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日常生活中的暴露追踪:基于暴露的焦虑障碍心理治疗后生态评估的社会和身体活动的改善 ...

已有 647 次阅读2024-1-29 18:16 |个人分类:心理学、心理健康、心理咨询|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信


Exposure traced in daily life: improvements in ecologically assessed social and physical activity following exposure-based psychotherapy for anxiety disorders



<Journal of Anxiety Disorders>Volume 101: 102792, 2024





[Abstract] Background: Although exposure-based cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxiety disorders has frequently been proven effective, only few studies examined whether it improves everyday behavioral outcomes such as social and physical activity. Methods: 126 participants (85 patients with panic disorder, agoraphobia, social anxiety disorder, or specific phobias, and 41 controls without mental disorders) completed smartphone-based ambulatory ratings (activities, social interactions, mood, physical symptoms) and motion sensor-based indices of physical activity (steps, time spent moving, metabolic activity) at baseline, during, and after exposure-based treatment. Results: Prior to treatment, patients showed reduced mood and physical activity relative to healthy controls. Over the course of therapy, mood ratings, interactions with strangers and indices of physical activity improved, while reported physical symptoms decreased. Overall results did not differ between patients with primary panic disorder/agoraphobia and social anxiety disorder. Higher depression scores at baseline were associated with larger changes in reported symptoms and mood ratings, but smaller changes in physical activity. Conclusions: Exposure-based treatment initiates increased physical activity, more frequent interaction with strangers, and improvements in everyday mood. The current approach provides objective and fine-graded process and outcome measures that may help to further improve treatments and possibly reduce relapse.

[Key words] Exposure therapy; Anxiety disorders; Ecological momentary assessment; Effectiveness of psychotherapy; Physical activity; Motor activity


论文原文:Ingmar Heinig, Martin Wei, Alfons O. Hamm, Grit Hein, Maike Hollandt, Jürgen Hoyer, Philipp Kanske, Jan Richter, Hans-Ulrich Wittchen, Andre Pittig (2024). Exposure traced in daily life: improvements in ecologically assessed social and physical activity following exposure-based psychotherapy for anxiety disorders. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. Volume 101: 102792 January 2024.










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