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已有 244 次阅读2024-5-23 14:06 |个人分类:性学、性健康、性教育|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信



Grief and Sexual Intimacy: Exploring Therapists’ Views of Bereaved Clients



<International Journal of Sexual Health>, Pub online: 20 May 2024





[Abstract] The interaction between sexual intimacy and grief remains unexplored despite its potential to offer valuable insights into how individuals, couples, and society perspectives shape bereaved individuals’ sexual intimacy. Through semi-structured interviews with ten clinical psychologists and psychotherapists specialized in grief therapy, this study explores the impact of grief on sexual intimacy, the challenges faced by bereaved individuals, and the role of sexual intimacy in the grieving process. The study also investigates therapists’ approaches to addressing sexual intimacy within grief therapy sessions. Findings reveal that grief often disrupts sexual intimacy, affecting individuals’ ability to engage emotionally and physically with their partners. Factors such as secondary loss, emotional availability, traumatic experiences, and the nature of the loss contribute to difficulties in resuming sexual intimacy. Nevertheless, the helpful role of sexual intimacy in grief was also highlighted. Therapists note the significance of communication, mutual empathy, and understanding in overcoming these challenges, advocating for therapy to address these issues comprehensively. Moreover, therapist-related, client-related, and shared factors hindering the exploration of sexual intimacy in grief therapy were identified. Strategies for managing these challenges include normalizing discussions around sexual intimacy and death, integrating systemic approaches into therapy, and providing training in sexuality or sexual therapy for grief therapists. Overall, this study underscores the importance of recognizing and addressing the interplay between sexual intimacy and grief to support bereaved individuals effectively. Insights from therapists shed light on potential avenues for enhancing clinical interventions and fostering awareness of the complex dynamics surrounding bereavement and sexuality.

[Key words] Grief, sexual intimacy, couple relationships, bereavement, sexuality


论文原文:Sara Jones, Sara Albuquerque & Patrícia M. Pascoal (2024). Grief and Sexual Intimacy: Exploring Therapists’ Views of Bereaved Clients. International Journal of Sexual Health, Published online: 20 May 2024










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