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已有 53 次阅读2024-10-7 12:15 |个人分类:心理学、心理健康、心理咨询|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信


The Lancet Psychiatry Commission on youth mental health



<Lancet-Psychiatry> Volume 11, Issue 9, 2024






[Summary] Mental ill health, which has been the leading health and social issue impacting the lives and futures of young people for decades, has entered a dangerous phase. Accumulating research evidence indicates that in many countries, the mental health of emerging adults has been declining steadily over the past two decades, with a major surge of mental ill health driven by the COVID-19 pandemic, the measures taken to contain it, and its aftermath. This alarming trend signals a warning that global megatrends (major, long-lasting societal changes such as environmental, social, economic, political, or technological changes) and changes in many societies around the world in the past two decades have harmed the mental health of young people and increased mental ill health among them.

Mental illnesses have a peak age of onset of 15 years, with 63–75% of onsets occurring by age 25 years, which represents the epidemiological inverse of physical illnesses. Unless treated effectively, mental illnesses are a major cause of premature death from physical illness and suicide. Even when these illnesses do not cause death, they are the largest and most rapidly growing cause of disability and lost human potential and productivity across the lifespan. In 2011, the World Economic Forum reported that among the non-communicable diseases, mental illness was the largest source of loss of gross domestic product (GDP) globally. These human impacts and economic losses largely stem from the timing of their onset in life, combined with worldwide neglect of mental illness due to stigma and discrimination within health care and medical research. Mental illness has been described as a scandal and a form of self-harm inflicted by society upon itself.

Encouraging signs suggest that the danger is being sensed and some responses are emerging. The US Surgeon General has labelled the deteriorating situation a youth mental health crisis and is formulating strategies to combat it in the USA. However, the crisis is global and demands forensic analysis of the megatrends and the malleable risk and protective factors that are influencing it, and a global strategy that can catalyse national and local action plans to counter it. The cohesion and prosperity of societies around the world are at risk and not limited to health outcomes alone. The concept of mental wealth has been formulated to capture the enormous potential benefits that could flow from better promotion of mental health and wellbeing, combined with early intervention and high-quality treatment of young people with emerging mental illness that is extended for as long as necessary. With the recognition that the cost of modern health care is becoming unsustainable, logic, rather than emotion, will need to determine how finite resources are allocated. Health care is already rationed in a covert fashion and, worldwide, mental illness is affected most by this rationing. The widespread delivery of low-value health care of many kinds should be reconsidered in relation to the value proposition of saving the lives and productive futures of young people. The rising incidence of mental ill health in young people makes continuing neglect of their needs intolerable.


论文原文:Patrick D McGorry, Cristina Mei, Naeem Dalal, Mario Alvarez-Jimenez, Sarah-Jayne Blakemore, Vivienne Browne, et al. (2024). The Lancet Psychiatry Commission on youth mental health. Lancet - Psychiatry, Volume 11, Issue 9, p731-774. September 2024.










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