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诗情画意再探 下

已有 2414 次阅读2012-1-11 05:01 |个人分类:顾绍骅艺术观点与作品|系统分类:科技教育| 中国画, 诗情画意 分享到微信

Here I explore the "poetic" of an apology, I implore you criticize correction:
一、    依画题诗(自作诗)
1, according to Chinese painting poetry (write your own poems)
1、Chinese landscape painting poetic - "Autumn Xiajiang"
诗情画意再探        下_图1-1
规格:68×68㎝  纸本设色  2008年10月创作
【Appreciate】Steep gorge in the steep cliffs, the distance of the boat's image; lush red long Ye Shusheng top of the cliff, will screen "red" and a good harvest in the autumn landscape is full of the whole of the gorge. I saw this beautiful scenery, could not resist the "Wu Yan" for poetry.
Specification: 67 × 65 cm paper colors created in October 2008
2、Poetic Chinese landscape painting - "Since poetry · Landscape Painting"
诗情画意再探        下_图1-2
【释义】没有严格遵照山水画的“勾、皴、点、染”等“程序”来,而是依照自己“成竹在胸”来抒发激情,追求笔墨意趣;用“五墨六彩”(焦浓重淡清)等笔墨效果来在宣纸上“游戏”。 (这些)是因为《诗情画意再探》缺少素材,(自己)再继续题上七言诗,完成后是多么的惬意啊!
【Appreciate】Not strictly follow the landscape of the "hook, cracked, point, dye" and "procedures" to, but according to his "enlightened approach" to express the passion, the pursuit of ink Interest; with "five-color ink 6" (Jiao Qing strong light) and other words effect to the rice paper on the "game." (These) as "poetic Revisited" lack of material, (their own) and then continue to question the Piece, how comfortable after ah!
【注】①“五墨六彩” 五墨:焦墨、浓墨、重墨、淡墨、清墨——水墨画的色彩层次;六彩:黑、白、干、湿、浓、淡。
【Note】 ① "five-color ink 6" Five Mexican: Mexican coke, the edges of heavy ink, light ink, clear ink - the color ink level; six-color: black, white, dry, wet, thick, pale.
② "just because" taking the word of "false consciousness because Linhe Jing, prompting the poet said this";
③ "Revisited": is this article.
  规格:136×68㎝   纸本设色    创作年代:2010年5月
Size: 136 × 68 cm paper's color creation: May 2010
3、Poetic Chinese landscape painting - "Since poetry · Xiashan Love"
诗情画意再探        下_图1-3
【释义】(笔者)怀着对祖国美丽江山的热爱,绘出“心中的壮景” ——象云霞升腾聚集起来。景物灿烂绚丽的峡山;风景如画的母亲河与如斧劈沟壑一般的峡江,浮云环绕,波澜壮阔的江山,景色怡人、美丽激昂、国泰民安;太白诗仙曾经咏道:“孤帆远影碧空尽,…。”是何等的伤感;如今随着祖国的强大,真是翻天覆地的变化,那些“孤寂、穷困”的朝代已经一去不复返,一片繁荣、和谐的景色已经“闯入”我们的视野。
【Appreciate】 With beautiful rivers and mountains of the motherland, love, draw the "King Zhuang heart" - like the rosy clouds gathered Ascension. Xiashan brilliant magnificent scenery; picturesque Mother River and Three Gorges, such as ax gully general, clouds, surrounded by magnificent rivers and mountains, scenic, beautiful and passionate, peace and prosperity; Bai Shixian who chant: "The Gu Fan Yuan shadow blue sky to make, .... "What a sad; now with the Motherland, is really earth-shaking changes, those" lonely, poor, "the dynasty has been gone, a prosperous and harmonious scenery has" entered " our vision.
【注】①苏轼诗《荆州十首》有“游人出三峡,楚地尽平川。”句;荆州:古"九州"之一。在荆山﹑衡山之间。汉为十三刺史部之一。辖境约相当于今湘鄂二省及豫桂黔粤的一部分;汉末以后辖境渐小。东晋定治江陵(现属湖北),为当时及南朝长江中游重镇。明清置府,后废。  2.唐韩朝宗曾任荆州长史,为时人所推重,称韩荆州。见唐李白《与韩荆州书》。后因以"荆州"称己所推重之士。
③“三船”: 古代的“三、六、九”是吉利数字,“三生有幸、三人为众、三纲五常、三人行,必有我师焉”也是多指数。
【Note】 ① Jingzhou: ancient, "Kyushu" one. Hengshan in between Jingshan ﹑. Department of Chinese and one for the 13 provincial governor. Jurisdiction over this territory equivalent to about two provinces of Hunan, Hubei and Henan part of Guangxi, Guizhou and Guangdong; Han Dynasty after the territory under its jurisdiction gradually smaller. Eastern Sadaharu Gangneung (now part of Hubei Province), for the time and the Southern city of the Yangtze River. Chi Ming and Qing government, after the waste. 2. Tang Han Chaozong former Jingzhou Nagao, too people hold in esteem, Jingzhou Han said. See Don Li Bai "and Han Jingzhou." Later, because of the "Jingzhou", said the thrust-weight people in already.
