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在线正念课程对研究生幸福感和特质正念的影响:一项随机对照试验 ...

已有 123 次阅读2025-1-13 21:12 |个人分类:心理学、心理健康、心理咨询|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信

Impact of an online mindfulness-based program on wellbeing and trait mindfulness for research postgraduate students: a randomized-controlled trial

——《BMC心理学》第13卷第28号文章, 2025年——
<BMC Psychology> Volume 13, article No. 28, 2025

      【摘要】目的:攻读研究生学位是人生大事,可能会带来压力。本研究旨在探讨一项为期八周的在线正念干预对改善研究生幸福感和减轻不适感的有效性,该干预采用随机候补名单对照设计。方法:共招募了88名在香港或澳门学习的研究生学生(43名被随机分配到直接干预组;67名女性;平均年龄=27.7岁;SD= 4.60)。正念项目以“在疯狂的世界中寻找平静”为主题。采用线性混合模型检验干预对特质正念、同情心、幸福感相关指标(即主观幸福感、适应力、幸福感素养)和不适感相关指标(即情绪和睡眠障碍)的影响,同时控制年龄和性别的影响。干预组也在两个月的随访中接受评估,以评估持续效果。结果:结果显示,与候补名单对照组相比,干预组参与者的复原力(b = 0.88,p = .012)、幸福感素养(b = 2.52,p = .04)、特质正念(b = 5.16,p = .006)有所提高,情绪障碍有所减少(b = -8.24,p = .015),而主观幸福感、睡眠质量和自我同情或对他人的同情没有变化。干预组的积极影响在两个月后持续存在。结论:本研究为在线正念训练在缓解角色扮演学生的情绪障碍并支持他们的复原力和幸福感素养方面提供了证据。

      [Abstract] Objectives: Pursuing a research postgraduate (RPg) degree is a major life event and could be stressful. The current study aims to explore the effectiveness of an online eight-week mindfulness-based intervention on improving wellbeing and alleviating illbeing among a group of RPg students using a randomized waitlist-controlled design. Methods: A total of 88 RPg students, either studying in Hong Kong or Macau, were recruited (43 were randomized into the immediate intervention group; 67 females; mean age = 27.7; SD = 4.60). The “Finding Peace in a Frantic World” was adopted as the mindfulness-based program. Linear mixed models were applied to test the effects of the intervention on trait mindfulness, compassion, wellbeing related measures (i.e., subjective wellbeing, resilience, wellbeing literacy) and illbeing related measures (i.e., emotional and sleeping disturbances), while controlling for the effects of age and gender. The intervention group was also assessed at two-month follow-up to evaluate the sustained effects. Results: The results revealed that participants from the intervention group showed increased resilience (b = 0.88, p = .012), wellbeing literacy (b = 2.52, p = .04), trait mindfulness (b = 5.16, p = .006), and decreased emotional disturbances (b=-8.24, p = .015), while there were no changes in subjective wellbeing, sleeping quality, and self-compassion or compassion towards others compared to the waitlist controls. Positive effects were sustained after two months in the intervention group. Conclusions: This study provides evidence for online mindfulness training in alleviating RPg students’ emotional disturbance and supporting their resilience and wellbeing literacy.
      [Key words] Wellbeing, Resilience, Wellbeing literacy, Stress, Mindfulness

      论文原文:Jia-Qi Xu, Yee-Man Jennifer Tang & Hoi Ying Katherine Chen (2025). Impact of an online mindfulness-based program on wellbeing and trait mindfulness for research postgraduate students: a randomized-controlled trial. BMC Psychology, Volume 13, article number 28, (2025). Published: 10 January 2025.

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