置顶 ·分享 Male Portrait Photography
LastingMemory 2012-3-8 15:54
Usually I take photos of female, but I enjoy taking photos of Male as well because I find it different and able to sho ...
个人分类: Male collection|3355 次阅读|11 个评论 热度 11
分享 花痴行旅(DC Trip 2012)
LastingMemory 2012-4-8 00:33
I was deciding if I wanted to take my Canon MKII to the trip or not then decided just grab it and put in the bag with sigma 85 1.4 canon 50 1.4 Thought about the 70-200 2.8II but it is just too big and heavy to carry on a trip for fun. Again, very few cherry blossom but we had some girls came wit ...
个人分类: Travel Photography, DC, Cherry Blossom|2831 次阅读|11 个评论 热度 9

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