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性健康和幸福以及更年期:EMAS 临床指南

已有 19 次阅读2024-10-24 22:37 |个人分类:性学、性健康、性教育|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信

性健康和幸福以及更年期:EMAS 临床指南

Sexual health and wellbeing and the menopause: An EMAS clinical guide



<Maturitas> Volume 189: 108055, 2024





[Abstract] Introduction: Sexual health and wellbeing are significant aspects of quality of life. However, taking a sexual history is often avoided in medical practice, leaving a void in management and awareness. As the menopause can have a major impact on sexual health, it is imperative that healthcare providers are appropriately trained in sexual health and wellbeing and the aligned disciplines in order to achieve optimal care. Aim: To provide an evidence-based clinical guide for the assessment and management of sexual problems at the menopause and beyond. Materials and methods: Review of the literature and consensus of expert opinion. Results and conclusion: The assessment of sexual problems includes history taking, examination and laboratory investigation (if indicated), and occasionally the use of specific validated questionnaires. Management of sexual problems requires a multidimensional approach using biopsychosocial measures. Medical management and psychosexual counselling include pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions, and sex therapy and psychoeducation. Furthermore, perimenopausal women should be advised about the need for contraception if they wish to avoid pregnancy. Also, sexually transmitted diseases can be acquired at any age. To conclude, taking a sexual history should be incorporated into medical practice and healthcare providers should be appropriately trained to assess and manage sexual problems at the menopause and beyond.

[Key words] Menopause; Women's health; Sexual health and wellbeing; Sexual diversity; Sexual dysfunction; Sexual problems


论文原文:Stavroula A. Paschou, Kleoniki I. Athanasiadou, Trish Hafford-Letchfield, et al (2024). Sexual health and wellbeing and the menopause: An EMAS clinical guide. Maturitas, Volume 189, November 2024, 108055.










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