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已有 1189 次阅读2017-3-17 23:41 |个人分类:顾绍骅艺术观点与作品|系统分类:艺术分享到微信

四、     中国画色彩的魅力






Four, the charm of Chinese painting color

Always pay attention the use of painting in ancient China to color, the study of color history painting reached a high level, the ancient painters have long summed up the season and climate changes caused by different color images, and hot and cold on the use of color.

[Tang] Wang Wei in "landscape theory" in Chinese painting performance says: "When it rains Is not divided into heaven and earth, Do not know East or west,...... The rain stopped Collection The blue sky, A thin Very slight, mountain scenery Green Moist, Evening sun Low skew rays Cloud (Show). Morning scenery then Thousand mountains Sleepy, Little fog, The hazy moon, Heavenly dark obscure is. Evening scenery then On hill Embedded the The Crimson Sunset, Sail volume River water Title The is in,...... Spring scenery then Dense Smoke cage, Long smoke white Is, Water as blue, Gradually the green mountains is, fog. The summer scenery is trees With foliage Blot the sky cover the sun and, Green water No wave Ancient out then luxuriant....... Autumn senery then The Such as color water, Clusters of woods sky is,...... Winter scene then borrow a of land snow expanse of whiteness, Wood cutter Shoulder Vast, The fishing boat against the shore piece, Shallow water Sand flat leaning, For was Fuelwood." This shows that China's landscape painters on climate, Day and night, seasonal changes in color have a more detailed and in-depth analysis, and applied to painting.

[]郭熙在《林泉高致》中指出:“水色:春绿,夏碧,秋青、冬黑。天色:春晃,夏碧,秋净,冬黯。”郭熙是中国古代大画家,又是杰出的绘画理论家,他概括地总结了水色和天色的季节变化。 []唐岱在《绘事发微》中说道:“山有四时之色,风雨晦明,变更不一,非着色以像其貌。所谓春山艳冶而如笑,夏山苍翠而如滴,秋山明净而如淡,冬山惨淡而如睡,此四时之气也。” []沈宗骞在《芥舟学画编》中也生动而具体地介绍四季风景的色彩画法:“春景欲其明媚,凡草坡树梢,须极鲜研,而他处尤黯淡欲以显之。故作春景,不可多施嫩绿之色。-……夏景欲其葱翠,山顶石颠,须绿面加青,青面加草绿。…秋景欲其明净,疏林衰草,白雾苍葭,……冬景欲其黯淡,一切景物,惟松柏竹及老树者,可用老绿,余惟淡赭和黑而已。”形象地描述四季色彩的特点,说明中国画也必须用色彩表现季节和气候的变化。 




[song] Guo Xi in "Lin Quan Gao Zhi" pointed out: "color: green spring, summer autumn and winter green, black green. The spring and summer autumn winter net, dark green." Guo Xi is China ancient painters, painting is an outstanding theorist, he summed up the general water color of weather and seasonal changes. [Qing Dynasty] Tang Dai said in "In the painting": "mountain There are four seasons (spring, summer, autumn and winter Color Wind and rain Dark), and bright, change Not a, Non coloring As to its appearance. So-called Spring mountain Pretty and coquettish Like a girl's smile, The summer mountain green drops, Akiyama Bright, As clean as light, Winter Hill Gloomy And like sleep, this Four seasons appearance." [clear] Shen Zongqian in "Mustard boat painting series Vividly and concretely" in the four seasons of color landscape painting: "Spring scenery to its bright Any grass, slope Treetop, Must Extremely fresh Beautiful, And other places Particularly bleak therefore Highlight it. A spring, Must not many use tender Green color. -...... The summer scenery Want make it A wild profusion of vegetation, the top stone top surface shall be green with green, green and green.... The autumn to clear, Sparse woods Withered grass, White cloud Old trees New reed,...... Winter landscape its bleak, all scenery, Only pine, cypress, bamboo the old tree, available old green, I only leave ochre dull and black. And." Describe the characteristics of the four seasons color, indicating that Chinese painting must also use color to reflect the seasonal and climatic changes.





Shen Zongqian also talked about the human body color painting: "people of color, from youth to old age, with the passage of time and changing; the baby, Tender skin texture Exquisite, Crystal color, Less application Ink when Light powder, Light color Fuzzy part Fresh flowers, like the color. People in prime time, Qi of energy adequate Blood flourishing, Bony eminence, when the Ink extension interior, the color from the outside, to have One's face with health Many hair like glowing. If after middle age, Qi middle-jiao energy the decline in order of On convergence. Although the color of the run with pale, Sharp creases, Are all Full display, When to ink Do bone, colourIn order to integrate into God, In order to make Obese people Plump Without Chamfering, Ema Ciated man Lean rather not No meat but. If in old age Is the, skin crepe, Weakness of blood vessels Skin embedded, deep creases, Qi of middle-jiao decline and asymptotic Cangmang, Skin color vertical low and less haggard, Even the skin looks dirty Just like, Frozen pear, Such as dead wood or crepe, Such performance When the omni-directional ink, Use it to represent shape. Always use block surface, To show its Color color. Must extremely Intricate appearance In class Dust color Without sediment. Extremely steep and get its own cliffs integration. Such a similar situation, probably all the way to deal with. As for the flexible place can not, be generalized, as people are in a prominent place, applying color to the light, and I do not know th E head above protrusion, exposed to weather in place, its color be deep. The low-lying, less exposed the weather, its color will be shallow. to, the will...... Also said that people are women and young children's skin color, it is best to show tender tender and white red, but I do not know the young and women have very pale color. The middle-aged to elderly people change, also has a very delicate skin color, but this is less, and the skin color pale, what is the spirit and the color of the teenager, but not with the same old, old skin tender, it is the old color, but not with the same boy. Shen Zongqian "on the human skin color due to gender, age, health, and the characteristics of different characteristics in detail. In particular, dialectical analysis of the relationship between the law and the special phenomenon, is a brilliant color of the discourse, it is worth us to appreciate and learn.






