo root growth In the broken rock Bamboo and rock Friction and; hit a million times also strong, Whatever you Insane TheFrom all sides world Storm." He uses bamboo itself and upright. Therefore, good poems can make the painting more profound, more prominent theme has significance, and even reached touch a stone and turn it into gold be able to perform - wonders, turn the foul and rotten into the rare and ethereal turn bad into good -- the role of. Bai Shi, an old man, a scroll, painted only three chicks under the painting. All the rest is blank, just in the upper right Title length, reckon blank as inked, Emptiness and Material object Combination, Poetry Chinese, painting complement each other, Match each other Produce brilliance, Especially have any fun. Poems Inscribed paintings on, you can also make painters Love, hate, sadness, sorrow, praise, praise, derogatory, abandon and other emotions more strongly into the screen. Another example is in the works "tumbler" on the title: "head mounted a black gauze cap Hand fan Like a officer, The reasons for not falling out to be a Half Mud, all of a sudden Beaten you To break, Where the body had no heart and liver." Tiba make such a simple painting changed Bu Daoweng mood far-reaching significance. If not this poem, the tumbler is meaningless. This poem for the soul, Combination of poetry and painting, Exist side by side and play a part together, Make the old and new contrast and complement each other of the traditional culture, has become a classic. Wang Guowei in the Human notes and on Ci poetry, noted that artistic conception merely appellation Scenery also not world. Emotions, Is one the of people plane attained reached hearts of. Therefore, the portrait scene, the true feelings, that there is a realm. Otherwise there is no realm." Chinese painting is not a historical picture, portrait photos; if left The Chinese Traditional deposits cultural? There is no way to speak of "Chinese painting", at best, can only be regarded as beautiful waste paper.


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 并依此公式创作,得出: 1、咏物抒情部分——“集古句”【依据画面意境来进行挑选最适合、最贴切的诗句,并且,进行重新整合、排列达到“经典”(再创造的高峰)】因为,这样的内容是中国传统文化底蕴的“再现”;这样的创作现在已经中国画家很少“为之”的,也是很高雅的(因为这样的创作方法,有一定的难度;目前是“高处不胜寒”。)目前,好像是只有我一个人是这样“探索”来创作的。2、画面的诗意表现:传统山水画的“随类赋彩”的实际色彩比较“沉闷”,如果继续“维”之,就是“食古不化”啦;因此,借西法之“长”,为我所用,这样可以“雅俗共赏”!


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investigate root Find the source, Carry forward the cause pioneered by one's predecessors and forge ahead into the future, I think:"China painting only go their own development road is the right way"; therefore, Gu Shaohua in the previous "bright spot" that "poetic Chinese painting" formula, and this formula works, concluded: 1, chant poems about tangible objects express one's emotion Gather "Ancient Poems sentences" [according to the mood of the picture to select the most suitable, the most appropriate verse, and re integration, arrangement to "classic" (Re creation The peak)] because this is the Chinese traditional culture deposits "reappearance"; this creation has now China "for" little painter that is very elegant (because the creation method, so there is a certain degree of difficulty; the "be too highbrow to be popular . At present, it seems that I am the only one to "explore" to create. Poetic performance 2, the picture: the actual color of the traditional landscape painting "conformity to kind in applying colors" is "boring", if it continues to "dimension", is "Follow the beaten track"; therefore, by the western "long", so you can use, "Suit both the refined and the common people"!

"Gu Shaohua's poetic works" (Throw a brick order to in get a gem):

综上所述:中国画是笔墨线条与中华传统文化底蕴的结合!(缺一不可)中国画的特征是托物言志,借物抒怀;因此,“言志、抒怀”是中国画表现的中心;中国画非常强调意境。笔者认为:从一般技法表现上讲,难以体现中国画的内含(中国画的这一优秀传统文化艺术瑰宝之精髓)。诗 、书 、画溶为一体,这才是中国画的真谛,是国学(国萃),是中华民族的骄傲(越是传统的,就越具有民族性;越是民族的,就越具有世界性。);因此,我们不能片面追求“形似”,而重在于其作品的思想内涵:“思想品格是艺术的生命”以诗情画意为贵。作为传统文化的继承者——书画家,我们必须掌握熟练应用“诗情画意”来多出“精品”,弘扬国萃。我赞同程大利先生总结得出中国画两大功能:1、养心修身之术 ,2、知世悟道之功;只不过:他对大众提出了一个门槛的要求大众必须要先改造自己,而不是去改造中国画,中国画,无论创作者还是欣赏者,它使人进而进入一种恬淡虚无,精神内守的状态,也即“入静”的状态;当然它远离战争,不表现血腥,不表现暴躁,也极少表现焦虑。它追求至静至远,调和天人,它是通过内省而达至善;欣赏者与创作者都要把自己提升成有文化的有有境界感的,有操守的人,才能进入中国画。