② "a boat": Li Bai's poem are: "a boat to walk very far, just to see the Yangtze River's water, all flow of the" horizon "."
③ "Mifune": the ancient "three, six, nine" is a lucky number, "'ve been looking forward, three for the public, three cardinal guides and the five permanent members, three rows, must be my teacher Yan" is also a multi-index.
规格 68×136cm    纸本设色  创作年代:2010年5月
Size 68 × 136cm paper, ink's creation: May 2010
4、Poetic Chinese landscape painting - "Three Gorges of the spring is very beautiful, the spots of green in the red"
诗情画意再探        下_图1-4
【赏析】取:唐·杜牧的《江南春》 “千里莺啼绿映红”和唐·韦庄的《幽居春思》“绿映红藏江上村” 之意境;以歌颂祖国锦绣河山之壮丽、秀美,大自然的一切,是多么和谐美好啊!
【Appreciate】Take: Don · Du Mu's "Jason Jiang", "Journal of Dalian Green Ying-thousand miles," and Don ? Wei Zhuang's "house arrest two poems," "Green Ying-possession of the river village" mood; "Three Gorges of the spring is very beautiful, green the spots in the red "as a tribute to the motherland and beautiful land of magnificent, beautiful, all of nature and how beautiful harmony ah!
规格:  67.8cm×69cm    纸本设色  创作年代:2008年11月
Size: 67.8cm × 69cm paper, ink Creation's: November 2008
二、    依诗作画:
Second, according to Chinese landscape poetry of content creation:
5、Poetic Chinese landscape painting "beautiful golden autumn leaves"
诗情画意再探        下_图1-5
【Appreciate】The poem describes a loss of freedom and happiness of people lost their freedom, the yearning for happiness. The first two poems, "What water too fast, do palace on idle", wonderful in the water too fast just scolded, telling palace too busy, not out to write a complaint, but a complaint from view. After the two poems, "gracious thank leaves, good to go to the earth", the pen moves more euphemistic. It is wonderful twists and turns communication, child care, always focussed on, not from the front to write their own situation and feelings, not always say that their long isolation and the desire to return with the human world, but with refraction methods, from the side write, but only one with wave extend hospitality to the leaves of Zhu Gao. Here, people are seriously humor poem prisoners of resentment, longing to live in freedom and break through the confinement of her strong will, do not words into, can be self-evident.
I created the painting in the opposite sense: the sailing ship the wind and waves, travels between Castle Peak in the leaves; its owner for a better life filled with longing, across the "Gully sill, heavy turbid waves" has been toward a bright and harmonious.
规格:136×68cm   纸本设色    2010年4月创作
Size: 136 × 68cm paper colors created in April 2010
6、Poetic Chinese landscape painting, "Autumn of a person fishing"
诗情画意再探        下_图1-6
【Appreciate】Autumn River alone I am similar anglers dressed, wearing hats, sail boat, arrived at a riverside. Seated, remove the rod, handle the fishing line, under the good fish catch. A fall in the river, alone, fishing, long days of high water, a kind of unspeakable ease. Pleased when the front of the distance, singing a song, drinking cup, that is how fun ah. Poet Lian Yong nine "one", bold and wonderful, so poetry fun, but also better to write a "fishing alone," the share of leisure itself so that we seem to see this one, "Autumn River, and fishing alone": the fall A Phi Mino Dai Li's man in fishing, the water alongside the vessel with a basket of fish, jug of wine on board, the bank has a number of leaves, and some fiery red maple leaves, so beautiful!
The moral of the romantic: humanity is a "Fruitful" spring flowers, fall fruit; was the best, "One River fall fishing alone," all of the "fruits" are "fishing" out. It is good luck! ! !
