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中国画欣赏新译 1

热度 2已有 2787 次阅读2012-1-7 03:50 |个人分类:顾绍骅艺术观点与作品|系统分类:科技教育| 中国画, 诗情画意 分享到微信


Chinese paintings to enjoy the new translation ------- Chinese paintings and calligraphy works, I see the appreciation of Chinese painting
Author shaohua-gu
The aesthetic characteristics of Chinese paintings will be keen understanding of our intuition, when combined with the appreciation imagine, can appreciate the works of cultural backgrounds and Qiyun, charm, cultivate sentiments。 Chinese calligraphy and painting is in a unique and ancient civilization in the environment。 For thousands of years, they have gone through from the originator, Tongzhi, to mature distillation of change, from the practical to the art of the long journey。 No exaggeration to say that the painting is the Chinese nation and the intelligence and creativity of the performance of one of the most concentrated, and in a sense, marks the Chinese civilization in the field of classical culture and the arts the highest standards。
China and the Eastern world views of the universe's natural, social and personnel on the attitude of the United States and the pursuit of the eternal, all in Chinese painting, has been significant, and through them, and access to the millions of Chinese, Oriental and friends around the world Friend's identity。 Zhizhuo, or those of the previous Xiongjian or beautiful Beitie law books, those mysterious or brilliant or elegant paintings pruducts, are our nation's best - painting and calligraphy artists (including the civil Yijiang First name Last name unknown) to aesthetic way With the main object of the soul of the world to record the image of the phrase。 This kind of language sometimes reach a height of philosophy, - "Ruozuo, if the trip, Ruofei, if the dynamic" between the vertical and horizontal strokes, "by Feng, Piaomiao" T situation like in Mexico , Contains a Qingsi, but also the "Road", the performance of the personality of the universe and of life experience。
It can be said, each word, setting a national painting and have the mentality of the era, steeped in the culture of the national spirit。 As art, as the Chinese mentality of the crystallization of painting and calligraphy art, the more Budai a statement。 But not everyone is able to enjoy a higher level of painting and calligraphy art。 It is so rich and long, delicate and Shenmiao! In order to understand and feel the mysterious painted pottery, bronze ornamentation Ning Li, Jingmu the Buddha with the intention of ink from the literati paintings and a high degree of abstraction, the flow of calligraphy, is zoned structure, we need the knowledge and self-cultivation。 Appreciate Chinese paintings and calligraphy, allowing holders to enjoy some kind of subjective approach, which requires emotion and imagination。 Needs a rational, precise knowledge and judgement。 Will combine the two, is the author trying to guide readers of both shows, and on knowledge of the article。
Traditional Chinese painting with a brush, ink, mineral pigments, silk silk, Xuan paper as the tools (raw materials) from the performance of the Fine Brushwork form and freehand brushwork paintings. That figure painting "vivid" and through the characters facial expressions (especially the eyes of the portrait), body language, and environmental performance, to write to-God, prominent figures of the inner world. Landscapes stressed that "poetic" magnificent performance of wild or beautiful mountain-Jun Mei, wonton fog screen - scenes that blend to create the moods: Nature's Beauty and the literati Yiqu (Chinese culture) closer together, "lofty, Ping far, far-reaching "(or a distant third) of the structure of the screen to white when the black approach. Flowers and Birds Painting of statement-while child care, by-Shuhuai; life to praise, praise of nature - Huisa "Xiong Yi." In pen and ink color on stress: 1, abundant technique, intensity, or infiltration solemn, or Kuse fast disease, or center, or the inverse front, side or front, or drag pen, or casual T. 2, multi-level Mexican law changes (5 6 ink color - Coke, thick, heavy, light, the color-plus paper), or plot Mexico, Mexico or broken, or Pomo. 3, with the color categories to give emotional color, such as color, and stress Mexican gas, calmly (ink color to the main bone and exercise Dancai) and Meticulous re-Cai. The pursuit of traditional culture in general (internal) and the line to form the ink Interest (explicit) integration, namely: poetic and "Qiyun," "charm". Modeling is not rigidly adhere to the appearance of Xiaosi (realistic), and images focused on the internal performance of "Qiyun," "charm" and the artist "Xiongyi" wrote the play (to express). In composition, perspective on the treatment is different from Western painting, a multi-angle, multi-perspective (mobile), "Scatter Focus" performance artists to the subjective intent of an ensemble of space. NA me how to appreciate what we do ? I believe that from the following aspects to appreciate: China's history, cultural background, literature and art (poetic) and Chinese ink painting techniques and color of the charm of the areas to taste (appreciate) works of Chinese painting.
