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英国治疗师协助的互联网治疗PTSD的成本效益在创伤焦点上有所不同:基于STOP-PTSD试验 ...

已有 313 次阅读2024-4-8 12:32 |个人分类:心理学、心理健康、心理咨询|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信


Cost-effectiveness of therapist-assisted internet-delivered psychological therapies for PTSD differing in trauma focus in England: an economic evaluation based on the STOP-PTSD trial


——原载《柳叶刀 精神病学》2024327日在线发布——

<The Lancet - Psychiatry>, Published: March 27, 2024


【概要】背景: 尽管有针对创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)的有效心理治疗方法,但许多人仍然无法获得这些治疗方法。数字化治疗是克服这个问题的一种方法。然而,几乎没有证据表明这些疗法的哪种形式对于治疗创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)最具成本效益。我们的目的是评估STOP-PTSD试验的成本效益,该试验评估了两种治疗师辅助、互联网提供的认知行为疗法:PTSD认知疗法 (iCT-PTSD) 和专注于压力管理的项目 (iStress-PTSD) 方法: 在本次健康经济评估中,我们使用STOP-PTSD试验(n=217)的数据(一项单盲、随机对照试验)来比较iCT-PTSDiStress-PTSD在资源利用和健康结果方面的情况。在该试验中,符合DSM-5PTSD标准的参与者(年龄≥18岁)是从英格兰东南部的初级保健治疗服务机构招募的。干预措施在前12周内通过在线方式进行,并在治疗师的支持下进行,并在接下来的3个月内通过3次电话进行干预。参与者在随机分组后的基线、13周、26周和39周完成了有关症状、健康状况、生活质量和资源使用的调查问卷。我们从英国国民医疗服务 (NHS) 和个人社会服务的角度,以完整病例的意向治疗为基础,使用成本效益分析来评估随机化后39周的每个质量调整生命年 (QALY) 的成本。治疗模块和平台设计是在服务用户的广泛参与下开发的:服务用户还就试验方案和方法(包括健康经济措施)提出建议。这是对STOP-PTSD试验的预先计划的分析;该试验已在ISRCTN登记处前瞻性注册 (ISRCTN16806208)


[Summary] Background: Although there are effective psychological treatments for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), they remain inaccessible for many people. Digitally enabled therapy is a way to overcome this problem; however, there is little evidence on which forms of these therapies are most cost effective in PTSD. We aimed to assess the cost-effectiveness of the STOP-PTSD trial, which evaluated two therapist-assisted, internet-delivered cognitive behavioural therapies: cognitive therapy for PTSD (iCT-PTSD) and a programme focusing on stress management (iStress-PTSD). Methods: In this health economic evaluation, we used data from the STOP-PTSD trial (n=217), a single-blind, randomised controlled trial, to compare iCT-PTSD and iStress-PTSD in terms of resource use and health outcomes. In the trial, participants (aged ≥18 years) who met DSM-5 criteria for PTSD were recruited from primary care therapy services in South East England. The interventions were delivered online with therapist support for the first 12 weeks, and three telephone calls over the next 3 months. Participants completed questionnaires on symptoms, wellbeing, quality of life, and resource use at baseline, 13 weeks, 26 weeks, and 39 weeks after randomisation. We used a cost-effectiveness analysis to assess cost per quality-adjusted life year (QALY) at 39 weeks post-randomisation, from the perspective of the English National Health Service (NHS) and personal social services and on the basis of intention-to-treat for complete cases. Treatment modules and the platform design were developed with extensive input from service users: service users also advised on the trial protocol and methods, including the health economic measures. This is a pre-planned analysis of the STOP-PTSD trial; the trial was registered prospectively on the ISRCTN Registry (ISRCTN16806208).


论文原文:Ed Penington, Jennifer Wild, Emma Warnock-Parkes, Nick Grey, Hannah Murray, Alice Kerr, et al. (2024). Cost-effectiveness of therapist-assisted internet-delivered psychological therapies for PTSD differing in trauma focus in England: an economic evaluation based on the STOP-PTSD trial. The Lancet - Psychiatry. Published: March 27, 2024.










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