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To sum up: Chinese painting is the combination of ink lines and Chinese traditional culture! (Not a single one can be omitted.) Chinese painting is C'mon objective features things Expression Ambition, borrow Objective object unburden one's heart; therefore, "Ambition unburden, one's heart" is Chinese painting center; Chinese painting emphasizes the artistic conception. The author thinks that it is difficult to embody the connotation of traditional Chinese painting, which is the essence of Chinese traditional culture and art. Poetry, calligraphy and Chinese painting an organic [integral] whole, This is the true meaning of Chinese painting, is Ancient Chinese Literature Search (Chinese traditional), is the pride of the Chinese nation (The more traditional, The more Have Multi nationality Nature The more the national culture the, more cosmopolitan:); therefore, we can not be one-sided pursuit of "shape". Heavy is the ideological content of the works: "Ideological character is the life of Art to poetic Chinese painting for your". As the inheritance of traditional culture, calligraphy and painting, we must master the skilled application of "poetic Chinese painting" to "forward national extraction, Carry boutique. I agree with Mr. Cheng Dali concluded that Chinese painting of the two functions: 1, nourishing heart cultivate one's moral character Method, 2, be aware of in the world realize the truth or philosophic theory power; but he proposed a threshold requirement of mass must transform themselves to the public, rather than to the transformation of China painting China, painting, both writers and readers, it makes people and into a tranquilized mind Clearly nothing, keeping a sound mind Inner spirit, also known as the "static" state; of course it is far away from the war, not bloody, not irritable, rarely manifest anxiety. It pursues Arrive quiet Arrive distant Harmony between, heaven and man, Through introspection and it is up to best condition; appreciation and creators should put themselves into a culture to enhance the sense of ethical realm, people can enter the Chinese painting.


In any case, always suitable for their own development, is the best". Such as: Chinese socialism and so on, any advanced experience of Reference must be degree Certain amount Have the order, or reversed; development China painting too, learn from western painting "glight shadow Effect", Be confined only to On the modification of techniques, while the theme and style China painting and Western painting Completely different, a the spread of Western influences pursuit to the East? Will "throw Watermelon up sesame seeds", trend crossroad wrong road pick.


Finally, the first two "-" the end of a quality suggestive of poetry or painting and poetry; the How can Be forced Status and: texture restrict, The true nature of Gu Shaohua's splash-ink, a technique of Chinese ink-painting tempermament. Su Dongpo jokes If you draw a picture of the "shape" and judge the good and bad, He has the same experience as children, poetic and pictorial splendor (poetic Chinese painting) The highest level of Chinese painting. Second: Thousands of feelings give friend appreciative of one's talents, Rain wind stopped suddenly last night amorous a keenly. Poetic and pictorial Chinese love, Gu Shaohua a brush towards red and hold green Writing splendor.



the Chinese and English words:

同源:one and the same source 

厚积薄发:Accumulate steadily

味摩诘之诗:Pondering Wang Wei The poem


观摩诘之画:watch Wang Wei Chinese Painting

画中有诗:There is poetry in a painting

含蕴深刻:possess Profound implication

意象幽深:Imagery deep and serene

诗书画印:poetry , calligraphy , painting and seal cutting

民族血脉:Chinese nation blood vessel in which the blood and qi circulate

民族责任感:Chinese nation  National responsibility

民族文化危机感:Chinese nation  National cultural crisis  awareness

借物抒情:borrowing lyrics

画龙点睛:Bring the painted dragon to life by putting in the pupils of its eyes

诗情增添画意:Poetry Add mood of a painting

珠联璧合:put pearls and jade together -- each improves by association with the other; a complement of talents and abilities to form an advisory board [an executive committee;

相得益彰:Make the old and new contrast and complement each other

言简意赅:Concise and comprehensive

浮想联翩:Thoughts thronged one's mind

遐思无限:Unlimited reverie

相辅相存:Phase complementary phase


读画:appraise a painting

体味产生意境:Understanding produces artistic conception

古松观止:Chinese Painting Ancient Pine Drawing to the end

高山飞泉:Mountain waterfalls cliffside 

云烟升腾:Mist rising

古松承浴:Age-old pine trees in bath

杂树共欢:The multifarious trees  Common joy

飞流直下三千尺:Fast Flowing water Fly straight down three thousand feet

手舞足蹈:dance with joy [excitement]