what is called  a  vivid:  is very vivid rhythm, the Things change of images in sports, modern society has entered the digital era, the rhythm is the high-speed movement, the painter's thoughts cannot escape from reality, to today's thoughts and feelings into the words to express their feelings - so that the freehand brushwork write this era meaning by painting Wu, write a sense of real life; the reason for that; it is also the color of freehand brushwork, magnificent and gorgeous and colorful world needs sensory stimulation, painting has entered the international, is on the basis of inheriting the tradition to keep up with the trend of the times. As Shi Tao said: "when the ink with the times" with the level of exquisite color features in Spiritual calling; "speech can not express the subtle feelings, but the first layer of shape will not stimulated Surface, because People Only pursue essence and die out.

色对人的感官刺激仍时时存在,唤醒人们不要完个忽视它,并与此产生了墨对色彩世界的表现足与不足的论:光色事实的空间中的确有无法为水墨所完全复合进的自然客体;“日照香炉生紫烟”的紫是多么细腻观察的心得。“朝辞白帝彩云间”的彩云,“千里莺啼绿映红”的富丽,“窗含西岭千秋雪”的明媚,“苍山如海残阳如血”的豪壮、其强烈的色彩视觉刺激也不能不逆反而浮现出光彩照人的影像,流露于艺术家的心底、笔间;那些超凡脱俗的文人,也要思考以色彩补水墨之不足了,尤其是花鸟画中“黄家富贵 、徐熙野逸”( 在中国花鸟画的发展历史中,素来有“黄家富贵,徐熙野逸”的说法。 “黄家”指的是五代西蜀至北宋初的画家黄筌和他的两个儿子,他们先后供奉宫廷,擅长画珍禽异兽,风格富贵华丽;后者指的是徐熙,他也是五代南唐至北宋初人,所画大多为野生花卉及常见之禽鸟,画风野逸素雅。)兰竹的表现很有特点。各领风骚:这从文人心理上或许讲是补水墨之不足,但事实上:是平分秋色,色彩本身即具有时空的自然归赋与心知的随意流露,花开花落几乎年年如血;朝朝暮暮天天重演,高原草地则天壮地雄,锦绣江南则山清水秀,时空的自然归赋重迭也白成类相,花色、云露、黄土、青草、绿水等等无不如此,这是更为丰富多彩的绘画艺术天地。所以,巧意色彩足顺应时代的发而产生的,艺术家的任务是如何找到自己的时代语言去表达那份真挚的情感。




The color of the sensory stimulation is always there, awakening people don't ignore it end months, and produces a color ink on the performance of the world and the lack of adequate theory with this: light and color in the fact that there is indeed a space for the ink can not be fully into the compound the natural objects; "Sunshine censer living purple smoke" purple is how delicate observation of the experience. "Leave the white Emperor city in the morning when bright clouds surrounded" "Thousands of miles south cloud, of the, Yangtze River, The peach trees were in bloom and the willows were turning green" "From the window to rich, see Xiling the snow" Deep green hills ", bright, endless like the sea; Sunset, the setting sun like blood", the heroic intense color visual stimulation also have to inversion arises out of a glamorous image, the artist's pen in his heart; those otherworldly literati, but also think about ink color to the lack, especially the flower and bird painting "Huang family riches and honourXu Xi Relax and elegant" (Chinese; in the history of the development of Chinese flower and bird painting, has always been a "Huang family riches and honour, Xu Xi Relax and Elegant; "". "Surname Huang family" refers to the Five Dynasties to the early Northern Song Dynasty painter Huang Quan and his two sons, they have palace be an official, Good at painting rare fowls and strange animals, rich and gorgeous style; the latter refers to Xu Xi, he is the five generation to the early Northern Song Dynasty, the paintings are mostly Wild flowers and Common birds) and wild style, simple and elegant. Orchid and bamboo performance is very characteristic. Each The leading position: This is perhaps the literati psychological stresses is the Creation of painting Chinese, but the fact is: Go halves on a fifty-fifty basis, the color itself is the natural time and space to give intelligence the free show, flowers bloom almost years like blood; every morning and evening every day to repeat, grassland The strong male, Jinxiu Jiangnan is picturesque scenery, the natural time and space to assign overlap or white into color, cloud phase, dew, loess, grass, water and so on are all true, it is more rich and colorful painting art. Therefore, the meaning of the color is full of the times, the artist's task is to find their own language to express the true feelings.


To be continued







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