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Genetic variants underlying human bisexual behavior are reproductively advantageous
——原载《科学 • 进步》第10卷第1期,2024年1月——
<SCIENCE • ADVANCES>, 10 (1), 2024
[Abstract] Because human same-sex sexual behavior (SSB) is heritable and leads to fewer offspring, how SSB-associated alleles have persisted and whether they will remain in human populations are of interest. Using the UK Biobank, we address these questions separately for bisexual behavior (BSB) and exclusive SSB (eSSB) after confirming their genetic distinction. We discover that male BSB is genetically positively correlated with the number of offspring. This unexpected phenomenon is attributable to the horizontal pleiotropy of male risk-taking behavior–associated alleles because male risk-taking behavior is genetically positively correlated with both BSB and the number of offspring and because genetically controlling male risk-taking behavior abolishes the genetic correlation between male BSB and the number of offspring. By contrast, eSSB is genetically negatively correlated with the number of offspring. Our results suggest that male BSB–associated alleles are likely reproductively advantageous, which may explain their past persistence and predict their future maintenance, and that eSSB-associated alleles are likely being selected against at present.
论文原文:Siliang Song and Jianzhi Zhang (2024). Genetic variants underlying human bisexual behavior are reproductively advantageous. SCIENCE • ADVANCES. Vol 10, Issue 1, Jan 3, 2024