1                 中国画史:
1 Chinese Painting History:
Chinese painting art, a long history and magnificent in the world art history form the most prosperous and a special style of painting system (the more the nation will be a world-wide); Cai Yuanpei advocate "aesthetic and religious," art education only to see; Micang origin palace and the bigwigs of the art history, has also have scattered to the public, then introduced abroad has aroused world attention to the praise, compete on this situation, in turn, stimulate China's scholars, China's modern pain The traditional art research inadequate。 Birthplace of the World Cultural research: the West for the Italian peninsula, east of China。 Italy absorption of ancient Egypt and Central Asia civilized standards, inspired in Greece, Rome two times, distributed in Europe, transplanted in the Americas, China has adopted the U。S。 cable 8 Mesopotamia (ancient Greeks said the region as "the U。S。 cable 8 Damian Asia ", which means the land between two rivers, the so-called two rivers, is in Asia this western Iraq in the Tigris and Euphrates rivers。 This area of small, largely equivalent to the current Iraq。) Irrigation with the Indian civilization , Huicheng East special source of the system; along North Korea and China's Taiwan area spread in Okinawa, Japan various domains, painting, not on this trail。 Therefore, Western painting, to Italy for the mother, and Oriental paintings, with China as the ancestor of just。 Chinese painting by the Chinese traditional culture (Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism) the impact, in particular the "Doctrine of the Mean", "and" thinking - impartiality, not left not right, "including but not reveal" the humanistic spirit; Therefore, the hidden culvert, is characterized by Boniface; addition, the tools they use, development, and so on, all the modeling and Western painting, the pursuit of fun, and so not the same。
我国自有绘画以来,经古人专心致志的探求,四、五千年间长期的演变和进步,作手名家,人才辈出,你追我赶,且遍布华夏,各发挥一代之光彩。如顾恺之、陆探微、张僧繇、展子虔等都能以画而称为大家;到了唐代,有李思训、王维等成为南北二大派(风格)的代表。之后,继承传统作家如风云涌起,可谓数不胜数。所以说上下数千年的中国绘画史,于叙事上简便起见,大略可分为古代史,上世史,中世史,近世史,四篇,以寻求其变迁推移之痕迹。而顾恺之《女史箴图》,中国画欣赏新译    1_图1-1  亦尚留存于人间,足以供我们参考。此画曾被记录于《宣和画谱》、《米芾画史》、《陈继儒妮古录》、《朱彝尊曝书亭书画跋》、《石渠宝笈》等诸书。因清代末列强的掠夺而散失,今藏于英国博物馆。无论其为摹本,修缮本,都足以窥见顾氏(顾恺之)及当时画风都是与之相似。虽然在此之间的画风及技巧诸方面,有多次的变化,如:两汉的雄浑朴厚,六朝开始逐渐精细(工笔),隋朝就画得很精致华丽了;然而大体都是先以墨线勾轮廓(以线造型),再赋以彩色,并在此前后都是遵循这一程序(系统)来进行的;这种方法成为亚洲大陆共同的绘画式样。印度阿近他窟,我国敦煌石室,日本法隆寺金堂等之壁画,均系类似手法。
China's own paintings, as the ancients dedicated explore, four, five thousand years of long-term evolution and progress, famous for hand, talented people, Nizhuiwogan, and all over China, all play a generation of glory。 Such as Gu Kaizhi, Lu On, Mr。 Monk Yao, Qian exhibition of paintings, and so can to everyone and called up to the Tang Dynasty, Li Xun, Wang will become the major north-south camp (style) representatives。 After carrying forward the tradition writers such as the situation filled, is endless。 So, from top to bottom several thousand years of history of Chinese painting, in the narrative on the simplicity's sake, can be roughly divided into ancient history, Shangshi history, the history of the World, Modern History, 4, to find traces of their passage changes。 And Gu Kaizhi, "the history of women Zhen map", also was retained in the world, sufficient for our reference。 This painting had been recorded in the "sun and Huapu," "Mi Fu painting history", "Chen Jiru Minnie ancient recorded", "Zhu Yizun exposed Shuting painting Postscript," "Shiqu Baoji" Zhu Shu。 Because of the predatory powers at the end of the Qing Dynasty and lost, this possession in the British Museum。 Whether it was Moben, the repair, are sufficient insight into Gu (Gu Kaizhi) and then with the style are similar。 Although in this style and skills between the various aspects, there are a number of changes, such as: the powerful Puhou the Han Dynasty, began gradually refined the Six Dynasties (Meticulous), the Sui Dynasty painting on a very delicate gorgeous, but generally are first Mexican contour lines to hook (in line modeling), and then given to color, and Before and after this procedure are followed (system) to carry out; such as the Asian continent common method of painting style。 India A near his cave, China's Dunhuang sarcophagus, Japan Horyuji Jintang, such as the murals, are in a similar way。