登庐山,观瀑布:Climb Mount Lu, view falls

海风吹不断:The sea breeze blows continuously

江月照还空:Moonlight in the river Shine The empty world

流连忘返:Indulge in pleasures without stop

神采飞扬:In high spirit

冲破黑暗:Out of the darkness

迎来曙色:In the light of early dawn

雄鸡啼曙:cock crow first light of morning

半生落魄已成翁:half a lifetime abandoned Has become The elderly

独立书斋啸晚风:one Stand there  schoolroom Hear the roar of the wind

笔底明珠无处卖:use brush drawing grape Nowhere to sell

闲抛闲掷野藤中:  Idle throw in wild Cane vine Field 

还有何意义:still What meaning

国毁家亡:Destroy the country and perish

落发为僧:shave one's head and become a Buddhist monk

孔雀名花两竹屏:peacock in The flowers of the two bamboo screen

竹梢强半墨生成:Bamboo shoots Formation of generate prepared Chinese ink

如何了得论三耳:How terrible to talk about “three ears” TheLocal officials

恰是逢春坐二更:Seems to have just entered the spring Sitting in the cold night

花翎:peacock feathers on official caps

咬定青山不放松:Insist not relax Castle Peak

立根原在破岩中:Bamboo root growth In the broken rock

千磨万击还坚劲:Bamboo and rock Friction and hit a million times  also strong

任尔东西南北风:Whatever you Insane TheFrom all sides  world Storm

点石成金:touch a stone and turn it into gold -- be able to perform wonders

化腐朽为神奇:turn the foul and rotten into the rare and ethereal -- turn bad into good

计白当黑:reckon blank as inked

虚实结合:Emptiness and Material object Combination

诗画互补:Poetry, Chinese painting complement each other

相映生辉:Match each other Produce brilliance

题画诗:poems inscribed on paintings

别有一番趣味:Especially  have any fun

爱、憎、悲、愁、褒、贬、扬、弃:Love, hate, sadness, sorrow, praise, praise, derogatory, abandon

乌纱白扇俨然官:head mounted a black gauze cap Hand fan Like a officer

不倒原来泥半团:The reasons for not falling out to be a Half Mud

将汝忽然来打破:all of a sudden Beaten you To break

通身何处有心肝:Where the body had no  heart and liver

境非独谓景物也:artistic conception not merely appellation Scenery also

亦人心中之一境界:Is one of the hearts of people  plane attained  reached

中华传统文化底蕴:The Chinese Traditional  cultural deposits

诗画相济:Combination of poetry and painting

相辅相成:Exist side by side and play a part together

相得益彰:Make the old and new contrast and complement each other

人间词话:Human world notes and comments on ci poetry

究根寻源:investigate root Find the source

继往开来:Carry forward the cause pioneered by one's predecessors and forge ahead into the future

咏物抒情:chant poems about tangible objects express one's emotion

集古句:Gather Ancient Poems sentences

抛砖引玉:Throw away a brick in order to get a gem

再创造的高峰:Re creation The peak

中国传统文化底蕴:Chinese traditional culture  deposits

高处不胜寒:be too highbrow to be popular

随类赋彩:conformity to kind in applying colors

食古不化:Follow the beaten track

雅俗共赏:Suit both the refined and the common people

托物言志:C'mon objective things Expression Ambition

借物抒怀:borrow Objective object unburden one's heart

缺一不可:Not a single one can be omitted.

诗 、书、画溶为一体:Poetry, calligraphy and Chinese painting an organic [integral] whole

这才是中国画的真谛:This is the true meaning of Chinese painting

思想品格是艺术的生命:Ideological character is the life of Art

越是传统的,就越具有民族性:The more traditional,The more Have Multi nationality Nature

越是民族的,就越具有世界性:The more the national culture, the more cosmopolitan

弘扬国萃:Carry forward national extraction

养心修身之术:nourishing heart cultivate one's moral character  Method

知世悟道之功:be aware of  in the world realize the truth or philosophic theory power

恬淡虚无:tranquilized mind Clearly nothing

精神内守:keeping a sound mind Inner spirit

至静至远:Arrive quiet Arrive distant

调和天人:Harmony between heaven and man

通过内省:Through introspection

适合自身发展的,才是最好的:Fit their own development, is the best

借鉴必须有度:Reference must be degree Certain amount

仅限于技法的修饰上借鉴:Be confined only to On the modification of techniques

本末倒置:Have the order reversed

光影效果:glight shadow Effect

绝然不同:Completely different

西风东渐:the spread of Western influences to the East

丢西瓜捡芝麻:throw Watermelon pick up sesame seeds

走向歧途:trend crossroad wrong road

岂为形质桎梏禁:How can Be forced Status and texture restrict

绍骅泼墨真性情:The true nature of Gu Shaohua's splash-ink, a technique of Chinese ink-painting  tempermament

东坡长笑儿童邻:Su Dongpo jokes If you draw a picture of the "shape" and judge the good and bad,He has the same experience as children

诗情画意至高境:poetic and pictorial splendor (poetic Chinese painting)The highest level of Chinese painting

千种风情予知音:Thousands of amorous feelings give a friend keenly appreciative of one's talents

雨疏风骤昨夜停:Rain wind suddenly stopped last night

诗情画意中华情:poetic and pictorial splendor Chinese love

绍骅捉笔向丹青:Gu Shaohua hold a Writing brush towards red and green







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