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中国画欣赏新译 12

热度 2已有 2377 次阅读2012-1-9 02:53 |个人分类:顾绍骅艺术观点与作品|系统分类:科技教育| 中国画, 诗情画意 分享到微信


"Painting the best way to objects in between like and do not like; too much like the readers to think too ordinary, boring, not as it is to deceive the people of the world (readers)." This is the generation of master baishi-qi elderly sentiment , But also the aesthetic Interest of the Chinese nation.









Chinese paintings and oil paintings are the main difference between the following points;

(1) Chinese painting as early as the time painting, forming the only paintings, Chinese paintings in the Eastern Jin Dynasty period (304-589 AD), molding, painting the molding at least the Middle Ages to the Renaissance.

(2) Chinese painting history of remote recovery for thousands of years, traditional Chinese art treasures. Chinese painting is the biggest characteristic of poetry, books, paintings, seal the works, and a painting on their own with the Chinese cultural heritage in Western painting is not the most important feature of the arts; Chinese painting is set literature, the arts as one of the crystallization of gems. Therefore, the painting is better than no.

(3) Chinese painting is taken by the casual point perspective, the painting is taken by the Focus Lens, so Chinese painting can draw a wide range of landscape painting figures (such as the "Riverside Scene of Pure Brightness") and not painting, oil painting can draw the object strongly Chinese painting and texture effects can not.

(4) Chinese paintings do not normally re-used color, color, the type less, the color degree of heavy oil painting, the use of the color of a lot.

(5) attaches great importance to mounting Chinese paintings, oil paintings were largely ignored this.

(6) Chinese paintings are generally a combination of private and Zhang Jin calligraphy inscriptions, and basically no oil painting.

(7) in the development of Chinese painting and schools relatively fixed and not divide, in the development of oil painting and many schools have big differences.




This should be the two major East-West parallel School - Western oil paintings, Chinese paintings keep pace with the east, but today's result: a "nutritional excess" (painting), while the other is a serious "lack of nutrition" These are the things that exist because of cultural background, cultural habits, economic development or not, and many other factors caused by the impact; As a result of the international community to Western painting - painting the times of love, the Oriental Painting - Chinese Painting Great indifference This "ignore" We will lead to a very reluctant to see the results - "survival of the fittest" Perhaps now or in the near future Chinese Painting "variation" it will "skin" for the artistic value is low, no ink, no poetic, not the "three far" (without the characteristics of Chinese painting), in the outside world under the pressure of the derived " Deformed children "- only strange colors, block-and special techniques (material) by the performance of the texture effect the so-called" innovation of Chinese Painting "

Therefore, I urge this: the developed countries-loving art (especially Oriental art-loving) groups or friends and ask you to protect the world's treasure house of art in a magnificent display of wonderful work - Chinese painting, into a force of its own !

In addition: to get the Chinese paintings can really be the peoples of the world's favorite, Chinese paintings and calligraphy on the need to "study and training" classes around the world to do so; Now, as China's international cultural exchanges, the Chinese cultural system reform, Chinese culture Art gems - will become more and more Chinese paintings and calligraphy by the peoples of the world's understanding and love of Chinese painting "study and training" classes around the world to do the dream will soon become a reality only when all countries in the world people love the arts through study , Understand and know how to appreciate Chinese paintings and calligraphy works of art "true meaning" in order to love and protect the healthy development of Chinese painting; believe that by that time, the gap between the prices of Western painting can be improved We look forward to an early arrival of that day!

注·本文参考的文献:1、《中国绘画史》潘天寿著 2、《中国书画鉴赏辞典》;3、《中国画色彩学》;4、《中国书画报》;5、《国画家》;6、《翰园书画报》;7、《中国书画艺术报》香港版。8、《中国画往何处去?许群 》;9、《论当代中国画的发展方向与画家的自我追求》等

Note · paper reference literature: 1, "the history of Chinese painting," a Pan Tianshou, 2, "Dictionary of Chinese painting Appreciation"; 3, "Chinese paintings of color"; 4, "Chinese Painting and Calligraphy", 5, "the painter"; 6, "John Park painting", 7, "Chinese painting and calligraphy art" Hong Kong version. 8, "Chinese paintings to where to Xu Qun ?" 9, "On the development of contemporary Chinese art direction and the painter's self-seeking."



In this paper, as in October 2003 (August 08 reorganization)

中国画欣赏新译      12_图1-1




作者简介:顾绍骅  、一九六三年五月二十二日生 籍贯: 四川省巴县人(武汉市出生)、砚池书画社社长、湖北省书画研究会理事、中国文化艺术发展促进会会员、中国书法国画研究会中国书画导师、“中国书画学会副主席、中国民族艺术家协会副会长、中国兰亭书画院副院长、世界教科文卫组织专家成员、“中国书画艺术百杰”。 其书画作品做到了“诗情画意,师古而不泥古;在笔墨及用色上有自己的特色,曾得到刘大为、沈鹏、史国良等老师的赞评。(顾绍骅中国书画作品选:http://v.ku6.com/special/index_3590944.html  

联系住址:武汉市江岸区堤角小区3-1-202   邮编:430011

电话:086-13308635298    Eminl: gushaohua2@sina.com,QQ:1072494751

About the author: Gu Shaoyuan Hua, M, May 22, 1963 Health, country of origin: Pakistan County in Sichuan Province (born in Wuhan), Wuhan Institute of Education Department of Chinese graduate teaching and research of Fine Arts in Wuhan City Council members, teachers, the backbone of Fine Arts in Wuhan City, Hubei Province Research director of painting and calligraphy, Chinese Culture and Arts Development Association members, Chinese calligraphy and Chinese painting for the study of Chinese painting and calligraphy instructor, "Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Institute, vice chairman of the Chinese Artists Association, vice president of the nation, the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Institute, vice president of the Orchid Pavilion, the World Methodist Education, Science, Culture Organization Members of the expert.

Contact Address: District of Wuhan City Jiangan embankment Kok District City Star Park opened 3-1-202 Zip code: 430011

Phone :086-13308635298 E-minl: gushaohua2@sina.com    qq:1072494751













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回复 顾绍骅 2013-2-19 00:43
酷卡在美國: 不敢當~詩情畫意的年代慢慢的要被急功近利代替了,人們在庸碌的生活中很難處之淡然吧,不過相信總還會有那些美好年代的回歸~ ...
回复 酷卡在美國 2013-2-18 11:40
顾绍骅: 呵呵,您是领悟中国画之根本的“世外高人”啊!
现在的“圈内人”都迷失在以“术”求“术”的思维之中,而舍本求末:放弃,或者根本不懂中国画重点是要有中国传 ...
回复 顾绍骅 2013-2-15 21:46
酷卡在美國: 状物妙在似与不似之间;太似则媚俗,不似则欺世    多辯證的思想啊~
回复 酷卡在美國 2013-2-15 11:08
状物妙在似与不似之间;太似则媚俗,不似则欺世    多辯證的思想啊~


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