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探索中国性谦虚文化与性教育之间的相互作用:平衡传统价值观与现代需求 ...

已有 556 次阅读2024-3-14 20:45 |个人分类:性学、性健康、性教育|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信


Exploring The Interaction Between The Culture of Sexual Modesty and Sex Education in China: Balancing Traditional Values With Modern Needs


<Journal of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences>,Volume 26, 2024





[Abstract] The purpose of this paper is to explore the influence of sexual modesty on sex education in China and to deeply study the shaping of sexual modesty on the content, method, and effect of sex education by analyzing the interaction between cultural tradition, social attitude, parental education, and educational practice. It is found that the concept of sexual modesty in Chinese society has influenced the content selection, teaching methods, and educational effect evaluation of sex education to some extent. Through theoretical analysis, literature review, and empirical research, this paper aims to provide in-depth insight and suggestions for developing sex education in China. The conservative underpinnings of Chinese culture have historically engendered a hesitancy to address sexual topics openly. Nonetheless, the evolving society necessitates a more comprehensive understanding of human sexuality. Balancing these two paradigms, the content of sex education can be expanded beyond traditional bounds, accommodating both enduring values and contemporary needs. Novel pedagogical methods, fostering interactive and participatory learning, could effectively transcend the restraint imposed by sexual modesty, enabling students to engage in informed discussions and develop healthy perspectives. Furthermore, evaluating the efficacy of sex education mandates a nuanced approach that amalgamates deeply ingrained beliefs with modern ideals. By harnessing theoretical analyses, comprehensive literature reviews, and empirical investigations, this study strives to furnish invaluable insights and pragmatic recommendations that can reshape the trajectory of sex education in China. This inclusive approach, informed by cultural wisdom and tailored to modern contexts, promises to cultivate well-rounded individuals capable of navigating their sexual journeys with knowledge and confidence.

[Key words] Sexual modesty, Chinese sex education, Cultural tradition, Social attitude, School education, Parenting, Educational practice.


论文原文:Xiaoduo Wang (2024). Exploring The Interaction Between The Culture of Sexual Modesty and Sex Education in China: Balancing Traditional Values With Modern Needs. Journal of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, Volume 26, Page 498-564. 2024.










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