规格:180 x 97㎝     纸本设色          2010年4月创作    
Size: 180 x 97 cm paper colors created in April 2010
7、Poetic Chinese landscape painting, "wind blowing through pine trees, blew the water pulls the Yangtze River silver spray"
诗情画意再探        下_图1-7
 【赏析】这首诗从小处着笔写出了长江的宏伟气势。 甘露寺,坐落在长江南岸镇江的北固山顶,从上面可俯视汹涌澎湃的滚滚长江。诗的一、二句采取了一种以近推远、远近结合的写法,即由“枕中”、“床底”推至千峰、万壑,同时又将千峰、万壑纳入胸怀,而诗的三、四句则采取以小写大、大小结合的写法,即以一扇小窗的开启写出长江的宏伟气势,同时又以“放入”一词将大江的排山倒海之势(大)与一窗的涛声顿起(小)巧妙结合起来,这一开窗赏江听涛的行为在“放入”的主体意志熔铸中转化为一种主动拥抱长江的豪情壮举。此时的“开窗” 实际上是诗人的开怀,因为只有具备装得下大江大海的豪迈胸襟与浩然心胸的人才会有如许宏大气魄的诗情。“开窗放入”也体现了中国传统诗学“咫尺而有万里之势”的艺术构思法,诗人以小窗写大江,从小处着笔而直探大江的真容貌。令人有将千万山峰揽入胸怀的感觉;松涛在深谷中呼啸升起,细听仿佛就在床底下席卷而过,其声呜咽,令人心颤。诗人写“云气”,写“松声”,正是为了衬托甘露寺的清迈脱俗,而这“云气”又极奇特,仿佛如枕中所出,似云似雾,似真似幻,造成了一种如梦如幻的感觉。而“枕中云气”与“床底松声”又不仅仅是夸张与幻想,而是充满着诗人强烈的主观意志,体现出中国传统文化“万物皆备于我”的哲学精神。此时之诗人,居高凌视,孤峰独立可统驭万物。可以想象,诗人高居北固山顶,看云气缭绕身旁,千峰仿佛前来亲近,听脚下松涛卷过,万壑似乎低首哀鸣,胸中升起的是一种何等雄迈俊爽的感觉。
【Appreciate】This poem written Zhaobi small and the great momentum of the Yangtze River. Kanroji, located in the south of the Yangtze Zhenjiang Beigushan top, looking down from above can be rolling in the Yangtze River surging. One poem, two have taken a nearly pushed far, far and near combination of written, that is "Pillow," "bed" push to Shiqianfeng, myriad, but will also Shiqianfeng, myriad into mind, but Three poems, four were taken to lowercase large size of the combination of written, that is a small window to write the Yangtze River's grand opening momentum, and used "put" is the overwhelming trend in the river (large) with a window of waves Dunqi (small) cleverly combined the window's behavior reward Jiang Tingtao "into" the subject will cast a pro-active in embracing the Yangtze River into the pride feat. At this time "window" is actually the poet's exuberance, it is only pretend to be the next big Jiang Da Hai with the heroic and noble-minded people would mind if Xu Hong great boldness of vision of poetry. "Window into the" also reflects the traditional Chinese poetry, "right close by while thousands of miles of the situation," the idea of artistic method, the poet to write small window river, small and Zhaobi and rediscovering the river's true appearance. There will be millions of people into the mountains embrace the feeling of mind; pines in the deep valley in the roar rising, listen as if swept under the bed too, the sound of sobs, is Xin Chan. Poet wrote, "clouds", write "loose sound," Chiang Mai is to emphasize the Kanroji refined, and this "cloud" has a very strange, as if by a pillow, like clouds Si Wu, like Zhen Si magic, resulting in a kind of dreamy feeling. The "Pillow clouds" and "voice of the pines bed," it is not just exaggeration and fantasy, but full of the poet's will, reflect traditional Chinese culture, "All things are to me," the philosophical spirit. At this point the poet, as Marian home, Koho may exercise was independent of all things. Can imagine, the poet highest Beigushan top to see swirling clouds beside Shiqianfeng like to come close, volume to listen to the foot of pines had, it seems Dishou myriad moan, the chest is a rising sense of how male Junshuang step.
规格:180 x 97㎝     纸本设色          2010年4月创作    
Size: 180 x 97 cm paper colors created in April 2010
8、Poetic Chinese landscape painting, "recreational fishing"
诗情画意再探        下_图1-8
【Appreciate】Shu learned leisure to fishing, using a tile ou bottles to sommelier; lack of sit down and Castle Peak, drunk sleep lying in Luhua Dang, time passed quickly, and at night, the day the stars are envious and jealous of me leisurely life. First direct writing laid-back fishing, plays with the stars envy of the lining of the writing from a comfortable full feeling.
规格:86 x 68㎝     纸本设色          2010年4月创作    
Size: 86 x 68 cm paper colors created in April 2010

This article References: 1, Chinese classical landscape Sidelights, 2, 3 on nicely, 3, Chinese calligraphy and painting
顾绍骅(QQ:1072494751 欢迎加入)作于2010年5月4日
Shao-Hua Gu for the May 4, 2010







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