My name is Fan Jianchun and literary name is the owner of Ink Park. I was born in March 1970 in Wuhai City of Inner Mongolia and his ancestral home was Xinzhou of Shanxi. In 1988, I graduated from Wuhai Normal School, majored in art and music. For years, I have visited art exhibition halls and museums in Qinghai, Gansu, Sichuan, Beijing, Shandong, Fujian, Zhejiang, and Anhui listening to artists’ rewarding opinion on the development of Chinese painting, from which I learned a lot. I am specialized in combining the form of Chinese painting and the content of Mongolian steppe cultural. I have been working as an art teacher Lanting Primary School which is on Unity Road Wuda of District, Wuhai City (Chinese calligraphy City ) for 22 years. Now, I’m a member in the Academy of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy , the first-level artist, member of Calligraphy Education Association in Inner Mongolia, member of China Democratic National Construction Association, and Honorary President of Painting and Calligraphy Association of Hong Kong.