魏晋以后,我国的书学(书法)大发展,绘画上亦开始受书法运笔之影响。到了唐代就更盛行了,大大地发挥毛笔画线上的抑、扬、顿、挫之特有的趣味,开吴道子“兰叶描”(十八描的一种)等诸新法,一变隋陈细润之习,成正大雄浑之风格。中国画欣赏新译    1_图1-2  兼以唐、宋二代,禅风与诗理学之互相因缘,大大地促进了水墨画的发展,与山水、花鸟画之流行,使玩赏绘画者得到最大益处——“赏心悦目”;这样一来顿时成为当时社会(唐、宋)的新趋势(时尚),从而开辟了我国绘画史上的新纪元。元代的画风,虽是唐、宋二世的过渡之桥梁,然而大体上承唐宋之余波,仍可划入于“中世”。明、清二代,除明初画院中的水墨苍劲派外,其画风都可以概括为以“纤、浓、轻、软”呈现其特色,而存在有向近体转变的姿态。虽然,在这期间实际上是风俗画(传统绘画)之兴起与西洋画风的输入,这两者之间相互作用、相互交融,开一时之新生面,而呈现其变革(并延续至今)。然而这些变革的均系局部中之小波澜。虽然,绘画为艺术之一种,其演进之途程,总是依随当时的政治、思想、教育及特殊之环境而异其趋向。我国四、五千年来,随思潮之起落,战争之频发,政局之更易,则变化多端,其直接或间接地影响于绘画;因此,在绘画形式、绘画内容和绘画风格上各具变化与政治是形影之相随;也就是人们常说的:“艺术当随时代变”。近一百年间特别是近二十年来随艺术流派、艺术形式的纷繁,以创新为目的画作也频频地出现在我们的视野里,真是“百花齐放、百家争鸣”。他们是:1、以传统绘画美为美的代表画家:齐白石、张大千、唐云、中国画欣赏新译    1_图1-3 溥佐、中国画欣赏新译    1_图1-4 于非闇、中国画欣赏新译    1_图1-5 黄胄、中国画欣赏新译    1_图1-6 王雪涛、中国画欣赏新译    1_图1-7 朱屺瞻、田世光、中国画欣赏新译    1_图1-8 张世简、叶浅予、中国画欣赏新译    1_图1-9 姚有多、白雪石、中国画欣赏新译    1_图1-10 傅抱石、中国画欣赏新译    1_图1-11宋文治、任率英、中国画欣赏新译    1_图1-12 陈师曾等。中国画欣赏新译    1_图1-13  2、传统绘画美结合西方绘画美的代表画家:徐悲鸿、中国画欣赏新译    1_图1-14蒋兆和、中国画欣赏新译    1_图1-15 林凤眠等。中国画欣赏新译    1_图1-16
Wei-Jin (dynasty), the book of China (calligraphy) development, also started by painting on the impact of calligraphy Yunbi。 To the Tang Dynasty more prevalent, greatly gross stroke play online suppression, Yang, Dayton, down the special interests, Wu Daozi a "depiction of the Koran" (a depiction 18), all the new law, a change Chen Xi Xi Run of the Sui Dynasty, as the Zhengda powerful style。 And the Tang and Song II, Zen poem jurisprudence of the wind and each other Causes, greatly promoted the development of Chinese ink painting, and Landscape, Flowers and Birds Painting of the epidemic so that the fun of painting to receive the maximum benefit - "pleasing" This has suddenly At that time, become a social (Tang, Song) to the new trend (fashion), thus opening up a new era of the history of painting in China。 Yuan's style, although Tang, Song II, the transition of the bridge, but largely for the aftermath of the Tang and Song Dynasties can be included in the "in the world。" Ming and Qing second-generation, with the exception of the early Ming Ink Painting Studio in Cangjin camp, their style can be summed up as "fiber, dense, light, soft," showed the character, and there was to change the attitude of the past。 Although, in this period is actually folk paintings (traditional painting) and the Rise of Western style of input, interaction between the two, mutual exchanges, opened at the new face, and showed its changes (and renewal date)。 However, these changes are part of the small waves。 Although the painting as a kind of art, the evolution of the carriage, always in accordance with the prevailing political, ideological, special education and the environment vary its trend。 China 4, 5,000 years ago, with thoughts of the ups and downs, the frequency of the war, the more councils, changeable, directly or indirectly impact on the painting; Therefore, in the form of painting, drawing and painting style on the content of the various changes and Xingying of politics is accompanied; is often said: "When the arts change with the times。" Nearly 100 years in particular the last 20 years with the art schools, art forms ever to innovation for the purpose of the paintings also frequently appear in our view, is "letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools contend。" They are: 1, the traditional painting to the United States and the United States on behalf of artists: baishi-qi, daqian-zhang, yun-tang,zuo-pu,feian-yu,zhou-huang,baoshi-fu, xuetao-wan, qishan-zhu, shiguang-tian, shijian-zhang, qianyu-ye , Youduo-yao, xueshi-bai, wenzhi-song, shuaiying-ren, shiceng-chen,and so on。 2, combining traditional painting the United States and the United States and Western painting on behalf of artists: beihong-xu, zhaohe-jiang, fengmian-lin, and so on。
