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热度 1已有 443 次阅读2024-2-15 15:08 |个人分类:性学、性健康、性教育|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信


Parental Involvement in Programs to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse: A Systematic Review of Four Decades of Research



<Trauma, Violence, & Abuse>, Volume 25, Issue 1, 2024


【摘要】本系统综述首次综合了家长参与儿童性侵害 (CSA) 预防计划的知识。在系统评价和荟萃分析的首选报告项目(PRISMA)标准的指导下,24项干预评估符合旨在改变父母预防CSA的知识、态度、行为、行为意图、自我效能、反应效能或能力的纳入标准。纳入的论文是通过电子数据库搜索(PsycINFOWeb of ScienceScopusGoogle ScholarCochrane图书馆、世界卫生组织国际临床试验注册平台、google.com.auopen.grey.euGlobal ETDOpen Access Theses & DissertationsEThOS Trove)以及与研究人员的直接沟通。干预后的改善最常见的是父母的行为意图和反应效能,紧随其后的是父母的行为,然后是能力、自我效能、知识,最后是父母的态度。在涉及这些问题的研究中,88%100%的研究出现了行为、意图和反应效能的改善,67%75%的研究出现了自我效能和能力的改善,只有50%56%的研究出现了知识和态度的改善。许多纳入的评估研究都存在方法和报告缺陷,例如参与者流失率高、缺乏对照组、缺乏统计测试、错过测试时间点以及缺乏(或短)随访。未来以家长为中心的CSA预防评估必须通过采用合理的方法和全面的报告进行严格的实证研究来解决这些问题。此外,研究设计应考虑衡量评估父母变量增加对现实世界的影响,包括他们防止儿童性受害的能力。



[Abstract] This systematic review is the first to synthesize knowledge of parental involvement in child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention programs. Guided by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) criteria, 24 intervention evaluations met the inclusion criteria of aiming to change parental knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, behavioral intentions, self-efficacy, response-efficacy, or capabilities for prevention of CSA. Included papers were identified via a combination of electronic database searches (PsycINFO, Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar, Cochrane Library, World Health Organization’s International Clinical Trials Registry Platform, google.com.au, open.grey.eu, Global ETD, Open Access Theses & Dissertations, EThOS, and Trove) and direct communication with researchers. Improvement post intervention was found most commonly for parental behavioral intentions and response-efficacy, closely followed by parental behaviors, then capabilities, self-efficacy, knowledge, and lastly, parental attitudes. Improvements in behaviors, intentions, and response-efficacy occurred in 88 to 100% of the studies in which they were addressed, improvements in self-efficacy and capabilities occurred in 67 to 75%, and improvements in knowledge and attitudes occurred in only 50 to 56%. Many of the included evaluation studies suffered from methodological and reporting flaws, such as high participant attrition, lack of control group, lack of statistical tests, missed testing time points, and a lack of (or short) follow-up. Future parent-focused CSA prevention evaluations must address these concerns by conducting rigorous empirical research with sound methodologies and comprehensive reporting. Furthermore, study designs should consider measuring the real-world impact of increases in assessed parent variables, including their ability to prevent sexual victimization of children.

[Key words] sexual abuse, child abuse, prevention of child abuse, family issues and mediators, treatment/intervention


论文原文:Julia I. Rudolph, Sheila R. van Berkel, Melanie J. Zimmer-Gembeck, Kerryann Walsh, Drew Straker, and Tia Campbell (2024). Parental Involvement in Programs to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse: A Systematic Review of Four Decades of Research. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse. Volume 25, Issue 1, Page 560-576.











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