Hillary Clinton character is Sent hundreds of kilometers After the Trump. 希拉里人品比特朗普差十万公里 好久没来博客里发牢骚了, 主要还是论证一番希拉里克林顿是个恶棍级别的人渣。 咱也不探讨希拉里在邮件门“随意处置国家机密”的事件,也不深挖克林顿风流韵 ...
Americans should be ashamed for Libya war, because peace President Obama not only cheating them, still cheat people all over the world! 美国人应当为利比亚战争感到羞愧,因为和平总统奥巴马不仅仅是欺骗了美国人民,也欺骗了世界所有的人民。 ...
The responsibility for the failure of the United States to fight the epidemic lies not in Trump and his administration, but in the American cultural and technological circles’ lack of knowledge of the plague and the lack of historical understanding of the ability to spread the plague. The disrega ...
The responsibility for the failure of the United States to fight the epidemic lies not in Trump and his administration, but in the American cultural and technological circles’ lack of knowledge of the plague and the lack of historical understanding of the ability to spread the plague. The disrega ...
Westerners have been savage for too long and don't know what civilization is? 西方人野蛮了太久,不太知道文明是何物? 孤立的美国如同当年英国没落一样,自以为是却无能为力的美国,消灭不了他们口中的“中国病毒”。实际上,美国应停止妖魔化中国,抹黑中国。要消灭病 ...