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中国画欣赏新译 4

热度 1已有 1129 次阅读2012-1-7 04:18 |个人分类:顾绍骅艺术观点与作品|系统分类:科技教育| 中国画, 诗情画意 分享到微信

三、    笔墨特点         
Third, the characteristics of ink
China is known as "painting identity," said; regardless of books and paintings, using the tools are the same。 T Bank, Yunbi skills such as the same, Chinese calligraphy is "line-defined" and Chinese painting has always been a "line modeling" (lines as the main means of modeling)。 Despite the innovation of Chinese painting in color as a breakthrough point, and a lot of color mainly to the modern works, but the line still plays an important role in traditional painting lines superb performance skills and excellent cultural connotations, has been inherited and By innovation。 Therefore, the study of Chinese painting lines of historical development trajectory, so that we Chinese painting lines on the inheritance and innovation of a more sober understanding is very important。 Chinese painting lines is a prominent characteristic of the rich performance, it is so far the majority of countries in the art of painting the lines and by the level of difficulty。
Be good at "holding line to walk," the German modernist master Klee said: "The handwriting is the most crucial performance rather than Gongzheng。 Please consider - the practice of the Chinese people。" Performance lines of Chinese painting techniques while the maturity far earlier than the West However, it is not a one-step, but through a long development。 Fixed-line to move the line。 In primitive society created by human lines, is a straight line, horizontal line and the Circle Line。 As the use of these lines, people can object on the screen to draw the structure, to convey the message。 With the development of civilization since then, people also feel a straight line, horizontal line and the Circle Line relatively inflexible, rigid and lack of dynamism and vitality, thus creating a number of wavy, uneven thickness, full of tension lines。 We from the Zhou Dynasty bronze "Tantalizing GUI", the Han Dynasty stone portraits of "Riding" can be seen in Chinese painting lines from the 10th century BC, there will be a huge development: from the line-is full of vitality into the gradually-moving Lines。 This change is reflected in how it ?
中国画欣赏新译     4_图1-1
 (934 to 960) during the painter yuan-dong "Xiaoxiang" Chinese Painting
This line from the location, direction of movement, tension, and other areas to study。 First of all, these two works in a wavy line (also known as snake-like line)。 The location of such lines and not a straight line as fixed direction, it seems to be swinging in the direction of uncertainty and activities, so that people with visual on the dynamic。 Secondly, the two entries in the past, not straight lines as straight uniform, but there are a small rough, So, the author Yunbi used by the intensity and speed is uneven。 Such intensity and speed of different lines on the show in space and time on the campaign, which gives a dynamic; again, we Tantalizing head in the opposite direction of exaggerated movement of lines, from the largest four-legged horse Limits to the extension of the different directions can be seen in the gesture, the author attempting to use the enormous tension lines to performance Tantalizing, Ma rousing, bronze, stone on the animal gives a strong visual sense of movement。 It is through this sense of movement, so that it works shown strong vitality。 From the contour of the performance, space, the brightness of。 Some people used "single-Ping Tu," to summarize the characteristics of Chinese painting, this is incorrect。 Single-Ping Tu is a common human characteristic of the early paintings。 Since the Late Han Dynasty, the characteristics of Chinese paintings will be difficult to use a single, clear-coated。 Contour Wei purpose by painting images of the surrounding line。 It is the face of the painting and its images in which the relationship between space, it is only a background of images from the separated, and can not show the images of the internal structure and light distribution。 Since the Chinese artists to create a unique Cunfa, depiction and rub into law, the internal structure and optical images of the treatment, not with perspective, shading, but to this nation unique form of expression painted out。 From the Five Dynasties period, Dong Yuan "Xiaoxiang map", we can see the development of Chinese painting lines changes:
This painting used to define the contours of the space-location and the overall trend, Duishan the various components of the body, are in long lines Phi Ma Cun points to increase performance。 Phi Ma Cun many points of the lines and orderly, on the one hand sculpts the mountain in a certain light shining under the Cun Wen, on the other hand Chushan performance in various parts of the organic combination, effectively depicts the structure of the mountain。 Cun performance of these lines, points and contour integration, Hill Xiongzi show on the state to the eyes。
This painting does not use the same perspective to draw images of space and distance, is due to the painter flexibility in the use of the Cun lines and points。 Screen the vision of the artist using a shorter, smaller, lighter and Cun-point close-range part, with longer, the Jiaonong Cun; Beiyin part of the mountain, with the short-term and Jiaonong points; Overlap with the various sects of paint, the artists use these methods Chushan performance of the Zongshen Gan。 Some people think that this method does not accurately scientific perspective。 Of course, the perspective of the images painted in very realistic。 However, the Gestalt psychologists pointed out: Perspective is built on the exact perspective and the perspective reduced on the basis of the deformation, it is only two-dimensional space in the performance of three-dimensional illusion, the eyes of "deception。" Therefore, we do not have to use perspective to expect with Cun, the points of overlap and show images from space - the "depth" of Chinese painting。
此画没有用明暗法也画出了物象的光分布。这是因为画家利用皴线有疏有密的排列与部分留自来描绘山体的明部与暗部。显然,这幅画似乎没有固定光源和合乎比例的明暗层次(亮度梯度),但这样的作品并不像有人说的只强调线条韵律不要光,而是采用垂直光分布、正面光(正面留白)来表现光亮,背面、侧面用密集的短皴与点来表现。这种特殊的正面光与明暗分布法,源于道家哲学“万物负阴而抱阳”的观点。董源之后,画家们又把皴与擦融为一体,    进一步表现了物象的明暗层次,色彩的渲染对用皴擦表现光分布也起了辅助作用。这样在表现光的过程中,各种线条一直起着主导作用。董源作品中的线条组合,不仅表现了物象的光分布,而且表现了空气的湿度——南方群山的华滋湿润、苍茫葱郁。这是在西洋画中难以见到的。
 This painting is of no use to draw the shades of images of light distribution。 This is because the artists use Cun lines are infrequent and are of the order to remain part of the mountain of unsolicited depict the dark and the Department of the Ministry。 It is clear that the painting did not seem to be a fixed proportion of light and shades (brightness gradient), but this does not work like some people say that the rhythm of lines that will not only light, but use of the vertical distribution of light, a positive light (positive blank ) To performance Bright, back, side with the short-Cun and point performance。 This special positive light and dark distribution method, derived from Taoist philosophy of "all things which have negative yin-yang" point of view。 Dong Yuan, painters and wipe again Cun integration, further demonstrated the shades images, the color rendering of using performance-Cun wiping distribution also played a supporting role。 This performance in light of the process, the various lines has played a leading role。 Dong Yuan works in the combination of lines, not only the distribution of images of light, but also the humidity of the air - the southern mountains, mayonnaise and humid, lush Cangmang。 This is in Western painting it is difficult to see。
From the "shape of" the lyric lines to the lines。 Before the Tang Dynasty, Chinese painting to reflect the social life, depicting Mingjun, loyal, martyrs, Zhennv such as the main characters。 The capacity to stay true historical figures, the painting is superior to other works, Lu Ji said: "The shape of good at-painting。" Habit of painting lines in service at the main function "of shape," painted an objective that is the real target。







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