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双语版·中国画的本质探 上篇

热度 2已有 2329 次阅读2017-5-9 05:16 |个人分类:顾绍骅艺术观点与作品|系统分类:艺术分享到微信

双语版·中国画的本质探    上篇

Chinese English   comparison The essence of Chinese painting seek   Part One


Gu Shaohua write



An example of "oil painting" Chinese painting

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Taking a broad view of the current art market: many artists in the past to the western painting as a reference to the creation of Chinese painting, in order to advocate the so-called integration of Chinese and Western painting, to strengthen the visual impact and realism. As a result, the development of China painting not only lost China nationality culture, also once appeared the phenomenon of extreme depression, in which the decision of foreign cultural awareness under the will Chinese painting into end; since Xu Beihong's "western art into China painting, line drawing to 'give up' sketch 'pursuit of light the effect of" - this is the national culture self caused; such "ethnic cultural inferiority" has been with China painting for more than and 100 years! Has Chinese painting "vitality" big break, if not timely remedy, I The quintessence of Chinese culture-- Chinese painting Certainly come down in the world Become Western painting "accessories" and the real war died......!

中国传统文化被称为“包子文化”,博大精深、寓意深远、隐含不露、一字多义等等,需要传统文化的厚积薄发,而中国画就是这样的载体;传统文化艺术是丰富、多样的,使我们“望洋兴叹”;前人给我们留下巨大的历史文化、书画资源宝库,我们应当传承与发扬光大。孔子说:“君子不器”( 君子不象器具那样,作用仅仅限于某一方面,君子应当多才多艺),在此,用意是不拘泥于对“术”和“技法”,不要过分看重外表;苏轼说:“绘画以形似,见与儿童邻(绘画如果以画得“形似”而判定好与坏,他的见识与儿童一样)。历代画论称之为“标格特出”或“标致特出”(含义是“典雅的风貌刻画或模仿得突出”),人们一看,会感觉它完全跳出来了,超尘绝俗。这与是否工笔或写意无关,与题材、体裁、形制、手法也无关,是效果,浸透着精神内涵的一种效果。仇英画得虽好,但不能称作“逸”,是妙品,有的可称神品。 

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China traditional culture is called "bun" culture, broad and profound, and Hidden Not exposed one with a pregnant meaning, word Polysemy and so on, traditional culture of Accumulate steadily, and China painting is the carrier of traditional culture; art is rich and diverse, the "Lament one's littleness before we the vast ocean"; predecessors left us the huge historical and cultural resources, calligraphy and painting, we should inherit and carry forward. Confucius said: "the gentleman does not like appliances that only limited to one aspect, the gentleman should versatile", here, Not rigidly adhere to is intended to "art" and "techniques", not to pay too much attention to appearance; Su Shi said: "if the painting is painted" shape "and whether good or bad, his see like children. The painting is called "Elegant style and features Characterization or Imitation prominent", people see, feel it completely jump out, Beyond worldly Eradicate vulgarity. This has nothing to do with the fine brushwork or freehand brushwork, with the theme, genre, shape, technique also has nothing to do, is the effect, saturated with the spirit of an effect. Qiu Ying painting is good, but can not be called "In Shenpin Above works", is Taeshina, fine work art of, some can be called Shenpin masterpiece or superb work. Chen Hongshou's "In Shenpin masterpiece Above works a famous painter of, the Ming Dynasty of Zhu Da" In Shenpin masterpiece Above works "," In "is a bit rough, Shenpin masterpiece Above works". His paintings have to be "cut off". Really valuable Chinese painting, must be rich in Chinese traditional culture, the traditional Cultural precipitation works, Tianhuang stone, Oriental Jasper etc like gemstone, Hotan or jade, Emerald etc fine jade also, is only in the "mortal men and vulgar persons within one's vision" or "Not open gemstone" state, need to know the use of "Chinese traditional culture" as "cutting tool", which will open and bright. Lang Shining's painting is a typical combination of Chinese and western, his works, the Qing Dynasty emperor See later, the president of the court of the Academy of painting, Zou Yigui, came to him, let him judge. Zou Yigui said: "the painting is very like, very fine, but not worth tasting, also can be understood as not Tasting comment (the works of Lang Shining China because of the lack of traditional culture and not become a good China painting).



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Ou Yangxiu said in the "barring picture" poems in verse:"China focuses on painting, freehand, (small freehand brushwork and freehand brushwork), not like western paintings of objective things describe, but Chinese painting is not a pen to draw, with extensive traditional culture --" Table three minutes, stage takes ten years "can be reflected in the picture is Does not require fine conception, appearance, and Artistic implication. Plum blossom as an example of the painting, usually fill in the blank poetry, in order to borrow the lyric, Yongwu Shuhuai. If proud as Lucifer? Shallow ignorance will make its own shortcomings completely exposed; under such circumstances, there are more than Artistic implication paintings, and sometimes painted by the expression of Artistic implication is that poetry artistic conception, therefore, the best is Combination of poem and painting, "poetic Chinese painting" in order to reach a broader impression. The Northern Song Dynasty statesman, scientist Shen Kuo in the "MengXiBiTan the encyclopedia writted by Shenkuo in the Song Dynasty in China said:" in the "painting beauty, God should work hard to understand, it is difficult to use a specific image to seek. Most of the people who look at the paintings in the world are able to point out the defects in the image, position and color of the painting. However, it is very rare for them to reach a deep understanding of the mysteries. Then he said, "my collection of Wang Wei's painting" Yuan An to the ground the snow picture ", there is snow in banana, which is handy creation, everywhere can charm into the picture, so that was ecstatic, deep secret nature. It is difficult to relate to the theory of ordinary people. Sheikh said: "weixie painting, although the external image cannot realistically draw subtle things, and vivid expression and charm, painting beyond the king of the famous works, can be said to be unprecedented." This is the essence of the problem.


