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青少年婚姻侵犯性健康和生殖健康权利:全国家庭健康调查的趋势、空间变异和协变量分析 ...

已有 498 次阅读2024-2-1 14:12 |个人分类:性学、性健康、性教育|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信


Adolescent marriage a violation of sexual and reproductive health rights: Trend, spatial variation and covariate analysis from national family health survey



<Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health>, 25, 101493, January 2024


【摘要】引言:十到十九岁的青春期对于男孩和女孩来说都是一个非常敏感的时期,特别是青春期女孩因早婚及其意外怀孕、不安全堕胎、性传播疾病高风险等后果而遭受更多痛苦。目的:本研究试图分析印度少女婚姻实践的趋势和空间变化。此外,这项研究还试图确定导致少女婚姻的主要社会经济因素。方法:本研究利用了多轮全国家庭健康调查 (NFHS) 数据。借助第345 NFHS 数据进行趋势分析。双变量分布和逻辑回归用于确定青春期女孩婚姻的决定因素。结果:趋势分析结果揭示了印度少女过早结婚的趋势呈下降趋势。不过,数据显示,女孩的早婚实践率仍然很高。这种做法在特里普拉邦(31%)较多,其次是西孟加拉邦(28%)。居住地、财富状况、教育状况和大众媒体曝光度是早婚的主要决定因素。结论:东部和东北部州的大多数州青少年结婚率很高 因此,迫切需要关注这些地区并解决社会经济差距。此外,需要对针对女孩的方案进行有效干预,例如 Beti Bachao Beti PadhaoBalika Samridhi yojana(注:印地语)等,致力于增强青春期女孩的权能和福祉。



[Abstract] Introduction: Ten-to-Nineteen-year adolescent period is a very sensitive time for both boys and girls. Especially adolescent girls suffer more due to early marriage and its consequences of unintended pregnancy, unsafe abortion, high risk for sexually transmitted disease etc. Objective: This study tried to analyse trend and spatial variation of adolescent girls' marriage practice in India. Further, this study is also tried to identify major socio-economic factors responsible for adolescent girl's marriage. Methods: Present study utilized different rounds of National Family Health Survey (NFHS) data. Trend analysis carried out with the help of 3rd, 4th and 5th round of NFHS data. Bivariate distribution and logistic regression are used for identifying determining factors for adolescent girls’ marriage. Results: Trend analysis result reveals the declining trend of early adolescent girls' marriage in India. However, the data reveals early girl's marriage practice is still very high. This practice is more in the states of Tripura (31%) followed by West Bengal (28%). Place of residence, wealth status, education status and mass media exposure are the main determining factors in early marriage. Conclusion: Most of the states in Eastern and North-Eastern states are having high prevalence of adolescent marriage. Thus, there is an urgent need to focus on these states along with addressing socio-economic disparities. Further, there is a need of effective interventions of girl specific programmes like Beti Bachao Beti Padhao, Balika Samridhi yojana etc. working for empowerment and wellbeing of adolescent girls.

[Key words] Adolescent marriage; Adolescent sexual reproductive health rights; Unwanted pregnancy; Unsafe abortion


论文原文:Gita Naik, Jagannath Behera, Dinabandhu Patra and Sameer Kumar Jena (2024). Adolescent marriage a violation of sexual and reproductive health rights: Trend, spatial variation and covariate analysis from national family health survey. Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health, Volume 25, 101493, January 2024.










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