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彻底开放辩证行为疗法(RO DBT)的应用和功效:文献的系统综述 ...

已有 268 次阅读2024-8-26 19:36 |个人分类:心理学、心理健康、心理咨询|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信

彻底开放辩证行为疗法(RO DBT)的应用和功效:文献的系统综述

Applications and efficacy of radically open dialectical behavior therapy (RO DBT): A systematic review of the literature



<Journal of Clinical Psychology> First published: 26 July 2024


【摘要】彻底开放辩证行为疗法 (RO DBT) 是一种跨诊断疗法,最初是辩证行为疗法 (DBT) 的一种变体,后来成为一种针对过度或适应不良的过度控制患者的新型治疗方法。尽管RO DBT作为治疗慢性抑郁症、人格障碍和饮食失调症的方法在临床医生中越来越受欢迎,但迄今为止,尚未进行系统综述来总结这种疗法的证据。因此,本研究的目的是系统地回顾文献,以提供关于RO DBT临床应用和疗效的现有证据的最新和全面总结。如果文章是描述使用RO DBT治疗任何心理障碍、状况或症状的原创研究,并以英语发表在同行评审期刊上,则将其纳入。我们搜索了四个电子数据库,筛选、选择、偏倚风险评估和数据提取均由两名独立审阅者进行。本综述共纳入14篇文章,包括两篇定性文章、一篇案例研究、五篇病例系列研究、四篇准实验研究和两篇描述一项随机对照试验的文章。研究结果表明,有新证据表明,RO DBT可用于青少年和成年人,用于治疗以过度自我控制为特征的疾病,如神经性厌食症和自闭症,以及难治性抑郁症。虽然RO DBT有望成为治疗过度控制障碍的良药,但仍需要进一步研究。本综述概述了当前的差距并确定了未来研究的领域。

【关键词】辩证行为疗法、障碍、彻底开放、RO DBT、系统评价、治疗


[Abstract] Radically open dialectical behaviour therapy (RO DBT) is a transdiagnostic treatment, originally developed as a variant of dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT), that emerged as a novel treatment approach for those presenting with excessive or maladaptive overcontrol. Despite RO DBT's growing popularity among clinicians as a treatment for chronic depression, personality disorders and eating disorders, to date, no systematic review has been conducted to summarise the evidence on this therapy. Therefore, the aim of this study was to systematically review the literature to provide a current and comprehensive summary of the available evidence on the clinical applications and efficacy of RO DBT. Articles were included if they were original research studies that described the use of RO DBT in the treatment of any psychological disorder, condition or symptom, published in the English language in a peer-reviewed journal. Four electronic databases were searched, and screening, selection, risk of bias assessment and data extraction were all conducted by two independent reviewers. Fourteen articles were included in this review, including two qualitative articles, one case study, five case series studies, four quasi-experimental studies, and two articles describing one randomized control trial. Findings indicated there is emerging evidence for the use of RO DBT in both adolescents and adults, for disorders characterized by excessive self-control, such as anorexia nervosa and autism, as well as for treatment-resistant depression. While RO DBT shows promise as a treatment for disorders of overcontrol, further research is needed. This review outlines current gaps and identifies areas for future research.

[Key words] dialectical behavior therapy, disorder, radically open, RO DBT, systematic review, treatment


论文原文:Amaani H. Hatoum, Amy L. Burton (2024). pplications and efficacy of radically open dialectical behavior therapy (RO DBT): A systematic review of the literature. Journal of Clinical Psychology, First published: 26 July 2024.










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