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亲密伴侣对青春期女孩的暴力行为:区域和国家患病率估计以及相关的国家层面因素 ... . ...

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Intimate partner violence against adolescent girls: regional and national prevalence estimates and associated country-level factors

 ——原载《柳叶刀 - 儿童与青少年健康》2024729日发布——

<The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health>, Published: July 29, 2024


【摘要】背景:亲密伴侣暴力是一个严重的公共卫生问题,对青春期女孩的短期和长期健康、发展和福祉产生负面影响。世卫组织的全球估计显示,15-19岁的青春期女孩遭受亲密伴侣暴力的比例很高。我们旨在估计161个国家和地区男性伴侣对青春期女孩实施亲密伴侣身体暴力或性暴力的终生和过去一年的发生率和模式,并研究与该年龄段亲密伴侣暴力终生和过去一年发生率相关的国家层面因素,包括童婚的盛行率。方法:这些分析使用了世卫组织发布的2018年全球、区域和国家亲密伴侣暴力估计值以及来自特定主题数据库的经济、社会和政治元数据。我们利用世卫组织全球暴力侵害妇女行为发生率数据库的数据,使用分层贝叶斯建模技术估计了各国15-19岁青春期女孩遭受亲密伴侣身体暴力或性暴力(或两者兼有)的发生率和过去一年的发生率。使用线性回归方法研究了101个国家(一生发生率)和105个国家(过去一年发生率)中与亲密伴侣暴力侵害青春期女孩相关的社会、经济和政治背景因素,这些国家/地区有这些元数据。结果:估计全球15-19岁曾经有过伴侣的青春期女孩遭受亲密伴侣身体暴力或性暴力的发生率为24%95%不确定区间21-28),过去一年发生率为16%14-19)。不同国家和地区的发生率差异很大,一生中发生率从格鲁吉亚的6%3-11)到巴布亚新几内亚的49%(35-64) 不等。总体而言,低收入和中低收入国家和地区的一生中(154个国家)和过去一年中(157个国家)亲密伴侣对青春期女孩的暴力行为发生率高于高收入国家和地区。女子中学入学率较高的国家和继承法性别更平等的国家,亲密伴侣对青春期女孩的暴力行为发生率较低。低收入国家和童婚率高的社会,亲密伴侣对青春期女孩的身体或性暴力行为发生率较高。解释:我们的研究结果强调了亲密伴侣对青春期女孩的暴力行为在全球范围内普遍存在,以及其与国家层面背景因素的关系。它们强调了促进和确保增加和确保性别平等的政策和方案的必要性。各国应努力为所有女童提供中学教育,确保妇女享有平等的财产权,消除歧视性的性别规范,并解决童婚等有害习俗。


    [Summary] Background: Intimate partner violence is a serious public health problem and negatively affects short-term and long-term health, development, and wellbeing of adolescent girls. Global estimates from WHO have shown that adolescent girls aged 15–19 years experience high rates of intimate partner violence. We aimed to estimate the lifetime and past-year prevalence and patterns of physical or sexual intimate partner violence against adolescent girls by male partners across 161 countries and areas, and to examine the country-level factors, including the prevalence of child marriage, associated with the lifetime and past-year prevalence of intimate partner violence in this age group. Methods: These analyses used the 2018 global, regional, and country estimates on intimate partner violence published by WHO and economic, social, and political metadata from subject-specific databases. Drawing on data from the WHO Global Database on Prevalence of Violence Against Women, we used hierarchical Bayesian modelling techniques to estimate lifetime and past-year prevalence of physical or sexual (or both) intimate partner violence against adolescent girls aged 15–19 years by country. Linear regression methods were used to examine contextual social, economic, and political factors associated with intimate partner violence against adolescent girls in the 101 countries (lifetime prevalence) and 105 countries (past-year prevalence) for which these metadata were available. Findings: The estimated global prevalence of physical or sexual intimate partner violence against ever-partnered adolescent girls aged 15–19 years was 24% (95% uncertainty interval 21–28) in their lifetime and 16% (14–19) in the past year. Prevalence varied greatly across countries and regions, with lifetime prevalence ranging from 6% (3–11) in Georgia to 49% (35–64) in Papua New Guinea. Overall, the prevalence of both lifetime (154 countries) and past-year (157 countries) intimate partner violence against adolescent girls was higher in low-income and lower-middle-income countries and regions than in high-income countries and regions. Countries with higher rates of female secondary school enrolment and those with inheritance laws that are more gender-equal had lower prevalence of intimate partner violence against adolescent girls. Lower-income countries and societies with a high prevalence of child marriage had higher prevalence of physical or sexual intimate partner violence against adolescent girls. Interpretation: Our findings highlight the widespread prevalence of intimate partner violence against adolescent girls across the globe and its relationship with country-level contextual factors. They emphasise the need for promoting and ensuring policies and programmes that increase and ensure gender equality. Countries should strive to provide secondary education for all girls, ensure equal property rights for women, eliminate discriminatory gender norms, and address harmful practices such as child marriage.


论文原文:LynnMarie Sardinha, Ilknur Yüksel-Kaptanoğlu, Mathieu Maheu-Giroux, Claudia García-Moreno (2024). Intimate partner violence against adolescent girls: regional and national prevalence estimates and associated country-level factors. Open Access Published: July 29, 2024










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