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I've finally done something good for myself -Return to school.
After much careful consideration and being rejected for 3 jobs I've decided that it's time to go back to school and complete my teaching degree.
Hopefully in the year to a year-and-a-half I'll have a teaching degree and be ready to move on in my life.
Then I'll be able get a job that pays well and will be able to pay my bills and set up household when I finish and get a job.
I just hope I qualify any other kind of aid that is available through the state. If I can get that help, then I'm moving my life forward and ahead!
On to the future!!This could very well be my final entry for
Today I've wanted to write a book--《不能说的秘密》.
However, the writing muse has escaped me for the most part and my world-reknown novel has remained trapped
within the recesses of my over-active mind.
Still, the desire to write and write well has been an on-going one.
And now I have a cure to my urge...
For those who have read my blog, thanks for listening to my rantings and ravings. hah~~
To: yiyi10 你曾经说:跳错字了,再来一次哈~笑~