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 黄休複云“夫观画而神会者鲜也,不过视其形似而已”(意思是:我们看画作,是心领神会,明白画家用意的,非常少,大众只是能够看出画家在作品中的图形“像不像”而已。); 明代项穆云“苟非达人上智,孰能玄鉴入神”(意思是:如果没有出类拔萃的智慧,怎么能够画出意蕴深刻、内含丰富、引人向善、出神入化的作品来呢?)。这样一来,许多人一辈子也进入不了笔墨状态了。(中国画)要把自己提升成有文化、有境界、有操守的人,才能进入中国画。中国画对画家有人文要求,要“人”、“文”双修。对欣赏者的要求同样也要有“文”,“文”是进入中国画创作和欣赏的门槛,也是沟通画家和社会的桥梁。中国画启示人养心修身,知世悟道。孔子说“见山思仁,见水思智”,醉心于看画人远离势利,离善境更近。一时达不到,但能使人向而往之。(看见高山、思想仁政,看见流水、智慧思索;陶醉在艺术作品上的人,远离势利,趋善近仁;一时半刻达不到,但能够使人心念神往、一心向善。)“成教化、助人伦”,是艺术的社会功用。而最大的“教化”与“人伦”便是向善。传统中国画一从思想入,二从书法入,中国画家一生都重涵养,是养出来的。中国画重藏不重显、重涵不重露,就是哲学观使然。观画然,观人亦然。美在皮表,一览无馀,情致浅而意味淡;故初喜而终厌。美在其中,蕴藉多致,耐人寻味,画尽意在;故初平平而终见妙境。(中国画重视隐藏、含蓄,而不是显摆、张扬;中华传统哲学观念也是这样的。看画这样、看人也是这样。美在外表,一览无余;情致浅而意味淡,所以,一开始喜欢,时间久就讨厌啦。美,隐藏其中的作品,蕴含着多种多样的形式,耐人寻味,画尽意在;因此,初见普通,然而,后来发现了奇妙的意境,会“爱不释手”。)


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Yun   Nantian, "inscribe  Jiulong Mountain people: "flying mood, forget is" work ", to join a good state; Italy to good, not fine; enter the state, in accordance with their own ideas, will be free to pen or freely, or oblique, or dotted in place, so as a" natural ". According to Chuang-tzu, the secret is to give up the classic, "after the discovery of wisdom, recover the original simplicity. Qing Wang Yu said: "sit in" Sit in meditation broken futon, static to "understand (Mystery) from meditation" principle and law; also can show "Exceed ordinary extraordinary refined be naturally formed" works. Huang Xiufu said: "we look at the painting, is the be content a secret understanding, to understand the intention of the artist, very few people can only see the painter in the works of the graphics" like " The Ming Dynasty; Xiang Mu cloud "if there is no rise above the common herd wisdom, how to draw the Profound implication, the rich, good food, work to reach the acme of perfection?. As a result, many people can not enter the life of a pen state. Chinese painting (Chinese painting) to enhance their own culture, there is a state of integrity, to enter the Chinese painting. The Chinese painting has the humanities request to the painter, must "the character", "the culture" double repair. The requirements for the appreciation of the same must also have a "cultural background", "Chinese traditional culture" is to enter the Chinese painting creation and appreciation of the threshold, but also to communicate the artist and society bridge. Chinese painting inspiration cultivate one's character nourishing heart, Understand the realize the truth or philosophic moral theory world. Confucius said "The thought policy of to see the mountains, see benevolence, Intelligent water, thinking; revel in the art of people, away from the Yearning for goodness Approaching justice snobbish; a little while not up to, but can make people fascinated, read good one. "Culture and human relations" is the social function of art. But the biggest "education Enlighten ment" and "human relations" is good. Traditional Chinese painting from the ideological, two from calligraphy, Chinese artists have been re cultivation of life, is raised. China draw attention to hidden, subtle, and not to show off, Zhang Yang; Chinese traditional philosophy concept is such. Look at the picture, so do people. Beauty in appearance, taste and flavor to glance; shallow, so a long time to love and hate. Beauty, hidden works, contains a variety of forms, painting finish reading mood of ", a Continue thinking; therefore, some common, however, later found a wonderful mood," Happily Very Do not want to put down".


To be continued







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回复 Lmd 2017-5-18 00:15
顾绍骅: 谢谢您的支持!
回复 Lmd 2017-5-18 00:14
顾绍骅: 谢谢您的支持!
回复 顾绍骅 2017-5-18 00:11
Lmd: 画,能把内容装进去就好!八股的形式不一定不变。
回复 顾绍骅 2017-5-18 00:11
Lmd: 画,能把内容装进去就好!八股的形式不一定不变。
回复 Lmd 2017-5-9 07:56


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