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已有 140 次阅读2024-11-28 14:10 |个人分类:性学、性健康、性教育|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信

Stop leaving people with disability behind: Reviewing comprehensive sexuality education for people with disability

<Health Education Journal> First published online:August 11, 2024


    [Abstract] Background: The pathologisation of people with disability has long affected the educational quality of the sexuality education they receive. Whilst concern for people with disability has been growing in some comprehensive sexuality education settings, the quality of education in these spaces is variable and typically accommodations for people with disability are not made. The lack of accessibility fosters few opportunities to learn about and practise skills related to establishing and maintaining social relationships, including platonic, romantic and sexual relationships, thereby limiting informed decision-making. Moreover, the lack of good quality sexuality education significantly increases the risk of sexual abuse, assault, and family and domestic violence – impacting people with disability’s self-determination, autonomy and ultimately, ability to work, live independently, and maintain their mental and physical health. Objective: Few reviews of comprehensive sexuality education programmes for people with disability have been reported. Therefore, four current comprehensive sexuality education programmes for people with disability were reviewed, including their content and the topics included; the feasibility of implementation including costs; different accessibility considerations for varied learners and disabilities; and methods of delivery. This allowed an assessment of their strengths and opportunities for people with disability. Results: The review highlighted strong positive changes occurring within the field, as well as challenges due to funding limitations, and the extensive number of topics under comprehensive sexuality education that need to be addressed in teaching and delivering quality comprehensive sexuality education to people with disability. Conclusion: Informed by the evidence in this review, we advocate for the inclusion of a more comprehensive range of topics, including gender and sexuality diversity within accessible comprehensive sexuality education for people with disability, and the establishment of appropriate forms of teacher education and training to increase confidence and comfort when delivering comprehensive sexuality education to people with disability.
    [Key words] Accessibility, disability, sexual health, sexuality education, technology

    论文原文:Kim Andreassen, Jordina Quain, and Emily Castell (2024). Stop leaving people with disability behind: Reviewing comprehensive sexuality education for people with disability. Health Education Journal, First published online August 11, 2024.








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