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Different Components of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Affect Specific Cognitive Mechanisms
<Science Advances>, Vol 10, Issue 13, March 27, 2024
[Abstract] Psychological therapies are among the most effective treatments for common mental health problems—however, we still know relatively little about how exactly they improve symptoms. Here, we demonstrate the power of combining theory with computational methods to parse effects of different components of cognitive-behavioral therapies onto underlying mechanisms. Specifically, we present data from a series of randomized-controlled experiments testing the effects of brief components of behavioral and cognitive therapies on different cognitive processes, using well-validated behavioral measures and associated computational models. A goal setting intervention, based on behavioral activation therapy activities, reliably and selectively reduced sensitivity to effort when deciding how to act to gain reward. By contrast, a cognitive restructuring intervention, based on cognitive therapy materials, reliably and selectively reduced the tendency to attribute negative everyday events to self-related causes. The effects of each intervention were specific to these respective measures. Our approach provides a basis for beginning to understand how different elements of common psychotherapy programs may work.
论文原文:Agnes Norbury, Tobias U. Hauser, Stephen M. Fleming, Raymond J. Dolan, And Quentin J. M. Huys (2024). Different Components of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Affect Specific Cognitive Mechanisms. Science Advances, Vol 10, Issue 13. March 27, 2024.
(注:《科学进展》(Science Advances)是国际著名的科学前沿研究的领先媒体《科学》(Science)旗下的多学科期刊,在任何科学领域发表有影响力的研究论文和评论,包括特定学科领域和广泛的跨学科领域。)