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已有 110 次阅读2025-1-23 16:04 |个人分类:性学、性健康、性教育|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信

Pervasive Games for Sexual Health Promotion: Scoping Literature Review

< JMIR Serious Games> Volume 13, e58912, 2025

      【摘要】背景:严肃游戏在促进安全性行为方面发挥着根本性作用。这种媒介在促进健康行为方面具有巨大潜力,可以预防潜在的风险因素,例如性传播感染,并促进坚持性健康治疗,例如抗逆转录病毒疗法。移动设备的普及增强了对此类工具的访问,提高了视频游戏作为变革推动者的有效性。目的:在本次范围审查中,我们旨在 (1) 确定普及游戏在性健康领域的应用程度,(2) 确定用于设计和评估性健康普及游戏的理论,(3) 确定用于评估性健康普及游戏的方法,以及 (4) 探索使用普及游戏促进性健康的报告益处。方法:按照PRISMA-ScR(系统评价的首选报告项目和范围界定评价的荟萃分析扩展)方法,我们在Web of Science、Scopus、IEEE Xplore和ACM数据库中对2000年1月1日至2024年8月4日期间发表的文章进行了全面的文献检索。纳入的文章于2000年至2024年期间以英文发表,涉及设计、实施或评估一款以促进安全性行为为重点的无处不在的视频游戏,其定性和/或定量结果基于基于理论的技术和无处不在的技术。没有可用数据或定量或定性结果的评论文章、会议论文或书籍被排除在外。结果:我们在删除重复项后筛选了612篇文章中的521篇(85.1%)。经过标题和摘要审查后,51篇(9.8%)文章被评估为合格,30篇(5.8%)符合标准的文章被深入研究和评估。结果表明,普及性电子游戏的使用对促进安全性行为有积极影响。理论技术的有效性和使用移动技术作为推动游戏体验的发展因素增强了这种影响。结果表明,这一领域是一个不容忽视的新兴领域。结论:文献表明,普及性电子游戏在促进安全性行为方面是有效的。科学界对研究这一领域的兴趣大幅增长;尽管如此,仍有许多工作要做。在此背景下,我们提倡将设计、实施和实验标准化,作为创造电子游戏体验的重要阶段。这三个基本方面对于基于电子游戏的研究发展至关重要,以确保实验的可重复性。
      【关键词】严肃游戏;推广;无处不在的技术;健康行为;艾滋病毒;性传播感染; STI;范围审查;移动电话

      [Abstract] Background: Serious games play a fundamental role in promoting safe sexual behaviors. This medium has great potential for promoting healthy behaviors that prevent potential risk factors, such as sexually transmitted infections, and promote adherence to sexual health treatments, such as antiretroviral therapy. The ubiquity of mobile devices enhances access to such tools, increasing the effectiveness of video games as agents of change. Objective: In this scoping review, we aimed to (1) identify the extent to which pervasive games have been used in the field of sexual health, (2) determine the theories used in the design and evaluation of pervasive games for sexual health, (3) identify the methods used to evaluate pervasive games for sexual health, and (4) explore the reported benefits of using pervasive games for sexual health. Methods: Following the PRISMA-ScR (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews) methodology, we conducted a comprehensive literature search in the Web of Science, Scopus, IEEE Xplore, and ACM databases for articles published between January 1, 2000, and August 4, 2024. Included articles were published in English between 2000 and 2024 and involved the design, implementation, or evaluation of a ubiquitous video game focused on promoting safe sexual behaviors, with qualitative and/or quantitative results based on theory-based techniques and ubiquitous technologies. Review articles, conference papers, or books without available data or quantitative or qualitative results were excluded. Results: We screened 521 of 612 articles (85.1%) after removing duplicates. After the title and abstract review, 51 (9.8%) articles were assessed for eligibility, and 30 (5.8%) articles meeting the criteria were studied and evaluated in depth. The results suggested that the use of pervasive video games has a positive impact on promoting safe sexual behaviors. This is enhanced by the effectiveness of theory-based techniques and the use of mobile technologies as developmental factors that drive the gaming experience. The results indicated that this domain is a growing field that should not be ignored. Conclusions: The literature showed that pervasive video games have been effective in promoting safe sexual behaviors. Substantial growth has been seen in scientific community interest in researching this domain; nevertheless, there is still much to work on. In this context, we advocate for the standardization of design, implementation, and experimentation as essential phases in creating video game experiences. These 3 fundamental aspects are critical in the development of video game–based studies to ensure the reproducibility of experiments.
      [Key words] serious games; promotion; ubiquitous technologies; healthy behaviors; HIV; sexually transmitted infection; STI; scoping review; mobile phone

      论文原文:Claudio Rubio; Felipe Besoain (2025). Pervasive Games for Sexual Health Promotion: Scoping Literature Review. JMIR Serious Games, Vol 13: e58912, Published on January 15, 2025. 








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