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Application of the unified theory of behavior to strengthen sexual health discussions between providers and young patients in the United States
<Perspective on Sexual and Reproductive Health >, 2024, 56 (1)
[Abstract] Context: Sexual health discussions between healthcare providers and adolescent and young adult patients are an important strategy for addressing and improving sexual health. However, healthcare providers often do not engage in comprehensive sexual health discussions with young patients during routine clinical visits. Methods: We propose the use of a conceptual model, the Unified Theory of Behavior (UTB), as a tool that can aid healthcare providers in facilitating more comprehensive sexual health conversations with young patients. Results: We present clinical scenarios on how healthcare providers can use the UTB with existing sexual health assessments during routine, clinical visits with their patients. Conclusions: Using the UTB may be one effective tool to aid healthcare providers in initiating sexual health discussions and facilitating more comprehensive sexual health conversations with adolescent and young adult patients during routine clinical visits and sexual and reproductive health-focused visits.
论文原文:Yzette Lanier, Dennis Rivera-Cash, Claudine Lavarin, Alena Goldstein, Luke Cantu, Baomi Phung, Vincent Guilamo-Ramos, Madeline Sutton (2024). Application of the unified theory of behavior to strengthen sexual health discussions between providers and young patients in the United States. Perspective on Sexual and Reproductive Health, Volume 56, Issue 1, Pages 4-15, March 9, 2024.