2                  文化背景
2 cultural background
1、    统文化的融合
1, the integration of cultural integration
Most of the ancient literati painting for more than depending on, with the calligraphy used to enrich themselves as the spiritual home, get emotional venting, the spiritual purification. Such as Mi Fu's painting, ink little bit, as for drama, the author is free, of course, not dancing portrayal of the mentality of Guchang. Some artists as painting to life, indifferent to fame and fortune, and life-long search for the arts, equally respected by people. If the Qing Shi Tao, although the monk to monk, but in the creation of painting has devoted a great deal of effort and sweat, his painting on the unique innovation, incurring the ridicule of their fellow around and ridiculed. But he's not around when the wind to promote a painting of the law, that artists would like to take painting to express Zhenqingshigan not Jinjinjijiao 1. 1 painting in the gains and losses, we should focus on the overall situation. Therefore, he's landscape, figure painting patterns Zisi, informal Shengmo. Their "standing in the spirit of Mexico" was the main thrust of future generations widely famous. Through the above analysis, we can give inspiration to the following three points: First, properly lyric sheet intended to ink a profound and extensive efforts of school support for the foundation. Although picturesque, the creative pen and paper to get rid of restrictions, create new moods, all subordinated to the lyrical theme, but it should be clear that the technique is a solid basis for the expression of emotion, skilled cool to control the ink Danqing , Can be effective. Literati painters - all paintings general Jianshan, such as Su Shi and Mi Fu, they are Song of the altar, the painting of Niuer, after learning model is the model. Continue to strengthen its cultivation, Chengche heart is the text of the basic skills to the artist.
According to the ancient Confucian literati often, according to the Road, Yi in Zen, Confucianism, Taoism, Zen theories steeped Poshen, thereby greatly enriched the culture of traditional Chinese literati thinking and enhance the cultural quality of the literati, also on the spirit of sublimation Played a role can not be ignored, so that they reflect the paintings on the multiple connotations, with real artistic value. Second, regardless of the literati painters honour gains and losses, always obsessed with the painting in the matter. This is, of course, and literati paintings unique Jiqing function. In - the extent, the text also reflected the people's fascination with this art and love, life Buchuo. Mr. Li Kuchan in the Predicament of life before liberation, but also often face coercion or inducement of the Japanese invaders, even Shenxianlingyu Huayi still an obsession. He works in Eagle, bearing extraordinary, Muguangjiongjiong, proud to see the sky is not Mr. Li Hui Wanjie a vivid portrayal. Qi Baishi, is unique in the Chinese art world, promoting a new style, but others were objectionable, and the siege, but the elderly are "not Aima Zhang Buda" calm response, described by the group he co-chasing shrimp play, Happy freely. And paintings by the people, we can know the painter's obsession with hearts of the art. Third, the creation of the mind when something very natural to us. Painter is the art of painting the Kingdom of the key, a sophisticated pen and ink work, you can forget all the time being, with rapt attention to his own artistic language records and think they think. This creative process does not need any disguise or artificial, will not do anything to the fame and fortune, the pursuit of natural, pure, this is the ideal creative process: that in order to create a better mood, can become works of fine Jiqing write-in for. On the picturesque, with the mentality of our creative painting creation is of great significance.







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