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基于红外热成像技术对勃起功能障碍患者经络异常的准确诊断和有效治疗:电生理技术研究 ...

已有 327 次阅读2024-3-28 16:47 |个人分类:性学、性健康、性教育|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信


Accurate diagnosis and effective treatment of abnormal meridians in erectile dysfunction patients based on infrared thermography: an electrophysiological technique study



<International Journal of Impotence Research > 36 (2), 2024


【摘要】越来越多的研究表明,对人体经络腧穴进行适当的刺激可以对疾病起到预防和治疗的作用。本研究将红外热像仪与智能电生理诊断系统(iEDS)相结合,准确诊断并应用经皮低频电刺激治疗勃起功能障碍(ED)患者的经络异常。治疗方案包括6次治疗(每次持续30分钟,每周进行两次)。使用国际勃起功能指数5 (IIEF-5)、患者健康问卷9 (PHQ-9)、广泛性焦虑症7 (GAD-7) 和勃起硬度量表来评估治疗结果。 本研究共纳入62例患者,其中治疗组31例,假手术组31例。经过六次治疗后,治疗组的 IIEF-515.52±±2.06 vs. 18.84±±2.67p<±0.001)、PHQ-98.32±±6.33 vs. 4.87±±4.41p<±0.001)、GAD-7显著改善( 5.32±5.08 2.94±3.31p=0.003),以及EHS2.482.003.00)与 2.902.003.00),p=0.007)。经过六次假治疗后,假治疗组的评分没有任何改善。此后,该组又进行了六次常规治疗,IIEF-516.65±1.96 VS.19.16±2.40p<0.001)、PHQ-98.81±6.25 VS.4.97±)有统计学显著改善。(4.36p<0.001),GAD-75.74±5.18 VS.3.68±3.42p<0.001)和EHS2.612.003.00VS.,p=0.003)。没有关于阴茎不适、疼痛、受伤或畸形的不良事件报告。


[Abstract] An increasing body of research has demonstrated that appropriate stimulation of the meridians and acupoints in the human body can play a preventative and therapeutic role in diseases. This study combines the use of infrared thermography with intelligent electrophysiological diagnostic system (iEDS) to accurately diagnose and apply transdermal low-frequency electrical stimulation to treat abnormal meridians in patients with erectile dysfunction (ED). The treatment protocol included 6 treatments (each lasting 30min and performed twice a week). The International Index of Erectile Function-5 (IIEF-5), Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7), and Erection Hardness Scale were used to assess treatment results. A total of 62 patients were included in this study, with 31 patients in the treatment group and 31 patients in the sham therapy group. After six treatments, the treatment group improved significantly in IIEF-5 (15.52±2.06 vs. 18.84±2.67, p<0.001), PHQ-9 (8.32±6.33 vs. 4.87±4.41, p<0.001), GAD-7 (5.32±5.08 vs. 2.94±3.31, p=0.003), and EHS (2.48 (2.00, 3.00) vs. 2.90 (2.00, 3.00), p=0.007). After six sham treatment sessions, no improvements in any of the scores were reported in the sham therapy group. Following that, this group had an additional six treatments of regular therapy, which resulted in statistically significant improvements in IIEF-5 (16.65±1.96 VS. 19.16±2.40, p<0.001), PHQ-9 (8.81±6.25 VS. 4.97±4.36, p<0.001), GAD-7 (5.74±5.18 VS. 3.68±3.42, p<0.001), and EHS (2.61 (2.00, 3.00) VS. 3.03 (2.00, 4.00), p=0.003). No adverse events were reported regarding penile discomfort, pain, injury, or deformity.


论文原文:Zihao Wang, Kaifeng Liu, Shengmin Zhang, Yongzhan Gong & Pengjie Lu (2024). Accurate diagnosis and effective treatment of abnormal meridians in erectile dysfunction patients based on infrared thermography: an electrophysiological technique study. International Journal of Impotence Research, 36 (2), Published: March 20, 2024









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