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COVID-19大流行期间行为成瘾与心理健康问题之间的关联:系统回顾和荟萃分析 ... ...

已有 429 次阅读2024-5-6 18:22 |个人分类:心理学、心理健康、心理咨询|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信


Associations Between Behavioral Addictions and Mental Health Concerns During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis



<Current Addiction Reports>, Vol 11, Published: March 14, 2024


【摘要】评审目的:COVID-19大流行促进了行为改变并加剧了精神困扰。成瘾行为往往会增加,从而产生心理健康问题。本研究的主要目的是调查不同类型的行为成瘾(包括行为成瘾、相关条件和现象)与不同类型的心理健康问题之间的关联。次要目标是:(i)确定异质性的可能来源,以及(ii)探索不同类型的行为成瘾(包括行为成瘾、相关条件和现象)与不同类型的心理健康问题之间关联的潜在调节因素。最近的发现:使用系统评价和荟萃分析的首选报告项目 (PRISMA),从PubMedScopusISI Web of Knowledge Google Scholar的前十页中查找201912月至20235月期间的研究。文章的相关性经过筛选和评估。纳入论文的质量根据纽卡斯尔渥太华量表进行评估。计算FisherZ分数以呈现关联程度,并使用I2指数来估计荟萃分析中的异质性水平。在纳入的85项研究中(N=104,425,来自23个国家;平均年龄=24.22岁;60.77%为女性),大多数是与互联网相关的行为成瘾、相关状况和现象(28项关于社交媒体的研究,25项关于互联网的研究,23项关于智能手机的研究,12项关于游戏的研究)。对这些关联的汇总估计表明,较高水平的行为成瘾、相关状况以及与互联网使用相关的现象(无论何种类型)与更多的心理健康问题(无论何种类型)相关。调节分析表明,几乎没有变量影响所建立的关联的异质性。概括:大多数关于行为成瘾、相关病症和现象的研究都集中在与互联网相关的行为上,研究表明与COVID-19大流行期间特定类型的心理健康问题有关。此外,本系统回顾和荟萃分析中发现的行为成瘾(包括行为成瘾、相关病症和现象)与心理健康问题之间的关联与在COVID-19大流行之前进行的研究中发现的关联相当。如何帮助人们减少与互联网相关的行为成瘾、相关病症和现象,并解决相关的心理健康问题,是医疗保健提供者的重要课题。



[Abstract] Purpose of Review: The COVID-19 pandemic has promoted behavioral changes and elevated mental distress. Addictive behaviors often increased, generating mental health problems. The present study’s primary aim was to investigate associations between different types of behavioral addictions (including behavioral addictions, related conditions, and phenomena) and different types of mental health problems. The secondary aims were: (i) to identify possible sources of heterogeneity and (ii) to explore potential moderators in associations between different types of behavioral addictions (including behavioral addictions, related conditions, and phenomena) and different types of mental health problems. Recent Findings: Using Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA), studies from the period between December 2019 and May 2023 were sought from PubMed, Scopus, ISI Web of Knowledge, and Google Scholar in its first ten pages. The articles’ relevance was screened and evaluated. The included papers’ quality was assessed according to the Newcastle Ottawa Scale. Fisher’s Z scores were computed to present magnitudes of associations and I2 indices were used to estimate levels of heterogeneity in the meta-analysis. Among the 85 included studies (N=104,425 from 23 countries; mean age=24.22 years; 60.77% female), most were internet-related behavioral addictions, related conditions, and phenomena (28 studies on social media, 25 on internet, 23 on smartphone, and 12 on gaming). The pooled estimation of the associations showed that higher levels of behavioral addictions, related conditions, and phenomena related to internet use (regardless of type) were associated with more mental health problems (regardless of which type). Moderator analyses showed that almost no variables affected heterogeneity for the founded associations. Summary: Most studies of behavioral addictions, related conditions, and phenomena focused on internet-related behaviors, with studies suggesting relationships with specific types of mental health problems during the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, associations between behavioral addictions (including behavioral addictions, related conditions, and phenomena) and mental health problems found in the present systematic review and meta-analysis were comparable to the associations identified in studies conducted before the COVID-19 pandemic. How to help people reduce internet-related behavioral addictions, related conditions, and phenomena and address associated mental health concerns are important topics for healthcare providers.

[Key words] Addictive behaviors, Video games, COVID-19, Distress, Internet addiction, Psychosocial health


论文原文:Zainab Alimoradi, Anders Broström, Marc N. Potenza, Chung-Ying Lin & Amir H. Pakpour (2024). Associations Between Behavioral Addictions and Mental Health Concerns During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Current Addiction Reports, Volume 11, Published: March 14, 2024.










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