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中国画欣赏新译 11

热度 1已有 1226 次阅读2012-1-9 02:50 |个人分类:顾绍骅艺术观点与作品|系统分类:科技教育| 中国画, 诗情画意 分享到微信

七、    一点(今后的)思考
7, thought for the future
中国画艺术是东方文化宝库中的一颗璀灿明珠,古往今来,它一直在向前发展,犹如一条长河,虽有时狂暴湍急,有时滞流平缓,但从没发生断流,它一直在发展中 向前、向前,终于汇成今天这样一条浩浩荡荡的艺术大河,中国画的发展中凝聚了多少代画人探索奋斗的结晶,这需要每一位有志于中国画中求索的学人珍视的。
Chinese painting is the art treasure-house of Oriental culture in a very bright pearl, ages, it has been in development, like a long river, although, as stormy weather and floods fast, and sometimes stagnation addition to the gentle flowing rivers, but Did not occur stop (no development), which has been in development forward, forward, and finally pooled into today a mighty river of art, Chinese painting rally in the development of painting and the number of people to explore the crystallization of struggle, which requires Every one interested in Chinese paintings of people in search of treasure.
Chinese paintings, no matter what age, what, landscapes, flowers and birds, figures, we can not do without the traditional. Because the traditional left is the "rootless flowers, passive water."
However, the Chinese paintings in the "foreign used by the Chinese, ancient by today's" process of increasing loss of national characteristics. A few years ago, had a painter's "Bumu Chinese painting" Oil Painting Exhibition to be classified matter, shocked the Chinese painting circles…… therefore produce such as "dead-end Chinese Painting" and "zero ink" and other pessimistic view. A Chinese painting of the Israel-loving painter said that China should be painted so that we like Chinese paintings of people look or Chinese painting.
Traditional Chinese painting to freehand brushwork mainly good at feelings and moods performance, but in the performance of specific than abstract images. "The Western concept of modeling into the Chinese paintings, Chinese paintings enhance the performance of the scope and capacity, is today engaged in the art of Chinese painting by the pursuit of efforts." Chinese Artists Association of China, director of the Hua Yi, Flowers and Birds Painting Jia Guo Yizong that is conducive to learning from Chinese paintings to the development of the times. However, in the development process to prevent Chinese and Western painting boundaries increasingly blurred. Many Chinese paintings and oil paintings in the composition, methods, and so has a surprisingly similar, if not been told this is the Chinese paintings, only vague slide in the judgement, it is natural that is painting. "This is the modern Chinese paintings of the greatest problems."
美术评论家刘曦林不无忧虑地说。以中国画为代表的东方绘画和以油画为代表的西方绘画,都在各自的发展道路上创造了无数辉煌:但由于东西方在思维模式、哲学基础以及美学观念等方面的差异。 在绘画上的不同十分明显。例如,尽管在绘画之初,东西方都是用线条来描绘物象的,但在以后的发展中,西画的“块面”和中国画在线条的观念和使用上,有了巨大的差别: 西方绘画逐渐走上了科学写实的道路,而中国绘画则走上了写意的道路:线条在两个绘画体系内的地位和作用也有了显著的分野。著名学者彭吉象先生曾对中西绘画的差异作了如下的概括:“如果中国绘画尚意,那么西方绘画尚形;中国 画重表现、重情感,西方绘画则重再现、重理性;中国绘画以线条作为主要造型手段,西方绘画则主要是由光和色来表现物象;中国绘画不受空间和时间的局限,西方绘画则严格遵守空间和时间的界限。总之,西方绘画注重再现与写实,同中国绘画注重表现与写意,形成鲜明差异”。
 Art critic Liu Xi Lin said with concern. Chinese painting as the representative of the Oriental paintings and oil paintings as the representative of Western painting, all in their path of development has created countless brilliant: But because the East and the West in mode of thinking, philosophy and aesthetic concepts, and so on the basis of the difference. In a different painting is very clear. For example, although in the beginning of painting, East-West lines are used to describe the images, but in the future development of Western painting of the "block face" in Chinese painting and the concept of lines and use, a huge difference: Western painting Gradually embarked on the path of scientific realism, and then embarked on a Chinese painting freehand brushwork of the road: two lines in the drawing system, the status and role of a significant distinction. Mr. Peng Jixiang a noted scholar of Chinese and Western painting have made the difference summed up as follows: "If China is still Italian painting, Western painting is still shape; Chinese painting-performance, heavy emotion, the weight of Western painting reproduction, re-rational; Chinese painting to Modeling lines as the main means of Western painting was mainly to performance by the light and color images; Chinese painting from the limitations of space and time, Western painting, strictly abide by the limits of space and time. In short, Western-oriented representation and realist painting, with the Chinese painting freehand brushwork and focus on performance, a sharp difference. "
The main characteristics of Chinese painting is the pursuit of "poetic" - bar lyric realism painting and the combination of the basic creative style, but also the vast number of people seeking heart of the aesthetic, emotional and revealed by the author in the works, received many scenes from entering a "story" Plot, vivid portrait as vivid details of the two sides (the author and readers) emotional exchange of information carrier.
For example: shaohua-gu poetic creativity of the Chinese landscape painting - "Goldsmith appointment map"
【Analyze 】high mountain's being the tallest be such of, water of the waterfalls flies from the air;That mountain is very big, top elephant connect day, underneath immediately after, the on the side of mountain is many elephant knifes to chop down to onely stand;In spring just inchoate time, the tree starts the color which changes into green;My good friend will go to original place an official, our preparation separate of time, all feel in a bad humor, mutually loathe to give up leave the other party;……That is very high big, dangerous of in plant and thick tree, weed...etc. in Tashan, the good elephant is obstructing my friendly friend right away.Imitate Fo to"spread" waterfalls to fly to flow to keep next huge voice and the sweep of bise from the appearance, the intertexture together makes the person feel natural build the greatness of thing.Have a strong art atmosphere.
Poetry has to prove: stand up in the mountains, none can not go to see downward, as old friends met the same can not be separated. Because once the spring, melting snow, with friends in the "Mountain" in each other. There are bright moonlight, to ask you to the news from afar. Each other to be returned are uncertain what our respective occupation "Shiyan East."
This painting used to ink the color of the main (five-ink color - Coke, thick, short, the Qing), "Qianjiang colors," lining into the back of the painting, it is "not injured ink" simple, The elegant and so on.
136×34cm   纸本设色    2007年作)中国画欣赏新译    11_图1-1







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